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SHOCKING: Biden’s Facebook Video Sparks Investigation into Meta’s Content Policy – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

New Insights on Meta’s Policies on Manipulated Media

New Insights on Meta’s Policies on Manipulated Media


In recent years, the rise of manipulated media and “deepfakes” has raised concerns about the spread of misinformation and its potential impact on elections and public figures. Meta, formerly known as Facebook, has been under scrutiny for its policies on manipulated content, especially after its moderators refused to remove a video falsely describing US President Joe Biden as a pedophile. Now, the Silicon Valley Corporate Oversight Committee, an independent body composed of journalists, academics, and politicians, is launching a review of Meta’s guidelines on altered videos and images to assess their effectiveness in the face of current and future challenges.

The Impact of Manipulated Media

Manipulated media, whether created by humans or artificial intelligence, has the potential to significantly influence public opinion and shape the outcome of elections. The committee’s investigation into Meta’s policies is not solely focused on the Biden case but also aims to address the broader issue of how media manipulation can impact elections worldwide. With AI-altered content, often referred to as deepfakes, becoming increasingly sophisticated and widely used, there are serious concerns about the potential effects of realistic but false content on political scenarios. These concerns are particularly relevant as the United States approaches its next presidential election.

Challenges and Best Practices

As the oversight body delves into this investigation, it aims to explore the challenges involved in detecting and authenticating manipulated media on a large scale. Authenticating video content is crucial, but it also poses numerous technical and ethical challenges. The committee aims to identify best practices that Meta and other platforms should adopt to ensure the integrity of video content and protect public figures from misleading impressions. By addressing these challenges and establishing clear guidelines, the committee hopes to contribute to the development of effective policies that can mitigate the impact of manipulated media.

Unique Insights and Perspectives

While Meta’s policies on manipulated media have garnered attention due to high-profile cases like the Biden video, there are several lesser-known aspects to consider. Let’s delve deeper into this topic and explore some unique insights and perspectives:

1. The Balancing Act of Freedom of Speech

One of the key questions raised in this investigation is the balance between freedom of speech and the responsibility of platforms like Meta to address manipulated content. The oversight board acknowledges the importance of freedom of speech in democratic governance but also emphasizes the need to prevent the dissemination of misleading and harmful information. Finding the right balance between these two fundamental principles is a complex task that requires careful consideration and ongoing evaluation.

2. The Prevalence of AI-Altered Content

While it is important to address the immediate concerns surrounding human-edited manipulated content, it is equally crucial to recognize the increasing prevalence of AI-altered content, or deepfakes. Deepfakes utilize artificial intelligence algorithms to create highly realistic but fabricated videos that can convincingly depict real people saying or doing things they never did. As deepfake technology continues to advance, it poses a significant threat to the integrity of video content and public trust.

3. Socio-Political Implications of Manipulated Media

Manipulated media goes beyond the realm of individual reputation or election outcomes; it has broader socio-political implications. The committee’s investigation into Meta’s policies reflects a growing recognition of the potential consequences of manipulated media for democratic processes worldwide. If people are exposed to convincing but false information about political figures, it can lead to misinformed voting decisions and undermine the public’s trust in the democratic system as a whole.

The Committee’s Role and Recommendations

Review Process and Non-Binding Recommendations

As the Silicon Valley Corporate Oversight Committee conducts its review of Meta’s policies, it aims to gather insights from various stakeholders, including the public. Once the review is complete, the committee has the authority to issue non-binding policy recommendations to Meta. These recommendations serve as guidance for the platform to refine and improve its policies on manipulated media. Meta is required to respond to these recommendations within two months, encouraging an ongoing dialogue between the oversight body and the platform.

Ensuring Transparency and Accountability

One of the key goals of the oversight board is to promote transparency and accountability in Meta’s content moderation practices. By conducting independent investigations and publicly sharing their findings, the committee aims to hold Meta accountable for its decisions regarding manipulated media. This transparency not only enhances public trust but also encourages continuous improvement and adaptation of policies to address emerging challenges in the rapidly evolving landscape of online content.


Meta’s policies on manipulated media, particularly in the context of the Biden video, have come under scrutiny. The Silicon Valley Corporate Oversight Committee has initiated a review to assess the effectiveness of Meta’s guidelines on altered videos and images, considering their ability to withstand current and future challenges. The investigation aims to explore the impact of manipulated media on elections worldwide and identify best practices for authenticating video content at scale. By addressing complex questions of freedom of speech, AI-altered content, and the broader implications of manipulated media, the committee seeks to contribute to the development of policies that uphold democratic values while safeguarding against the spread of misinformation.


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Meta is facing a review of its policies on manipulated content and “deepfakes” created by artificial intelligence, after the company’s moderators refused to remove a Facebook video that falsely described US President Joe Biden as a pedophile .

THE Silicon Valley Corporate Oversight Committeean independent Supreme Court-style body established in 2020 and made up of 20 journalists, academics and politicians said Tuesday it was opening a case to examine whether the social media giant’s guidelines on altered videos and images could “withstand current challenges and future”. ”.

The investigation, the first of its kind into Meta’s “manipulated media” policies, was triggered by an edited version of a video during the 2022 midterm elections in the United States. In the original clip, Biden places an “I Voted” sticker on his adult niece’s chest and kisses her cheek.

In a Facebook post from May this year, an edited seven-second version of the clip replays the footage to replay the moment Biden’s hand makes contact with his chest. The accompanying caption calls Biden “a sick pedophile” and those who voted for him “mentally sick.” The clip is still on the Facebook site.

Although Biden’s video was edited without the use of artificial intelligence, the board argues that its review and rulings will also set a precedent for AI-generated and human-edited content.

“It touches on the much broader question of how media manipulation could impact elections in every corner of the world,” said Thomas Hughes, director of administration at the Oversight Board.

“Freedom of speech is vitally important, it is the cornerstone of democratic governance,” Hughes said. “But there are complex questions about what Meta’s human rights responsibilities should be regarding video content that has been altered to create a misleading impression of a public figure.”

He added: “It is important to examine what challenges and best practices Meta should adopt when it comes to authenticating video content at scale.”

The committee’s investigation comes across as AI-altered content, often described as deepfake, is becoming increasingly sophisticated and widely used. There are fears that false but realistic content from politicians, in particular, could influence voting in upcoming elections. The United States will go to the polls in just over a year.

The Biden case emerged when a user reported the video to Meta, which did not remove the post and upheld its decision to leave it online following an appeals process by Facebook. As of early September, the video had fewer than 30 views and had not been shared.

The unidentified user then appealed the decision to the supervisory body. Meta confirmed that the decision to leave the content on the platform was correct.

The Biden case adds to the board’s growing number of investigations into content moderation around elections and other civic events.

The board this year reversed Meta’s decision to leave a video on Facebook showing a Brazilian general, who the axis he did not name any names, as he could incite street violence following the elections. Previous assessments had focused on the decision to block former US President Donald Trump from Facebook, as well as on a video in which the Cambodian appeared Prime Minister Hun Sen threatens his political opponents with violence.

Once the review is complete, the board can issue non-binding policy recommendations to Meta, which must respond within two months. The council invited submissions from the public, which can be provided anonymously.

In a post on Tuesday, Meta reiterated that the video was “simply edited to remove some parts” and is therefore not a deepfake captured by its manipulated media policies.

“We will enforce the board’s decision once it has finished deliberating, and we will update this post accordingly,” it said, adding that the video also does not violate its policies on hate speech or bullying.

Additional reporting by Hannah Murphy in San Francisco
