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Shocking data breach exposes secrets of 23andMe users, specifically targeting Ashkenazi Jews!

23andMe Data Breach: What You Need to Know

23andMe Data Breach: What You Need to Know


Welcome to our article on the recent data breach at 23andMe, the popular genetic testing company. In this article, we will delve into the details of the breach, understand the implications for users, and provide some insights on how to protect yourself from similar incidents. So grab a cup of coffee and let’s get started!

Understanding the Breach

On Friday, 23andMe confirmed that a subset of its users’ data had been compromised. However, the company clarified that its systems were not breached, and the attackers gained access by guessing the login credentials of a group of users. They then extracted information from more people through a feature called DNA Relatives, which allows users to share their genetic information with others.

The Scope of the Breach

The initial data sample posted by the hackers on the BreachForums platform contained 1 million data points exclusively about Ashkenazi Jews. Additionally, there are indications that hundreds of thousands of users of Chinese descent have also been affected by the leak. This suggests that the breach has far-reaching consequences for a diverse range of individuals.

The Sale of Stolen Data

Disturbingly, the actors behind the breach have started selling profiles from the 23andMe data. These profiles include information such as display names, gender, year of birth, and details about genetic ancestry. Customers’ genetic data itself, however, does not appear to be part of the leaked information.

Implications and Concerns

With the breach compromising sensitive user information, there are several concerns that users and the general public should be aware of. Let’s dive into some of these concerns:

Identity Theft

While the leaked data does not include raw genetic information, it does contain personal details that can be used for identity theft. Names, gender, and year of birth are all valuable pieces of information for cybercriminals looking to commit fraud.

Geographic Ancestry Information

Given that the leaked data includes details about genetic ancestry, it is worrisome that this information could be potentially misused. Hackers could use these details to target individuals or groups based on their ancestral background.

Privacy and Consent

One of the key concerns arising from this breach is the question of user privacy and consent. Although users may have chosen to share their information through DNA Relatives, the unauthorized access and extraction of this data raises questions about the security measures in place and the inherent risks involved in genetic testing.

Protecting Yourself from Data Breaches

While 23andMe has encouraged users to use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication, there are additional steps you can take to protect yourself from data breaches:

Use a Password Manager

A password manager can help you generate and store strong, unique passwords for all your online accounts. This reduces the risk of your credentials being easily guessed or compromised.

Regularly Update Passwords

It’s vital to update your passwords regularly, ideally every few months. This practice ensures that even if your login credentials have been compromised in a previous breach, they won’t be valid for long.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your accounts. By requiring a second form of verification, such as a code sent to your phone, it becomes significantly harder for attackers to gain unauthorized access.

The Road Ahead for 23andMe

As 23andMe continues its investigation into the breach, it is crucial to address the gaps that allowed this incident to occur. The company needs to take concrete steps to regain the trust of its users and implement stronger security measures to mitigate such breaches in the future.

Data Validation and Transparency

One key aspect is the validation of the leaked data. While preliminary results suggest that some user accounts were indeed exposed, 23andMe must thoroughly verify the authenticity of the leaked information and communicate the outcomes to its users. Transparency throughout the process is essential for building trust and ensuring user confidence.

User Awareness and Education

Another crucial aspect is educating users about the risks and potential consequences of genetic testing. By promoting awareness about privacy and security measures, 23andMe can empower users to make informed decisions about sharing their genetic information.


In conclusion, the recent data breach at 23andMe has raised significant concerns about user privacy, consent, and the security of genetic testing platforms. While the breach itself is alarming, it also serves as a reminder of the importance of strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and regular updates to mitigate the risks associated with data breaches.

As the investigation into the breach progresses, it is crucial for 23andMe to validate the leaked data, communicate transparently with its users, and take the necessary steps to enhance security in the future. By doing so, the company can rebuild trust and continue to provide valuable genetic insights while ensuring user privacy and protection.


23andMe, a popular genetic testing company, recently experienced a data breach that compromised the data of a subset of its users. Hackers gained access to user accounts by guessing login credentials and extracted information from the DNA Relatives feature. The breached data includes personal details like names, gender, and year of birth, but does not appear to contain raw genetic data. As the investigation into the breach continues, it is crucial for 23andMe to validate the leaked data and take steps to enhance security measures in the future. Users can protect themselves from similar incidents by using strong, unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and staying informed about the risks associated with genetic testing.


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genetic testing The company 23andMe confirmed on Friday that the data of a subset of its users has been compromised. The company said its systems were not breached and that the attackers collected the data by guessing the login credentials of a group of users and then extracting information from more people from a feature known as DNA Relatives. Users choose to share their information through DNA Relatives for others to see.

Hackers posted an initial data sample on the BreachForums platform earlier this week, claiming it contained 1 million data points exclusively about Ashkenazi Jews. There also appear to be hundreds of thousands of users of Chinese descent affected by the leak. On Wednesday, the actor began selling what he says are 23andMe profiles for between $1 and $10 per account, depending on the scale of the purchase. The data includes things like a display name, gender, year of birth, and some details about genetic ancestry results, such as whether someone is, for example, of “broadly European” or “broadly Arab” ancestry. It may also include more specific geographic ancestry information. The information does not appear to include real, raw genetic data.

The company emphasized in a statement that it sees no evidence that its systems have been compromised. It also encouraged users to use strong, unique passwords and to enable Two-factor authentication to prevent attackers from compromising your individual accounts using login credentials exposed in other data breaches.

“We were informed that certain 23andMe customer profile information was collected through access to individual accounts,” the company said in a statement. “We believe the threat actor may have accessed accounts without authorization, in violation of our terms of service, and obtained information from those accounts.”

The company has not made clear whether it has validated the data that the threat actor leaked, noting that its investigation is ongoing and that it currently has “preliminary results.” A company spokesperson told WIRED that the leaked information is consistent with a situation in which some user accounts were exposed and then leveraged to extract data visible on DNA Relatives. But when asked about the details of whether the data has been validated, the spokesperson said that data verification is pending and the company cannot currently confirm whether the leaked information is real.

This point is important both for all those whose information may have been compromised and because the data published by the actor claims to include “celebrities.” Entries from technologists Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk and Sergey Brin are visible in the sample data, including “Profile ID”, “Account ID”, name, gender, year of birth, current location, and fields known as “ydna ” and ” ndna”. It is unclear whether the data in these entries is legitimate or was inserted. For example, Musk and Brin appear to have the same profile and account ID in the leak.
