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Shocking Data on Mental Health Issues in White Liberal Women | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report

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Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report shares the results from a new study that shows that over 50% of liberal women who are white …


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27 thoughts on “Shocking Data on Mental Health Issues in White Liberal Women | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report”

  1. "Double white women who are liberal are suffering from a mental condition that conservatives are not." So how did you draw this conclusion? The Pew data is not drawing this conclusion- you are. You and I both could draw a million and 1 conclusions about what this data suggests, but it doesn't mean the causation either of us comes up with is the truth. I could say that it's a likely statistic that women overall are more likely to seek health care than men are, but that does not mean that women have more health issues than men. It means they seek health care more often, hence a higher rate of diagnosis. Same could be applicable to the difference between liberal and conservative women. Perhaps it's that liberal women are more likely to seek health care, or maybe they live in a place with better access to health care, or they live in a culture that has a different way of dealing with issues- such as seeking help.
    Or maybe arguments like this don't matter since you're not here to inform- you're here to say whatever you want to suit your own narrative. Just like you claim the other side does. So I can see you pulled this causal fallacy out of your crack in order to demonize your opponents and cover up your own hypocrisy by pointing out theirs. I know you're smarter than this. How about try arguing your points on your own two feet without having to prop yourself up with kindling.

  2. I would bet my life savings the truth behind the teacher that wont teach spanish because shes white, just doesnt want to teach that class anymore and decided to make a virtue signal instead of an official transfer out of teaching it.

  3. Completely true. These are the types of women who call the cops on our black & brown kids for selling bottles of water. They are the white women who pretend to be the friend of black people & will put a BLM sign in their cafe window from the building they evicted a black family out of that’s been living there for generations. Liberal white women are psychos.

  4. This video proves conservative millennials are becoming the same pseudointellectuals we have on the liberal left. This is really unscientific. Liberals are insane but so are conservatives under 40 (not 30). The reason you're going to get more liberals with mental issues is that conservatives are 1) more likely to doubt psychology and 2) less likely to seek help. Also anyone who's taken a basic college stats class knows you never make general statements from results you gathered from subjects that had a choice in being surveyed.

  5. This bullshit study doesn't even exist on Pew's website, or anywhere else but on right wing nut job conspiracy theory Qanon sites. This video is trash TV.

  6. Some women become hateful and vengeful through life rather than forgiving, learn from their lessons and move forward. It's unfortunate for them and I've felt bad for many women who I've seen live this way but I stand my ground against abortion. I was raped, thought I was pregnant or I was and miscarried and I never once considered murdering the baby. I got married young and got woken up by a drunken rage when he came home one night. I ended up in the ER and found out I was pregnant. I never once considered murdering my baby. I filed for divorce and we had some rough years dealing with him through court but I'd take that, as would my son, over murdering him. All of my kids love eachother and I couldn't imagine life without any of them. There's no excuse for murdering your baby. And if you are encouraging your friend to murder her baby rather than help her with whatever she needs for that baby you're no friend.

  7. That really makes sense cause no matter who i talk to thats a liberal they will either block me, unadd me if they notice a difference in my opinion on a subject. None of them are willingly to want to talk it out and debate, they just get pissed and leave, sometimes throwing insults saying get educated, do your research or ur part of the problem. And every time i see them talk abt a certain subject they dont like they come up with thousands of things that might happen in the future because of it, things that havent even happened yet they are raising their stresses levels up because of it

  8. I would be more likely to believe this if he wasn't such a cuck
    Being liberals don't make you mentally ill, it's just that mentally ill belive the lies liberals push on them

  9. Like signing their own death certificates, financially doomed are the men who are stupid enough to get tricked and lured into marriage and children and then premeditated divorce with these neurotic, busy body, motor mouthed, emotionally warped liberal women, especially in a bleeding heart sanctuary state.

  10. I had said this to my wife almost 10 years ago.
    EVERY, and I mean EVERY SINGLE WOMAN that I use to be around who was a hard core Liberal Democrat, were on some type of psych meds.
    From Prozac, Klonopin , valium, even librium.
    They really are NUTS.

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