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Shocking! German Finance Minister Refuses to Grant Extra Funds for Intel Chip Plant – Is This the End for the Tech Giant?

Title: The Debate Over Subsidies for Intel’s German Plant

Intel, the largest foreign investor in post-war German history, has requested an increase in government subsidies for its manufacturing plant in Magdeburg, citing higher energy and construction costs. However, German Finance Minister Christian Lindner has said that there is no more money in the budget to meet Intel’s calls for increased support. This article examines the debate over subsidies for Intel’s German plant and the implications for Germany’s semiconductor industry.

Section 1: The Debate Over Increased Subsidies
The debate over subsidies for Intel’s German plant reflects a broader debate over government intervention in business. Some people in the German government, including Economy Minister Robert Habeck and Chancellor Olaf Scholz, believe that Berlin should match the huge levels of support provided by the Biden administration under the Chips and Science Act. By contrast, other economists in Germany argue that the subsidies are a waste of taxpayers’ money and that Germany’s ambition to reduce its reliance on Asian suppliers is a pipe dream given the complexity of supply chains in the chip industry. Lindner, leader of the Free Democrats, has taken a fiscally hawkish stance against increasing subsidies, stating that there is no more money available in the budget to support Intel’s increased requirements.

Section 2: Implications for Germany’s Semiconductor Industry
The outcome of the debate over subsidies for Intel’s German plant has significant implications for Germany’s semiconductor industry. The project is seen as key to the EU’s plans to double its share of the global semiconductor market from less than 10% today to 20% by 2030. However, with Lindner reluctant to provide more financial support for Intel, there are concerns about Germany’s ability to compete with other countries in the semiconductor market. This is particularly relevant given the shortage of semiconductors worldwide and the increasing demand for them in various industries.

Section 3: The Role of Industrial Electricity Pricing
Another factor in the debate over subsidies for Intel’s German plant is industrial electricity pricing. Habeck has proposed a plan to subsidize the cost of electricity for energy-intensive industries, with an estimated cost to the public purse of between 25 and 30 billion euros. Lindner opposes this plan, stating that he doesn’t see the point of state aid subsidized with taxpayers’ money and that it may not be legal under EU state aid rules. The debate over industrial electricity pricing highlights the tension between government intervention in business and the need to allocate public funds efficiently.

Additional piece:
While the debate over subsidies for Intel’s German plant is important in its own right, it also reflects some broader issues around government intervention in business. In recent years, there has been a growing debate over the role of the state in promoting economic development. Some argue that the state should engage in targeted interventions to support specific industries or companies in order to promote economic growth. Others argue that the state should not intervene in the market, and that businesses should compete on a level playing field.

The debate over subsidies for Intel’s German plant also highlights some of the challenges facing policymakers in promoting economic development. One challenge is the need to allocate public funds efficiently. Governments have limited resources, and therefore must make difficult choices about where to allocate funds. In some cases, subsidies may be necessary to promote the growth of strategic industries or companies. However, it is important to ensure that subsidies are targeted effectively and do not lead to waste or inefficiency.

Another challenge facing policymakers is the need to balance the interests of different stakeholders. In the case of subsidies for Intel’s German plant, there are competing interests between the government, taxpayers, and Intel. The government may wish to promote economic development and attract foreign investment, but taxpayers may be concerned about the cost of subsidies. Meanwhile, Intel may be seeking increased support in order to remain competitive, but must also demonstrate its commitment to investing in the local economy. Balancing these interests is a complex task that requires careful consideration of the costs and benefits of different policy options.

The debate over subsidies for Intel’s German plant is an important issue that reflects some broader challenges facing policymakers in promoting economic development. While subsidies may be necessary in some cases to support strategic industries or companies, it is important to ensure that they are targeted effectively and do not lead to waste or inefficiency. Policymakers must also navigate the competing interests of different stakeholders, and allocate public funds in a way that balances the costs and benefits of different policy options. Ultimately, the success of interventions in the economy depends on the ability of policymakers to make effective decisions that promote long-term economic growth and development.

German Finance Minister Christian Lindner has said that there is no money in the budget to meet Intel’s calls for increased subsidies for its new 17 billion euro plant in eastern Germany, dampening hopes of a deal. The US chipmaker was due to receive 6.8 billion euros in government support for its manufacturing plant, or fab, in Magdeburg, but is now asking for around 10 billion euros, citing higher energy and construction costs. The debate over subsidies for Intel’s German plant reflects a broader debate over government intervention in business, with some arguing that targeted interventions are necessary to promote economic growth while others argue that the state should not intervene in the market. The outcome of the debate over subsidies for Intel’s German plant has significant implications for Germany’s semiconductor industry, which is seen as key to the EU’s plans to double its share of the global semiconductor market. Policymakers must balance the interests of different stakeholders in allocating public funds, and ensure that interventions in the economy promote long-term economic growth and development.


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German Finance Minister Christian Lindner said there was no money in the budget to meet Intel’s calls for increased subsidies for its new 17 billion euro plant in eastern Germany, dampening hopes of a deal.

The US chipmaker was due to receive 6.8 billion euros in government support for its manufacturing plant, or fab, in Magdeburg, but is now asking for around 10 billion euros, citing higher energy and construction costs.

In an interview with the Financial Times last week, Lindner he said he opposed an increase in support. “There is no more money available in the budget,” she said. “We’re looking to consolidate the budget right now, not expand it.”

intelThe project is the largest foreign investment in postwar German history and is seen as key to the EU’s plans to double its share of the global semiconductor market from less than 10% today to 20% by 2030.

Some people in the German government, including Economy Minister Robert Habeck, think Berlin should try to match the huge levels of support provided by the Biden administration under the Chips and Science Act, which includes $52 billion in funding for increase domestic semiconductor production in the United States.

But some economists in the euro zone’s largest economy have argued that the subsidies are a waste of taxpayers’ money. There are also fears that Germany’s ambition to reduce its reliance on Asian suppliers is a pipe dream given the complexity of supply chains in the chip industry.

Intel’s request for more money has caused a rift in the government. Chancellor Olaf Scholz, a Social Democrat, and Habeck, a Green, are believed to be willing to provide more financial support. They were encouraged by indications that Intel may increase the total volume of its 17 billion euro investment.

But Lindner, leader of the pro-business and fiscally hawkish Free Democrats (FDP), one of the smaller parties in Scholz’s coalition, said he was “not a big fan of subsidies” and would oppose an increase in the level of subsidies. support for Intel, even if it expands the scope of the project.

“The chancellery and the economy ministry will have to show where the additional funding will come from,” he said.

A spokesman for Habeck declined to comment on Lindner’s remarks. The economy minister told reporters this month that while the Intel project was a “top priority” for the government, “subsidies are always paid for by taxpayers, so we . . . have to weigh [them] lift carefully”. He added that any aid to Intel required EU approval under the bloc’s state aid rules.

Intel declined to comment on Lindner’s remarks, saying only that “there is a cost gap and we are working with the government on how to close it.”

There had been suggestions that the government could help Intel by supplying cheap electricity to its Magdeburg plant. When asked about this, Lindner said there were “several options under consideration” and that the cabinet had not yet formed an opinion. “But in terms of budget, we’ve reached our limits,” she added.

The subsidy dispute for Intel comes as Scholz’s coalition is embroiled in a bitter dispute over next year’s budget. Lindner, who identified a €20bn funding gap, has caused consternation among his coalition partners by writing to all ministries – apart from defense – capping their spending next year and urging big savings. .

Lindner has far less room for maneuver than previous German finance ministers. He pledged to support the debt brake – Germany’s constitutional limit on new loans – and ruled out raising taxes. Yet the recession has held back tax revenues, higher interest rates have pushed up debt service costs, and generous public sector wage offers mean higher government spending.

Scholz, a former finance minister, stepped in to try to break the budget impasse – an unusual move for a chancellor. He will hold talks with Lindner and several ministers about their departments’ spending plans, according to the finance ministry.

In the interview, Lindner reiterated his opposition to “industrial electricity pricing,” a plan unveiled by Habeck in May to subsidize the cost of electricity for energy-intensive industries. Habeck has proposed capping prices until 2030 at 0.06 euros per kilowatt hour – about half their current level – with an estimated cost to public purse of between 25 and 30 billion euros.

Lindner isn’t thrilled with the idea. “I don’t see the point of state aid, subsidized with taxpayers’ money,” he said. “I [also] I don’t see how that is legal in terms of EU state aid rules.”

Habeck had suggested that the money for the price of industrial electricity could come from the Economic Stabilization Fund, a pandemic-era vehicle that was reactivated last year to help businesses and consumers grapple with rising energy costs. .

Lindner said using the fund would be a “violation of the agreements we’ve reached in the coalition.” She said the fund was designed to finance a curb on gas and electricity prices, adding that “my coalition partner gave him his word that it would be a tool to fight the crisis.”