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Shocking! How Limited Use of the Shingles Vaccine Could Impact the Pandemic’s Costs

The Shingrix Vaccine: Overcoming Challenges and Promoting Prevention

The Shingrix Vaccine: Overcoming Challenges and Promoting Prevention


March 20, 2024: Since its launch, the Shingrix vaccine has been hailed as a breakthrough in the prevention of shingles. But its path to widespread adoption has been riddled with obstacles, from pandemic-related disruptions to insurance complexities. The consequences can be seen in vaccination numbers: Only about 30% of adults eligible for Shingrix have received it, according to one study.

Healthcare experts advocate its use and emphasize its unparalleled effectiveness in protecting against this painful condition.

“Shingles is a leading infectious cause of disability worldwide, and we now have a vaccine that is demonstrating immediate and potent efficacy against it,” said Kenneth Koncilja, MD, specialist at the Cleveland Clinic Center for Geriatric Medicine. “But there has been a very murky picture for various reasons since it came to light, which complicates things.”

Shingrix, a two-dose shingles vaccine that the FDA approved in 2017, was touted as a much more effective alternative to its predecessor, Zostavax.

The Importance of Shingrix Vaccine

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that approximately 1 in 3 people in the United States will contract shingles. Of those, about 10% to 18% will have nerve pain or postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), a burning pain in the nerves and skin.

It can also cause a nearly 30% increase in the risk of cardiovascular events. While Zostavax reduced the risk of shingles by 51%, Shingrix’s effectiveness shot up to 97% in people 50 to 69 years old and 91% in people over 70 years old.

However, in 2017, the concept of a second vaccine dose proved daunting to many, compounded by out-of-pocket costs.

High prices posed a major obstacle. Many Medicare Part D prescription drug plans required a copay for the shingles vaccine.

Overcoming Challenges

That changed in 2023 when Congress abolished cost-sharing for vaccines endorsed by CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices for Adults. This policy applies regardless of whether individuals have drug coverage through Part D or a Medicare Advantage plan, including the shingles vaccine.

Concerns about possible side effects served as another deterrent. According to the CDC, the vaccine may leave patients with arm pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, chills, fever, stomach pain, or nausea.

The COVID-19 pandemic added another layer of complexity, fueling vaccine hesitancy and driving down rates.

Unique Insights

Despite initial challenges, the widespread adoption of the Shingrix vaccine signifies a significant step towards preventing shingles and its associated complications. The availability of preventive measures such as vaccines not only protects individuals but also contributes to public health by reducing the burden of infectious diseases.

Continued efforts in promoting awareness, accessibility, and acceptance of vaccines are crucial in ensuring optimal vaccine coverage and maximizing their benefits. Education campaigns focusing on the importance of vaccination, addressing concerns about side effects, and providing support for vaccine uptake can help improve vaccination rates and ultimately enhance community immunity.

Healthcare providers play a vital role in recommending and delivering vaccines to eligible individuals, emphasizing the significance of preventive care in safeguarding health and well-being. Collaboration between healthcare professionals, policymakers, and community organizations is essential in establishing comprehensive vaccination programs that target high-risk populations and promote immunization equity.

By recognizing the value of vaccination as a cornerstone of disease prevention, society can empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health and take proactive steps towards protecting themselves and their communities from vaccine-preventable illnesses.


Since its introduction, the Shingrix vaccine has faced various challenges in achieving widespread adoption, including cost barriers, vaccine hesitancy, and logistical issues. However, recent policy changes and increased awareness have helped overcome these obstacles, allowing for greater accessibility and acceptance of the vaccine.

The effectiveness of the Shingrix vaccine in preventing shingles and its complications underscores the importance of vaccination in promoting public health and reducing the burden of infectious diseases. By addressing concerns, promoting education, and enhancing vaccine availability, we can work towards a healthier future for all.


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March 20, 2024: Since its launch, the Shingrix vaccine has been hailed as a breakthrough in the prevention of shingles.

But its path to widespread adoption has been riddled with obstacles, from pandemic-related disruptions to insurance complexities. The consequences can be seen in vaccination numbers: Only about 30% of adults eligible for Shingrix have received it, according to one study. Government Accountability Office 2022 Report.

Healthcare experts advocate its use and emphasize its unparalleled effectiveness in protecting against this painful condition.

“Shingles is a leading infectious cause of disability worldwide, and we now have a vaccine that is demonstrating immediate and potent efficacy against it,” he said. Kenneth Koncilja, MD, specialist at the Cleveland Clinic Center for Geriatric Medicine. “But there has been a very murky picture for various reasons since it came to light, which complicates things.”

Shingrix, a two-dose shingles vaccine that the FDA approved in 2017, was touted as a much more effective alternative to its predecessor, Zostavax.

He Centers for Disease Control and Prevention It is estimated that approximately 1 in 3 people in the United States will contract shingles. Of those, about 10% to 18% will have nerve pain or postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), a burning pain in the nerves and skin. which can last for years after the rash disappears. Other possible complications include serious eye, heart, and neurological problems, and even death.

It can also cause a nearly 30% increase in the risk of cardiovascular events, such as a heart attack or stroke, according to research published in the journal Journal of the American Heart Association.

While Zostavax reduced the risk of shingles by 51%, Shingrix’s effectiveness shot up to 97% in people 50 to 69 years old and 91% in people over 70 years old. It is also about 90% effective in all age groups in preventing postherpetic neuralgia, compared to 67% withZostavax.

However, in 2017, the concept of a second vaccine dose proved daunting to many, compounded by out-of-pocket costs.

“This was long before COVID-19, and many people didn’t even know what the phrase ‘booster’ meant at the time,” Koncilia said.

High prices posed a major obstacle. Many Medicare Part D prescription drug plans required a copay for the shingles vaccine. According to a 2019 Report to Congress by the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, the vaccineThe two doses needed could cost more than $400 if a Medicare beneficiary had not met their deductible.

That changed in 2023, when Congress abolished cost sharing for vaccines endorsed by CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices for Adults. This policy applies regardless of whether individuals have drug coverage through Part D or a Medicare Advantage plan, including the shingles vaccine.

“The costs were high and there was a scarcity from the beginning”said Tina Ardon, MD, a family physician at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL. “Some people were only able to get one shot.”

Concerns about possible side effects served as another deterrent. According to the CDC, the vaccine may leave patients with arm pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, chills, fever, stomach pain, or nausea. These side effects can last 2 to 3 days.

The COVID pandemic added another layer of complexity, fueling vaccine hesitancy and driving down rates. Among adults with commercial coverage, statements about vaccine administration They were reportedly 15% lower in December 2020 compared to December 2019, and 62% lower in April 2021 compared to April 2019.

“Does the vaccine work? Yes, it works incredibly well,” said Timothy Brewer, MD, professor of medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. “To have a vaccine to use in this population and work so well is really fantastic. I hope acceptance improves.”
