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Shocking: Meat Alternative Investors Left Reeling from Major Losses

How the Plant-Based Meat Industry is Struggling to Capture Market Share

Former Whole Foods co-CEO Walter Robb referred to the shift towards plant-based alternatives as potentially the biggest trend in food history, but the reality has been different for investors in the industry. An index tracking 46 plant-based food companies has tumbled in value since its peak weeks after Robb’s claim, hit by lackluster sales and rising interest rates. Shares of Beyond Meat, whose early backers include Leonardo DiCaprio and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, have fallen about 95% since its market cap high of over $14 billion in 2019. Another plant-based alternative, Oatly, has seen its shares decline 90% since its early 2021 listing. While ethical considerations and concerns over the meat industry’s carbon footprint might have driven initial investor interest, plant-based alternatives’ limited market share is due to their inability to match meat in flavor, texture, and cost. According to analysts, cultured alternatives grown from animal stem cells, rather than plant-based substitutes, present a greater long-term threat to traditional meat companies.

Cultured Meat Presents Greater Long-Term Threat to Traditional Meat Companies

Cultured meat technology, such as that of Israel-based Steakholder Foods, which feeds cuts of meat grown from stem cells in its “bioprinting technology” to juice steaks and fish fillets, may impact traditional meat companies more than plant-based substitutes. Arik Kaufman, Steakholder’s CEO, believes the uniqueness of their printers will eventually appeal to flexitarians, leading to a shift towards their products and eventually the production of ‘real’ meat. While the company’s shares have tumbled in the past two years, Kaufman cites Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s endorsement of their Grouper fillet in April as evidence of the technology’s potential. Jeneiv Shah, portfolio manager at Sarasin & Partners, highlights that cultured meat is an ideal solution for the environment, given the land and water required to grow plant-based meat products. As such, Shah estimates that the alternative meat industry could reach a total market of about $300 billion by 2035, with lab-grown meat accounting for an ever-increasing share.

Traditional Meatpacking Companies Also Struggling

Beyond Meat’s losses, coupled with class-action lawsuits alleging the overestimation of manufacturing capacity and product trials, demonstrate that the plant-based meat industry’s challenges may offer investors the potential for profit. Hedge funds betting against Beyond Meat’s stock have gained over $1.6 billion since January 2021, according to data provider Ortex. Traditional meatpacking companies, such as Tyson Foods, are also struggling, with share prices near an all-time low while JBS’s value has more than halved in the past year. Both companies blame the “challenges of the market” for their woes.


The plant-based meat industry has seen its fair share of struggles, with lackluster sales, rising interest rates, and a failure to match meat in terms of flavor, texture, and cost hindering market share growth. Traditional meatpacking companies are also facing challenges, with Tyson Foods and JBS experiencing significant losses in recent years. Some investors believe cultured meat technology presents a greater long-term threat to traditional meat companies than plant-based substitutes. While a major shift to cultured meat may take time, lab-grown meat is cited as an ideal solution for the environment and may account for an increasingly significant share of the alternative meat industry’s market.

The Growing Importance of Ethical Investment

Despite the struggles of the plant-based meat industry, ethical considerations continue to play an important role in investment decisions. A survey conducted by Allianz Global Investors found that 84% of investors believe companies have a social responsibility to tackle issues such as rising income inequality, climate change, and social injustice. In response, more companies are focusing on their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. ESG-focused funds are also gaining in popularity, with assets under management hitting a record $1.7 trillion in Q4 2021. As investors increasingly prioritize ethical considerations, companies may need to address issues such as environmental sustainability and social responsibility to attract funding.


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In February 2021, former Whole Foods co-CEO Walter Robb described consumers’ gradual shift away from meat to plant-based alternatives as a “digitization-like megatrend” — potentially “the biggest single trend in food history.” “.

It has been a painful journey of two and a half years for investors in the industry ever since. An index tracking 46 plant-based food companies has dropped in value in half since it peaked weeks after Robb’s bold call, hit by lackluster sales and rising interest rates.

California based stock Beyond meat, the industry manifesto whose early backers included actor Leonardo DiCaprio and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, skyrocketed after going public in 2019. It briefly enjoyed a market cap of more than $14 billion, but the shares are down about 95% since then. . The company has also been hit by class action lawsuits. Shares of Oatly, another vegan alternative, are down 90% since listing in early 2021.

Despite the boom in ethics-focused investments and growing concerns about the meat industry’s carbon footprint, consumers haven’t developed a taste for plant-based alternatives, which still account for only a fraction of one percent of the global meat market.

Until they can match meat in flavor, texture and cost, plant-based substitutes are unlikely to capture a substantial market share, analysts say. On all these fronts, a rival technology — cultured alternatives grown from animal stem cells — may pose a greater long-term threat to traditional meat companies than their plant-based counterparts.

Line chart of ($m) showing Beyond Meat still struggling to generate cash

Proponents include Arik Kaufman, chief executive officer of Israel-based Steakholder Foods, which feeds cuts of meat grown from stem cells in its “bioprinting technology” to juice steaks and fish fillets.

“Over time the uniqueness of our printers will come to the fore, flexitarians will switch to our products, and eventually we will produce ‘real’ meat, although it won’t happen overnight,” said Kaufman, whose company advocates include Renaissance Technologies, one of the most successful hedge fund firms in the world.

But Steakholder’s stock hasn’t escaped a sell-off in the broader sector, tumbling 92% over the past two years. Still, Kaufman pointed to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s apparent endorsement of the company’s grouper fillet in an April visit as evidence of the technology’s potential.

Others sheepishly agree. Jeneiv Shah, portfolio manager at Sarasin & Partners, said cultured meat “would be an ideal solution for the environment,” given the amount of land and water needed to grow plant-based meat products.

“Food safety is another driver for this technology,” Shah said, adding that it is no coincidence that Singapore, which imported 90% of its food supply in 2021, was the first country to approve products at cultured meat base for commercial sale.

Shah estimated that the alternative meat industry’s total market could reach about $300 billion by 2035, with an ever-increasing share of lab-grown meat. In the United States, sales of plant-based substitutes fell 13% in April compared to the same month last year, according to data provider Spins.

VegTech Plant-based Innovation & Alternative Proteins Index line chart showing alternative meat stock erases pandemic gains

“I don’t think Beyond Meat will be bought by a company like JBS or Tyson,” Shah said, referring to two of the largest meatpacking companies. “Only a few of them realistically think their business is going to be shut down and those who are will look to private groups in [meat] fermentation and cultivation instead”.

The cultured meat industry raised $896 million in venture capital funding in 2022, down from $1.3 billion in 2021, a slightly smaller decline than the average 35% year-over-year decline in funding risk factors, according to Barclays. The percentage of total investment in the meat-alternative space going to lab-grown products has increased over the same period.

Traditional meatpacking companies have also suffered. Shares of Tyson Foods are near an all-time low, and JBS’s value has more than halved in the past year. During first-quarter earnings calls, Tyson’s chief executive blamed “adversity in nearly every country we operate in,” while the JBS boss said he can’t remember another time where “beef, pork and chicken [had experienced] the challenges of the market at the same time”.

Beyond Meat, meanwhile, has far more to do than its $366 million annual loss last year. In early May his stock was hit after it announced it would sell up to $200 million of common stock in a bid to quickly raise funding.

It also faces class-action lawsuits: the most recent, filed on behalf of investors in California, accused the company of overestimating its manufacturing capacity and the success of its product trials with retailers including McDonald’s, Starbucks and Taco Bell.

The lawsuit also alleges that Beyond Meat executives took part in a scheme to deceive the market by selling shares at artificially inflated prices. The filing mentions former chief financial officer Mark Nelson, who sold 440,000 of his personally held shares for $58.3 million between May 2020 and October 2022. Nelson announced in March 2021 that he would be retiring from the company, but continued doing consultancy for the company until the last month.

“The company believes the claims are baseless and intends to vigorously defend all claims made,” Beyond Meat said.

However, for one group of investors, the industry’s woes have provided a chance for profit. Hedge funds betting against Beyond Meat’s stock have raked in more than $1.6 billion since January 2021, according to data provider Ortex.

“A short seller used to classify his shorts as frauds, fads and fades… [plant-based meat] it seems like a fad,” said Barry Norris, chief investment officer at hedge fund Argonaut Capital, which profited from bets against Beyond Meat.

“A lot of companies have somehow reinvented the bean burger, and there’s no economic moat behind making bean burgers,” he said.