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Shocking New Rule Forces UK Public Bodies to Cease All Boycotts Against Foreign Countries – You Won’t Believe What It Means!

The Importance of Maintaining a Coherent Approach to Foreign Policy

In a recent announcement, Michael Gove, the Secretary of State for Equalization, Housing, and Communities, revealed that UK public bodies will no longer be allowed to implement their own boycott or divestment campaigns against foreign countries and territories. The Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Affairs) Bill, introduced in Parliament, aims to prevent councils and other publicly funded institutions from using taxpayer money to advance their own foreign policy agenda. This move serves to ensure a coherent approach to foreign policy set by the UK government.

The Consequences of Disruptive Policies and Anti-Semitic Rhetoric

One of the main reasons for enacting this bill is to address the community tensions and rise in anti-Semitism that often result from ongoing boycotts against certain countries, such as Israel. By prohibiting these actions, the government aims to prevent further damage to UK foreign policy and the spread of hateful rhetoric. Breaching the rules established in the bill will incur significant fines, and investigations into suspected violations will be conducted by ministers.

The Impact on Universities and Free Speech

Universities have also faced pressure from groups attempting to impose their subjective views on foreign policy, thereby stifling open debate and undermining free speech. This bill seeks to alleviate this issue by preventing public institutions from being influenced by divisive campaigns and maintaining their focus on delivering valuable education and public services.

Support from the Jewish Community

The proposed bill has gained support from the Board of Deputies for British Jews. They appreciate the government’s efforts to tackle unnecessary attacks against Israel by local authorities and other public institutions. These attacks often create divisions within communities and cause distress for local Jewish populations. The support from the Jewish community further strengthens the government’s commitment to combating anti-Semitism.

Ensuring a United Front on Foreign Policy

The UK already has a well-established sanctions policy that will continue to be upheld. Companies and organizations with ties to countries like Russia and Belarus will still be unable to receive taxpayer money, and existing contracts with such entities can be terminated by councils. The goal of these measures is to ensure that the UK remains united in its foreign policy endeavors and prevent harmful policies that hinder diplomatic efforts, including those rooted in anti-Semitism.

Preserving Free Expression and Honoring International Law

Despite the ban on public bodies implementing their own foreign policy, the UK government remains steadfast in its commitment to free expression. The prohibition will apply solely to individuals and private organizations when they are not fulfilling public functions. Furthermore, the government’s stance on the Middle East peace process and settlements, which are regarded as illegal under international law, will not be altered.

The Broader Commitment to Combat Anti-Semitism

This bill is part of the government’s broader commitment to combat anti-Semitism. The Jewish Leadership Council has voiced its support for the bill, emphasizing its significance in preventing divisive and unjust attacks against Israel. Additionally, the government is actively working on the Holocaust Memorial Bill, which aims to establish the Holocaust Memorial and Learning Center in Victoria Tower Gardens as a means of preserving the memory of the Holocaust and ensuring that its lessons are passed down to future generations.

Working Towards Implementation

The government plans to collaborate with relevant public bodies and law enforcement authorities to ensure the effective implementation of the ban. This coordinated effort will help enforce the new regulations and prevent public bodies from engaging in disruptive foreign policy activities.

Additional Piece: Strengthening Foreign Policy Coherence in a Globalized World


Foreign policy is a crucial aspect of any nation’s governance, as it determines how a country interacts with other nations and shapes its position on global issues. In an increasingly interconnected world, maintaining a coherent approach to foreign policy is essential for a country’s success and influence. The recent introduction of the Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Affairs) Bill in the UK highlights the government’s commitment to ensuring a unified stance on foreign policy.

Importance of Coherent Foreign Policy:

A coherent approach to foreign policy allows a nation to effectively pursue its national interests, contribute to global stability, and build strong diplomatic relations. In an interconnected world, where trade, security, and cooperation are key factors, a fragmented or inconsistent foreign policy can undermine a country’s credibility and hamper its ability to respond effectively to international challenges.

The Role of Public Bodies:

Public bodies, including councils and publicly funded institutions, play a significant role in shaping a country’s foreign policy agenda. Their actions and decisions can have far-reaching consequences, both domestically and internationally. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that these organizations align with the national foreign policy framework to maximize the impact and effectiveness of the country’s diplomatic efforts.

Challenges and Divisiveness:

The ability of public bodies to impose their own boycotts or divestment campaigns against foreign countries and territories can lead to community tensions and divisive debates. It can also contribute to the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes, such as in the case of the rise in anti-Semitism related to boycotts against Israel. By implementing regulations to prevent such actions, the UK government aims to foster unity and safeguard against the negative consequences of disruptive policies.

Preserving Free Speech and Education:

While advocating for a coherent approach to foreign policy, it is important to strike a balance between preserving free speech and promoting educational opportunities. Universities, in particular, have often been targeted by groups attempting to influence institutional policies on foreign affairs. It is essential to protect the freedom of expression within educational institutions, allowing for open and constructive debates while ensuring that public institutions remain focused on their core mission of providing education and serving the public.

Global Implications:

The Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Affairs) Bill is not only significant for the UK but also sends a message to other countries grappling with similar challenges. By taking decisive action to prevent disruptive foreign policy activities, the UK government sets an example for other nations seeking to strengthen their diplomatic endeavors and maintain a unified approach to global affairs.


Maintaining a coherent approach to foreign policy is crucial for any country, particularly in today’s globalized world. The introduction of the Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Affairs) Bill in the UK demonstrates the government’s commitment to addressing disruptive policies, preserving free speech, and ensuring a unified stance on foreign affairs. This proactive approach not only benefits the UK but also sets an example for other nations grappling with similar challenges. By fostering unity and aligning public bodies with the national foreign policy framework, countries can effectively pursue their national interests, promote global stability, and navigate the complexities of an interconnected world.


The UK government has introduced the Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Affairs) Bill to prohibit UK public bodies from implementing their own boycott or divestment campaigns against foreign countries and territories. The aim is to ensure a coherent approach to foreign policy, set by the UK government, and prevent the waste of taxpayers’ money on individual foreign policy agendas. The bill also targets campaigns against Israel, which have led to anti-Semitic rhetoric and community tensions. Universities have also faced pressure from groups attempting to influence their foreign policy, which compromises free speech and educational study. The bill has gained support from the Jewish community for preventing divisive attacks against Israel and working towards community cohesion. The government remains committed to its long-standing tradition of free expression and will continue to enforce existing sanctions policies. The broader commitment to combating anti-Semitism includes the Holocaust Memorial Bill, which seeks to establish a memorial and learning center to preserve the memory of the Holocaust. The government plans to collaborate with relevant public bodies and law enforcement authorities to implement the ban effectively. Overall, this bill highlights the importance of maintaining a coherent approach to foreign policy in an increasingly interconnected world.


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UK public bodies will be prohibited from imposing their own boycott or divestment campaigns against foreign countries and territories, Michael Gove announced today (Monday June 19) fulfilling a promise in the 2019 manifesto.

The Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Affairs) Bill, tabled in Parliament today, sends a clear message to councils and other publicly funded institutions that they should focus on delivering to the public and not spending taxpayers’ money for their own benefit. foreign policy agenda.

Those who break the rules will face significant fines with ministers among whom can conduct investigations into suspected breaches.

Today’s bill will prevent companies and organizations, including those affiliated with Israel, from being subjected to ongoing boycotts by public bodies, leading to community tensions and, in the case of Israel, a rise in anti-Semitism. .

Universities have also come under pressure from groups who want to impose their own subjective views on foreign policy on public institutions: the goal is often to close rather than open debate, which undermines free speech and educational study.

Secretary of State for Equalization, Housing and Communities, Michael Gove said:

It is simply wrong that public bodies have been wasting taxpayers’ time and money on their own foreign policy agenda. The UK must have a coherent approach to foreign policy, set out by the UK Government.

These campaigns not only undermine UK foreign policy, but lead to appalling anti-Semitic rhetoric and abuse. That is why we have taken this decisive action to stop these disruptive policies once and for all.

My message to these organizations is to get on with your work and focus on delivering to the public.

The chairwoman of the Board of Deputies for British Jews, Marie van der Zyl, said:

We are pleased to support the Government’s efforts on the Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Affairs) Bill, which will directly hamper unnecessary and inappropriate attacks against Israel by local authorities and other public institutions.

We appreciate how the government is working to prevent these organizations from setting their own foreign policy, which all too often creates a deeply divisive local situation, as well as being deeply unsettling for local Jewish communities.

The UK has a well-established sanctions policy that remains in place. Organizations with ties to Russia and Belarus will still not be able to benefit from taxpayer money with councils capable of terminating existing contracts with those linked to Putin’s barbaric war machine.

The changes announced today will ensure the UK is united on its foreign policy, stopping harmful policies that hinder our foreign diplomacy, including those that are anti-Semitic.

The Government remains firmly committed to the UK’s long and proud tradition of free expression. The prohibition will not apply to individuals or private organizations, when they are not performing public functions. Nor will it change the UK’s approach to the Middle East peace process, or our position on settlements, which are illegal under international law.

This bill has been widely supported by the Jewish Leadership Council as part of the Government’s broader commitment to combat antisemitism. This includes the Holocaust Memorial Bill which seeks to advance the Holocaust Memorial and Learning Center in Victoria Tower Gardens, Westminster, to preserve the memory of what happened for us and all future generations as we seek to understand the lessons what Britain teaches today.

The Government will work with the relevant public bodies and law enforcement authorities in implementing the ban.