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“Shocking News: Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter’s Devastating Diagnosis Revealed!”

The Life and Legacy of Rosalynn Carter

Eleanor Rosalynn Carter, former first lady of the United States, is suffering from dementia according to a statement released by her family on Tuesday. The 95-year-old Carter is currently being cared for at home by her husband, former President Jimmy Carter, who is also receiving hospice care. Despite her illness, she continues to enjoy spending time with loved ones and advocating for mental health awareness, a cause that she has championed throughout her long public life.

The Carters’ Long and Loving Marriage

Rosalynn and Jimmy Carter have been married for almost 77 years, making them the longest-married first couple in US history. Throughout his political career, Rosalynn was a “full partner” to her husband, championing her husband’s campaigns for governor and president of Georgia. She used her platform to prioritize mental health awareness and campaign against the stigma associated with the condition. This focus became a cornerstone of the Carter Center’s extensive public health platforms.

A Life of Advocacy and Service

Rosalynn Carter devoted her long public life to advocating for individuals and families affected by mental illness, as well as those in nurturing relationships with loved ones. Her work has had a lasting impact on mental health policy, research, and treatment, helping to break down stigma and improve access to care. She has received numerous accolades and awards for her contributions to mental health advocacy, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor.

A Journey of Love and Care

In announcing her dementia diagnosis, Rosalynn Carter’s family emphasized the importance of caregiving and the universality of nursing. They noted that “there are only four types of people in this world: those who have cared; those who are current caregivers; those who will be caregivers; and those who will need caregivers.” As they care for Rosalynn and Jimmy, the family is experiencing both the joy and challenges of this journey and calling on others to support and appreciate caregivers across the country.

Additional Piece:

The Need for Better Mental Health Care in America

Rosalynn Carter’s advocacy for mental health awareness is more important now than ever before. Mental illness affects millions of Americans each year, causing significant pain and suffering for individuals and their families. Yet, despite this, mental health care remains underfunded and under-resourced, with inadequate access to treatment and support.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 1 in 5 adults in the United States, or 51.5 million people, experience mental illness each year. Suicide is one of the leading causes of death among young people, and rates of depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders have been on the rise, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Despite the growing need for mental health care in America, access to treatment and support is often limited. Many people lack insurance coverage for mental health services, and even those who have coverage may face high out-of-pocket costs and limited provider networks. Other barriers to care include stigma, discrimination, and a lack of understanding about the nature of mental illness and its treatment.

To address these challenges, we need to promote greater awareness and education about mental health issues, increase funding for mental health research and treatment, and expand access to evidence-based treatments and supportive services. We also need to prioritize the needs of caregivers, who play a critical role in supporting individuals with mental illness and ensuring they receive the care they need.

Rosalynn Carter’s legacy reminds us of the importance of supporting mental health and caregiving, of breaking down stigma and discrimination, and of building a more compassionate and inclusive society for all. By working together, we can ensure that all individuals and families affected by mental illness receive the care, support, and respect they deserve.


Eleanor Rosalynn Carter, the former First Lady of the United States, has been diagnosed with dementia as per a statement released by her family. Despite her illness, Mrs. Carter continues to spend time with her loved ones and advocate for mental health awareness, a cause that has been a cornerstone of her long public life. She devoted her life to advocating for individuals and families affected by mental illness and nurturing relationships with loved ones, making significant contributions to mental health policy, research, and treatment.

Rosalynn and Jimmy Carter have been married for almost 77 years, making them the longest-married first couple in US history. Throughout his political career, Rosalynn was a ‘full partner’ to her husband, championing her husband’s campaigns for governor and president of Georgia.

The family notes the importance of caregiving and the universality of nursing. They emphasized that “there are only four types of people in this world: those who have cared; those who are current caregivers; those who will be caregivers; and those who will need caregivers.” As they care for Rosalynn and Jimmy, the family is experiencing both the joy and challenges of this journey, calling on others to support and appreciate caregivers across the country.

America currently faces severe barriers to accessing mental health care. The National Institute of Mental Health notes that 1 in 5 adults in the United States, or 51.5 million people, experience mental illness each year. Yet, despite this, mental health care remains underfunded and under-resourced, with inadequate access to treatment and support.

To address these challenges, we need to promote greater awareness and education about mental health issues, increase funding for mental health research and treatment, and expand access to evidence-based treatments and supportive services. We need to prioritize the needs of caregivers, who play a critical role in supporting individuals with mental illness and ensuring they receive the care they need.

Rosalynn Carter’s advocacy for mental health awareness is more important now than ever before. By working together, we can ensure that all individuals and families affected by mental illness receive the care, support, and respect they deserve.


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ATLANTA (AP) — Former first lady Rosalynn Carter suffers from dementia, her family announced Tuesday.

Carter, now 95, is staying at home with former President Jimmy Carter, who has been receiving at-home hospice care since earlier this year.

“She continues to live happily at home with her husband, enjoying the Plains spring and visiting loved ones,” the family said of the Carter Center, the global humanitarian organization the couple founded in 1982 after leaving the White House.

The Carters have been married for almost 77 years, making them the longest-married first couple in US history.

The family noted in their statement that Rosalynn Carter has spent her long public life advocating for individuals and families affected by mental illness, as well as those in nurturing relationships with loved ones.

“Ms. Carter often remarked that there are only four types of people in this world: those who have cared; those who are current caregivers; those who will be caregivers; and those who will need caregivers,” it reads in the statement, “The universality of nursing is evident throughout our family and we are experiencing both the joy and the challenges of this journey.”

“We do not expect any further comments and ask for the understanding of our family and all those working as carers across the country,” the statement said.

The Carters have only visited family and close friends since the former president announced in February that he would be avoiding further medical procedures after a series of brief hospital stays.

The family has not announced a specific diagnosis for either the former president or the former first lady.

The Carters described each other as “full partners” throughout his political career and subsequent long public life. Rosalynn Carter championed her husband vigorously when he ran for governor and presidency of Georgia. She used her platform to prioritize mental health awareness and campaign against the stigma associated with the condition.

This focus became part of the Carter Center’s extensive public health platforms.

Eleanor Rosalynn Smith was born on August 18, 1924 in Plains. It was Jimmy Carter’s mother, a nurse, who gave birth to her in her family home. Lillian Carter brought her infant son back for a visit a few days later, allowing the future president and first lady to meet as a preschooler and newborn.

They married on July 7, 1946.