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Shocking NYPD Body Camera Footage Exposes Alarming Levels of Violence Unleashed on Unsuspecting Protesters!

An Analysis of the Largest Settlement for Protesters in US History

An Analysis of the Largest Settlement for Protesters in US History

In late May and early June 2020, thousands of people across the United States took to the streets to protest the murder of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer. The movement against police violence and racial injustice was met with brutal force by the New York Police Department (NYPD), resulting in hundreds of protesters being struck, blinded by pepper spray, and indiscriminately arrested.

Over three years later, in a landmark class action lawsuit, the city of New York agreed to pay $9,950 each to approximately 1,380 protesters as part of a settlement. This historic settlement, costing taxpayers over $13 million, marks the largest amount ever paid to protesters in US history.

Behind the success of this class action lawsuit was a little-known video categorization tool called Codec, developed by civil liberties-focused design agency SITU Research. Codec played a crucial role in quickly categorizing and analyzing terabytes of video footage from police body cameras, helicopter surveillance, and social media. This tool was instrumental in uncovering evidence of state-backed and orchestrated violence against protesters, leading to the favorable outcome for the plaintiffs.

Uncovering Systemic Police Misconduct

The legal team representing the protesters utilized Codec to build a comprehensive case against the NYPD. They reviewed over 6,300 videos, including those recorded by police body cameras, surveillance cameras, and social media sources. The videos depicted numerous instances of police misconduct, revealing a pattern of abuse and excessive force during the protests.

Through the use of geospatial information, timestamps, and categorizing alleged misconduct, the legal team created a map that visualized the police incidents central to the lawsuit. This map provided a clear representation of the widespread and systematic police misconduct that occurred during the protests in various New York City neighborhoods.

Of the 72 videos marked as most pertinent to the case, 47 were recorded by police body cameras or surveillance cameras. The remaining 25 videos, obtained from social media and other sources, were also included in the legal team’s presentation. This comprehensive collection of evidence allowed for a more complete understanding of the activities that occurred during the protests.

Video Evidence: A Powerful Tool

Video evidence plays a crucial role in exposing police misconduct during protests. It provides a visual record that cannot be dismissed or distorted, offering a comprehensive and objective account of events. However, a single video can only capture a limited perspective, and police departments can use this limitation to obscure the truth.

Codec proved to be a game-changer in this regard. By analyzing and categorizing vast amounts of video footage, it enabled the legal team to present a more complete picture of the activities that occurred during the protests. This detached vantage point allowed for a deep understanding of the systematic misconduct committed by the NYPD.

While police body cameras were initially seen as a step in the right direction for civil liberties, Remy Green, a partner at Cohen & Green and a member of the protesters’ legal team, argues that they have become a mere “shoulder strap” solution to police brutality. He emphasizes the need for a broader perspective, which tools like Codec provide, to counteract potential misrepresentations by law enforcement agencies.

The Impact of Settlements on Police Practices

The settlement reached in this class action lawsuit marks a significant step towards justice for the protesters. However, it is important to note that the defendants in the lawsuit did not admit to any wrongdoing as part of the settlement. City attorneys deny any orchestrated effort to violate protesters’ rights.

Nevertheless, the financial burden resulting from this settlement and others like it can serve as a deterrent to police departments engaging in excessive force and misconduct during protests. The NYPD, in particular, has stated that it has “redesigned” its policies and training to better handle large-scale demonstrations.

It is crucial to remember that while instances of looting and vandalism did occur during the protests, the majority of demonstrators were peaceful. The settlement in this case reinforces the importance of protecting the rights of peaceful protesters and holding law enforcement accountable for their actions.

The Role of SITU Research and Codec in Holding Authorities Accountable

The use of Codec in this class action lawsuit was not the first instance of its effectiveness in uncovering police misconduct. Earlier, Human Rights Watch collaborated with SITU Research to analyze video footage of protests in the Mott Haven neighborhood of the Bronx. Their work revealed the NYPD’s use of “kettling” tactics, which trap groups of people and prevent them from escaping, thereby violating government-imposed curfews.

The previous lawsuit linked to the use of kettling resulted in a settlement of $21,500 to each of the more than 300 protesters involved. These successful outcomes demonstrate the power of video evidence and the critical role played by tools like Codec in bringing about justice.

The use of video forensic investigation has become increasingly vital in cases involving police misconduct during protests. By utilizing geolocation data and advanced categorization techniques, legal teams can build comprehensive evidence that holds authorities accountable for their actions.

In Conclusion

The settlement reached in the class action lawsuit against the city of New York represents a significant victory for the protesters seeking justice for the violence and misconduct they experienced at the hands of the NYPD. The use of the Codec video categorization tool played a crucial role in uncovering the systematic abuse perpetrated by law enforcement during the protests.

Video evidence has become an essential tool in holding police departments accountable and ensuring justice for peaceful demonstrators. The widespread adoption of body cameras was once seen as a positive step, but tools like Codec provide an even more comprehensive understanding of events.

As society continues to fight against police violence and racial injustice, it is important to embrace technological advancements like Codec that aid in the pursuit of justice. By harnessing the power of video evidence and data analysis, we can create a more transparent and accountable society for all.


In late May and early June 2020, protests swept across the United States following the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer. In New York City, the protests were met with brutal force from the NYPD, resulting in hundreds of protesters being arrested, pepper-sprayed, and subjected to police violence.

Three years later, a class action lawsuit led to a historic settlement, with New York City agreeing to pay $9,950 each to approximately 1,380 protesters, amounting to over $13 million in total. The settlement is the largest ever paid to protesters in US history.

The success of the lawsuit was aided by the use of the video categorization tool Codec, developed by SITU Research. Codec enabled the legal team to quickly analyze terabytes of video footage from various sources, including police body cameras, surveillance cameras, and social media. This extensive analysis provided a comprehensive understanding of the widespread and systematic police misconduct during the protests.

By uncovering evidence of state-backed and orchestrated violence against protesters, Codec played a crucial role in securing justice for the victims. The use of video evidence was essential in exposing the misconduct and holding the NYPD accountable for their actions.

The settlement sends a strong message to police departments regarding the consequences of engaging in excessive force and misconduct during protests. While the defendants did not admit to any wrongdoing, the financial burden resulting from the settlement serves as a deterrent against future violations of protesters’ rights.

Moving forward, it is crucial to continue utilizing tools like Codec to expose police misconduct and ensure accountability. By harnessing the power of video evidence and data analysis, we can create a more transparent and just society for all.


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Struck, blinded by pepper spray, rounded up like animals and indiscriminately arrested for marching against police violence and racial injustice. Such was the fate that hundreds of people suffered at the hands of New York Police Department (NYPD) officers in late May and early June 2020, when thousands across the United States protested the murder of George Floyd. at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer.

Three years later, a class action lawsuit resulted in New York City agreeing to pay $9,950 each to some 1,380 protesters as part of a settlement. Costing taxpayers more than $13 million, it’s the largest amount paid to protesters in US history, according to the legal team behind the class action lawsuit.

The lawyers secured the deal with the help of a little-known tool that helped them quickly categorize and analyze terabytes of video footage from police body cameras, helicopter surveillance, and social media. “We had several weeks of protests. We had protests all over New York City. We had thousands of arrests,” says David Rankin, a partner at the law firm Beldock, Levine & Hoffman, who was part of the protesters’ legal team. “We had tens of thousands of hours of body camera footage, we had text messages, we had emails, we had a huge amount of data to go through.”

The path through all this data was carved by Codec, a video categorization tool developed by civil liberties-focused design agency SITU Research. Launched in June 2022, the tool is proving essential in legal battles around the world, where hours of disparate video footage can reveal state-backed and orchestrated violence against protesters.

clip to clip

Dozens of videos shared with WIRED show how the legal team built their case. Using this data, which also included geospatial information, timestamps, and the category of alleged misconduct, we were able to build a map that allows anyone to see the police incidents that were central to the lawsuit. Each point represents an incident that the legal team characterized as police misconduct. Of the 72 videos that the legal team marked as most pertinent to his case, the map includes 47 videos recorded by police body cameras or surveillance cameras. The locations of the remaining 25 videos, which appear to have been taken from social media and other sources, are also marked on the map. In total, the legal team reviewed more than 6,300 videos.

Some of the videos on the map contain graphic violence and viewer discretion is advised. The videos will automatically play with the sound turned on.

Video evidence was obtained from various sources, including police body cameras and helicopters. SITU Research geolocated the data and provided it to WIRED.

Among the videos we reviewed, an NYPD officer can be seen running down the sidewalk while pepper spraying a person who is standing against a building, completely out of the officer’s path. In another video, an officer slams a protester with a car door as he drives down the street. Another video shows a group of officers linking arms as one of them says: “Just the way we practice it.” The officers then charge a group of protesters before pointing to a person on the sidewalk and beating him with batons. Taken together, the images demonstrate widespread and systematic police misconduct during protests that spanned from May 28 to June 4, 2020, in various New York City neighborhoods, according to the lawsuit.

While there was looting and vandalism in several neighborhoods during the protests, the demonstrations were largely peaceful. The defendants in the lawsuit have not admitted to wrongdoing as part of the settlement, and city attorneys deny an orchestrated effort to violate protesters’ rights. When contacted for comment, the NYPD referred WIRED to the city’s Legal Department, which has not yet responded to a request for comment.

Remy Green, a partner at Cohen & Green and a member of the protesters’ legal team, says the use of police body cameras, which have been touted as a step in the right direction for civil liberties, has become “sort of shoulder strap”. Aid Solution to Police Brutality.” A single video can only reveal so much, Green says, and police departments can use this limitation to obfuscate what really happened. Protests that are met with extreme police response require a detached vantage point, which is what Codec allowed the legal team to create. “It gives you a much more complete picture of the activities that occurred,” says Green.

hard pivot

The idea to use Codec in the lawsuit stemmed from a related case that was settled earlier this year. Here, Human Rights Watch worked with SITU Research analyze video footage of protests in the Mott Haven neighborhood of the Bronx, one of the five boroughs of New York City. His work showed that the NYPD used an anti-protest tactic called “kettling” (trapping a group of people so they couldn’t escape) just before the government-imposed curfew, thus ensuring they were violating the order. . In March, a lawsuit against the city over the use of kettling by the NYPD ended in a Payment of $21,500 to each of the more than 300 Mott Haven protesters, which is estimated to be the highest settlement per person for a mass arrest in United States history. new york police said in a statement after the deal that has since “redesigned” its “policies and training to police large-scale demonstrations.”

having seen the video forensic investigation As SITU’s work on the Mott Haven protests occurred, Rankin asked for help in conducting a similar investigation. But this time he would not focus on police conduct during a single neighborhood protest, but on protests across New York City.
