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Shocking! Over HALF of workers can’t afford a mere $500 emergency – find out why!

Additional Piece: Americans’ Struggles with Emergency Savings

Americans’ Struggles with Emergency Savings: Understanding the Challenges and Finding Solutions


Financial stability is a critical aspect of individuals’ lives, allowing them to handle unforeseen circumstances and achieve long-term goals. However, recent studies have shed light on the challenges that many Americans face when it comes to their emergency savings. While there has been an overall improvement in job growth and unemployment rates, a significant portion of the population still finds it challenging to cover unexpected expenses.

The Reality of American Workers’ Emergency Savings

The SecureSave report revealed alarming statistics about the state of emergency savings among American employees. It indicated that over a third of employees earn $100,000 or more in salary, yet a substantial percentage of these individuals are still unable to cope with an unexpected expense of $500. This fact raises questions about financial preparedness and the overall financial well-being of Americans.

Financial Emergencies: A Common Occurrence

Financial emergencies can occur suddenly and at any time, putting individuals in a vulnerable position. Whether it’s a car breakdown, a malfunctioning appliance, or a pet’s medical emergency, most Americans rely on their savings or credit cards to cover these expenses. However, data suggests that such emergencies are quite common. The study by SecureSave found that one in three workers has experienced a financial emergency in the last six months.

A Lingering Issue: Insufficient Savings to Cover Monthly Expenses

While covering a one-time expense of $500 can already be burdensome for many Americans, the situation worsens when considering the broader financial picture. According to the same report, a staggering 76% of respondents admitted that they do not have enough savings to cover a month’s expenses. Financial experts often recommend having at least three months’ worth of expenses in a savings account to provide a buffer during challenging times.

A Surprising Struggle: High Earners Living Paycheck to Paycheck

Contrary to conventional wisdom, financial emergencies and inadequate savings are not limited to lower-wage employees. The survey highlighted that even among employees earning over $100,000 a year, 35% reported living paycheck to paycheck. This finding raises concerns about financial management and highlights the need for improved financial literacy and planning.

Strategies to Boost Emergency Savings

Building a robust emergency savings fund is essential to protect oneself from unforeseen financial challenges. While it may seem daunting at first, there are practical steps individuals can take to jump-start their savings and improve their financial resilience.

Start Small, Aim High

When it comes to saving money, every little bit counts. SecureSave suggests starting small and gradually increasing savings contributions over time. Even saving $25 or $50 per month can make a significant difference. Setting a goal of saving $500 as an initial target can serve as a motivational milestone on the path to building a more substantial emergency fund.

Review Expenses and Identify Savings Opportunities

Examining monthly expenses is a crucial step in identifying areas where unnecessary spending can be minimized. By cutting back on non-essential expenses or finding more cost-effective alternatives, individuals can redirect funds towards their emergency savings. Budgeting apps and financial management tools can be valuable resources to track expenses and identify potential savings opportunities.

Explore Additional Income Sources

In some cases, increasing income through side hustles or supplementary sources can complement savings efforts. Engaging in part-time freelance work or leveraging skills to generate extra income can expedite the growth of an emergency fund. By allocating this additional income directly towards savings, individuals can accelerate their progress and achieve their financial goals faster.

Take Advantage of Competitive Savings Account Offers

Many banks offer attractive interest rates and bonuses for opening savings accounts. It’s essential to research and compare different options to find accounts that provide the highest yields and benefits. Apart from facilitating growth, these savings accounts offer security and liquidity, ensuring funds are readily available when emergencies arise.

A Unique Opportunity: Leveraging Cashback Cards with a 0% Intro APR

In addition to building emergency savings, maximizing purchasing power and managing expenses effectively are equally important. Cashback credit cards with favorable terms can provide substantial benefits to cardholders.

One exceptional option is the Discover It Cash Back card, which offers a 0% introductory APR until nearly 2025. This card stands out for its generous cashback rewards program, potentially reaching up to 5%. Most notably, it has no annual fees, making it an all-around attractive choice for individuals looking to optimize their financial flexibility.

Our experts recommend this card based on its exceptional terms and benefits. They trust it so much that they even use it personally. You can read our comprehensive, free review of the Discover It Cash Back card here to learn more and apply in just 2 minutes.


In summary, while the United States has experienced positive job growth and relatively low unemployment rates, many Americans still face significant challenges when it comes to emergency savings. The SecureSave report revealed that a considerable percentage of employees, including high earners, are unable to cover unexpected expenses. To address this issue, individuals can take proactive steps such as starting small, reviewing expenses, exploring additional income sources, and capitalizing on favorable savings account offers. Additionally, leveraging cashback credit cards with attractive terms can enhance financial flexibility and empower individuals to make the most of their purchasing power.


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Over a third of employees earn $100,000 or more salary to salary.

There is a lot of conflicting information about how well Americans are doing financially. On the one hand, recent job growth data shows that the United States added 187,000 jobs in August, and the unemployment rate, while slightly higher than the previous month, is still at a relatively low level of 3.8 %.

But there is also data to suggest that Americans are struggling with their own problems personal finances. One of the latest examples of this comes from a report by SecureSave, an emergency savings startup, which showed that 63% of employees are unable to cover an unexpected expense of $500.

Here’s what’s happening with America’s workers’ emergency savings right now, and some tips on how to jump-start your savings if your account is depleted.

Employees can’t come up with $500

Financial emergencies are scary because they can happen at any time. When a car breaks down, a heat pump stops working, or a pet gets sick, most Americans dip into their savings or look for a credit card to cover the expense.

Unfortunately, financial emergencies are quite common. THE SecureSave report have shown that one in three workers has experienced such an event in the last six months.

While a one-time expense of $500 would be burdensome for most Americans, their financial picture looks even worse when you consider that 76% of respondents say they don’t have enough savings to cover a month’s expenses. In general, most experts recommend having at least one three months of expenses in a savings account.

And it’s not just lower-wage employees who struggle to cope with a financial emergency. The survey showed that 35% of employees earning more than $100,000 a year live paycheck to paycheck.

How to increase your emergency savings

According to the report, in an emergency many people would turn to sources other than their savings accounts, with 19% saying they would ask family for help and 18% indicating they would put the expense on a credit card.

RELATED:Emergency fund calculator

If you need help jump-starting your savings, there are a few steps you can take. First, remember that it’s perfectly acceptable to start small. SecureSave says its users save an average of $98 per month into their accounts. But if you can only save $25 or $50 a month, that’s still a good start.

Start with a goal of saving $500 and monitor your monthly balance to see if there’s anything you’re spending money on that you don’t need. Or, if you find it easier to make a little extra money than to cut expenses, you may want to look into some side hustle which could increase your earnings.

Finally, it might be a good idea to take a look at some offers from banks right away. Many banks pay more interest on savings accounts, and some even offer bonuses when you open an account. Here are just some of the current offers:

If you’re interested in more options, view our full list of best high yield savings accounts here.

The important thing to remember when opening a savings account from scratch is not to get discouraged. Adding just $50 into a savings account can be a great way to start, then you can increase that amount slowly over time by setting up small automatic deposits into your account. Before you know it, you’ll have a few hundred dollars in your account and you’ll be much better prepared for the next rainy day.

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