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Reddit Goes Dark: How Recent API Changes Led to a Mass Protest by Subreddits

Reddit, the popular online forum, is set to experience a blackout on June 12th and 13th as over 800 of its subreddits switch to dark mode to protest against recent Application Program Interface (API) changes that the company has made. The changes, which were announced in April, allow Reddit to charge third-party apps that use its API to power their tools, such as Narwhal, Infinity, and Apollo. This announcement has not gone down well with Reddit’s userbase, the moderators of its subreddits, who claim that these changes will harm their communities and stifle innovation.

The Implications of Reddit’s API Changes

Reddit’s founders claim that charging for API use is necessary to cover the costs of providing an ad-free experience to its users. However, third-party app developers argue that the costs are excessive and will result in them being unable to continue their work on Reddit. Steve Huffman, Reddit’s CEO, stated that the new API pricing was designed to bring in more revenue and fund new projects. However, this statement has not allayed the subreddits’ concerns as they believe that it will stifle innovation and harm the community.

Subreddits Unite Against Reddit’s Changes

The subreddits’ protest is intended to raise awareness of the issue and urge Reddit to reconsider its decision. Many of the subreddits participating in the blackout are some of the most popular on the platform, including r/gaming, r/pics, and r/todayilearned, which have over 30 million subscribers each. The protest is a collective action aimed at initiating a productive dialogue with Reddit that will result in the harmful changes being rolled back.

The Fallout From Reddit’s API Changes

Many subreddits have stated that they will cease operations indefinitely because moderators will be unable to continue their work with Reddit’s official app. The mods argue that the official app does not provide the tools they need to run their communities efficiently. The mods being unable to continue their work will likely result in the closure of many subreddits, which will harm Reddit’s user base and its reputation.

A Reddit spokesperson has stated that the company is in contact with several communities to clarify any ambiguities regarding data API terms, community support resources, and new moderator tools. The company is committed to fostering a safe environment around Reddit, and developers and third-party apps can improve Reddit and do so in a mutually beneficial relationship that protects users’ data security.


Reddit’s API changes have led to a mass protest by its subreddits. The subreddits are united in their belief that the changes will harm the community and stifle innovation. The protest shows the strength of feeling among Reddit’s user base and highlights the importance of listening to your users. Reddit needs to reconsider its decision to charge third-party apps and work with its user base to find a better solution that is beneficial to all parties involved.

Additional Piece:

The Reddit API Change and The Importance of Listening to Your Community

The Reddit API change highlights the importance of listening to your customers and building strong relationships with your community. Reddit’s subreddits are a vital part of the company’s ecosystem, and without them, Reddit would cease to exist. Reddit’s founders need to understand the importance of its community and work collaboratively with them to find the best solutions for all parties involved.

In the current climate, companies need to be empathetic and considerate towards their users. Social media platforms have a significant impact on people’s lives, and it is crucial to work with your user base to create a better online experience. Reddit’s API change was not well received by its users, and this underscores the need to engage with your community and listen to their feedback.

The power of the community cannot be underestimated. Reddit’s subreddits are a tremendous source of content that has captured the imagination of millions of users worldwide. The subreddits allow users to connect with like-minded individuals and create a sense of belonging. Reddit’s subreddits provide an avenue for users to share experiences and interact with a vast array of content, which has helped fuel its growth.

Reddit has come a long way from its humble beginnings in 2005 and is now one of the most significant social media platforms on the planet. However, to continue to grow, Reddit needs to stay connected with its user base and collaborate with them to create a better user experience. The API change has highlighted the importance of listening to your customers, which is crucial in today’s world.


Reddit, the popular online forum, is experiencing a blackout on June 12th and 13th as over 800 of its subreddits switch to dark mode to protest against recent Application Program Interface (API) changes that the company has made. The changes, which were announced in April, allow Reddit to charge third-party apps that use its API to power their tools, such as Narwhal, Infinity, and Apollo. This announcement has not gone down well with Reddit’s userbase, the moderators of its subreddits, who claim that these changes will harm their communities and stifle innovation. The protest is a collective action aimed at initiating a productive dialogue with Reddit that will result in the harmful changes being rolled back. To continue to grow, Reddit needs to stay connected with its user base and collaborate with them to create a better user experience.

Keywords: Reddit, protest, API, subreddits, community, innovation, social media, users, blackout.


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The front page of the internet will be pretty sparse next week.

800+ subreddits have announced plans to switch access to their content to Dark on June 12th and 13th (and longer in some cases) – and the number continues to grow rapidly. Included in the list are r/gaming, r/pics, and r/todayilearned, all of which have one more than 30 million subscribers every.

r/wallstreetbetswhich has had a profound impact on the stock market in recent years will also attend the protest.

Controversially, Reddit’s decision to charge certain third-party apps for using their application programming interface (API), a tool that powers popular tools like Narwhal, Apollo, and Infinity, and offers users an alternative way to search the Reddit forums.

“This collective action is intended to raise awareness and urge Reddit to reconsider its recent API changes.” Read a message on r/pics. “Our primary goal is to initiate a productive dialogue with Reddit that will result in a rollback of the harmful changes they have made.” We understand that this power outage may cause temporary inconvenience to our community, and we apologize. However, we firmly believe that this short-term disruption will bring long-term benefits to every user.”

Reddit first announced changes to its API policy In April, but the implications of that weren’t clear until earlier this month. The founder of the Apollo app posted on Reddit that to continue the business as it is, Reddit would have to pay $20 million a year. And a developer at RIF, another third-party reader, said the API policy changes would “likely destroy” his app and others.

Reddit has stated that it charges its API to cover the cost of an ad-free experience.

While most subreddits plan to remain in the dark for two days, others (including r/music) say they will be ceasing operations “indefinitely” because they say moderators are unable to continue their work with the tools of Reddit’s official app.

When asked for comment, a Reddit spokesperson responded wealth: “We are in contact with a number of communities to clarify any ambiguities regarding our data API terms, platform-wide policies, community support resources and the timeline for new moderator tools. … We are committed to fostering a safe and responsible developer ecosystem around Reddit – Developers and third-party apps can improve Reddit and do so in a sustainable and mutually beneficial partnership, while protecting the security of our users and data guarantee.”