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Shocking Report reveals horrific reality for Small Businesses struggling to find employees

Small Businesses Struggling to Fill Job Openings Amid Labor Shortage

A recent survey conducted by the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) revealed that nearly half of small businesses are struggling to fill job openings. According to the survey, 44% of small business owners report that they are unable to fill their current openings, which is 20 points higher than the average reading over the past 49 years. The data is based on responses from 632 small business owners.

Industry Variations in Job Openings

The survey also found that job openings vary by industry. The percentages of job openings by industry, as reported in the survey, are:

– Manufacturing – 58%
– Transportation, communication, and utilities – 57%
– Construction – 54%
– Wholesale – 53%
– Retail – 47%

The Challenge of Finding Qualified Candidates

Of the small business owners who tried to hire, 89% of them reportedly found few or no qualified candidates for their openings. This is likely due, in part, to the labor force participation rate remaining below pre-COVID levels, contributing to a shortage of workers available to fill vacant positions. NFIB chief economist Bill Dunkelberg expressed concern, stating that “small businesses have a record level of job openings today and are working hard to fill their open positions.”

Federal data shows that there are about 10 million jobs open in the US and just over half of that number are looking for work. This exacerbates the already significant challenge faced by small businesses in finding qualified candidates for their job openings.

Additional Factors Contributing to the Labor Shortage

The pandemic has certainly played a role in the current labor shortage faced by small businesses. Other factors that have contributed to this shortage include:

– Childcare challenges resulting from school and daycare closures
– Generous unemployment benefits
– Fear of contracting COVID-19 in the workplace
– The desire for higher wages and better working conditions

These factors have created a challenging labor market for small businesses, making it difficult for them to not only find qualified candidates but also to retain their existing employees.

The Importance of Addressing the Labor Shortage

The labor shortage has significant implications for small businesses and the overall economy. Small businesses are the backbone of the US economy, accounting for almost half of all private-sector jobs. Therefore, if small businesses are unable to fill their job openings, this will have a ripple effect throughout the economy.

Additionally, if the labor shortage persists, it could lead to higher wages and prices as businesses compete for a limited pool of workers. This, in turn, could lead to inflation and ultimately harm the US economy.

Addressing the labor shortage will require solutions from various stakeholders, including government, businesses, and workers. Some possible solutions include:

– Providing incentives for workers to return to the workforce, such as increased childcare assistance or flexible schedules
– Offering training and reskilling programs to help workers transition to industries with high job demand
– Encouraging small businesses to invest in employee retention strategies, such as offering competitive wages and benefits packages
– Revising unemployment benefits to ensure they do not disincentivize workers from returning to the workforce


The current labor shortage faced by small businesses is a significant challenge that requires innovative solutions from various stakeholders. If left unaddressed, the labor shortage could have significant implications for the US economy. Therefore, it is essential that we work together to find solutions that meet the needs of workers and businesses alike.

Additional Piece: Balancing Worker Needs and Business Demands

The labor shortage faced by small businesses highlights the ongoing tension between the needs of workers and the demands of businesses. While workers have legitimate concerns about wages, benefits, and working conditions, small businesses are often constrained by tight profit margins and a need to stay competitive.

It is crucial to strike a balance between the needs of workers and businesses to ensure a thriving economy. This requires a shift in mindset from one of competition to one of collaboration. Instead of pitting workers against businesses, we need to work together to find solutions that meet the needs of both parties.

One possible solution is to embrace a more flexible and agile workforce. The pandemic has shown us that remote work is a viable option for many industries, and it offers several benefits, both for workers and businesses. For workers, the ability to work remotely provides greater flexibility and work-life balance. For businesses, it can help reduce overhead costs and increase productivity.

Another solution is to invest in training and reskilling programs to help workers transition to industries with high job demand. This will not only benefit workers but also small businesses, which will have access to a larger pool of qualified candidates.

Ultimately, finding solutions that balance worker needs and business demands requires a collaborative effort from all stakeholders. We need to come together to find solutions that meet the needs of both workers and businesses and ensure a thriving economy for years to come.


A recent survey conducted by the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) revealed that small businesses are struggling to fill job openings, with 44% of small business owners reporting that they are unable to fill their current openings. The labor shortage faced by small businesses is a significant challenge that requires innovative solutions from various stakeholders. The survey also found that job openings vary by industry, with manufacturing seeing the highest percentage of job openings at 58%.

The labor shortage is due, in part, to the pandemic, but other factors have contributed to the shortage, including challenges with childcare, generos unemployment benefits, and fears of contracting COVID-19 in the workplace. Addressing the labor shortage will require solutions from various stakeholders, including government, businesses, and workers. Possible solutions include offering incentives, training and reskilling programs for workers, and investing in employee retention strategies.

Finding solutions that balance worker needs and business demands requires a collaborative effort from all stakeholders. We need to work together to find solutions that meet the needs of both parties and ensure a thriving economy.


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A recently released survey of small businesses shows that nearly half are having trouble filling job openings.

The National Federation of Independent Businesses released the survey, which found that 44% of small business owners report they are unable to fill current openings, 20 points higher than the average reading for the past 49 years.