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Shocking Revelation: Instagram Threads Surpasses Twitter with Enormous Weekly User Base!

**Title: The Rapid Rise and Continued Success of Instagram Threads**


In the age of social media dominance, Instagram Threads has emerged as a major player captivating users worldwide. This messaging app, launched in 2023, has achieved remarkable success in a short period. With over 100 million users within its first few days, Threads has already reached a fifth of Twitter’s worldwide weekly active user base and outperformed Truth Social, Twitter’s biggest US rival, by a staggering 86 times. According to data provided by application intelligence company, Threads has also surpassed Niantic’s Pokémon Go, becoming the fastest-growing app since its debut in 2016.

**Analysis of Threads’ Initial Traction:**

Despite its extraordinary success, Threads experienced a slight dip in initial use, as reported by app intelligence firm Sensor Tower. Daily active users showed a decrease of around 20% on Tuesday and Wednesday compared to the previous Saturday. Additionally, the time spent on the app reduced by 50%, dropping from 20 minutes to 10 minutes. However, these fluctuations don’t overshadow Threads’ overall momentum, as highlights.

**Threads’ Record-Breaking Downloads:**

According to’s estimates, Threads has achieved over 150 million downloads, surpassing the record set by Niantic’s Pokémon Go in terms of the biggest app launch. It took Threads just over five days to reach this milestone, demonstrating its widespread popularity among users around the world.

**Insights into the Threads Audience:**’s research also shed light on the demographics of Threads’ audience. Surprisingly, India emerged as the leader in terms of downloads, accounting for 33% of global installations. Brazil followed closely with 22%, while the United States accounted for 16%. Mexico and Japan also contributed to the app’s user base, with 8% and 5% respectively. Notably, Threads is currently not available in the European Union due to regulatory hurdles related to privacy concerns and data collection practices. Meta, the parent company of Instagram, even implemented measures to prevent EU users from accessing the app via VPN.

**Recent Updates and Future Enhancements:**

Threads recently released a significant update, offering iOS 17 support and introducing various minor improvements. However, the app has even more significant enhancements on the horizon, such as the introduction of a follow feed, an edit button, multi-account support, and integration with ActivityPub. This integration will enable Threads to connect with ActivityPub, the protocol that powers Mastodon, a popular decentralized Twitter alternative.

**Competitive Landscape:**

Threads’ remarkable success raises questions about its impact on other social media platforms. In just a few days, the app has surpassed Twitter’s weekly active user base by a significant margin, signaling a potential shift in user preferences. Truth Social, positioned as Twitter’s biggest US rival, pales in comparison, with a weekly active user base of only 1 million. This highlights the novelty and appeal of Threads in the market.


Instagram Threads has achieved unprecedented success since its launch, amassing over 100 million users within days and surpassing Twitter’s active user base. Its exceptional growth rate, surpassing even Niantic’s Pokémon Go, speaks volumes about its popularity and engagement. Despite a slight dip in initial use, Threads has regained momentum and continues to attract users globally. With further improvements and expansion on the horizon, Threads is poised to reshape the social media landscape and further solidify its position as a dominant messaging app.


Instagram Threads, the messaging app launched in 2023, has had a remarkable start, surpassing 100 million users within a few days and achieving a fifth of Twitter’s weekly active user base. Despite experiencing a slight decline in initial usage, Threads rebounded and surpassed Niantic’s Pokémon Go as the fastest-growing app, with over 150 million downloads in a short span of time. India emerged as the leading market for Threads, followed by Brazil and the United States. However, regulatory hurdles prevent its availability in the European Union. Threads recently released an update and has plans for significant enhancements in the future. Its success has raised questions about its impact on other social media platforms, particularly Twitter and its biggest US rival, Truth Social. Threads’ rapid rise and widespread popularity signify its potential to reshape the social media landscape and establish itself as a dominant player in the messaging app market.


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The launch of Instagram Threads has been an overnight success, surpassing 100 million users a few days after his arrival. Now, new data indicates that the app has already reached a fifth of Twitter’s worldwide weekly active user base and 86 times the weekly active user base of Twitter’s biggest US rival, Truth Social. , which had a weekly active user base of 1 million as of last week.

The new insights, provided by the application intelligence company, follow another analysis of the initial traction of Threads, which had shown a slight dip in initial use. According to app intelligence firm Sensor Tower late last week, Threads’ daily active users were down on Tuesday and Wednesday, around 20% less than on Saturday. Time spent was also reduced by 50%, from 20 minutes to 10 minutes, the firm said, as reported by CNBC.

But Threads’ momentum is far from over, notes The app has now achieved over 150 million downloads, according to its current estimates, which is 5.5 times faster than Niantic’s Pokémon Go, which held the record for the biggest app launch title since its debut in July 2016. .

Image Credits: also shared other new insights into the nature of the Threads audience, finding that Twitter’s rival had attracted an audience of around 93 million active users worldwide during its first partial week of availability, prior to the launch. official announcement of its 100 million subscriptions. milestone on July 10.

The company also found that India, not the US, is the leader in terms of downloads of the new app, accounting for 33% of global downloads. It is followed by Brazil (22%), then the United States (16%) and finally Mexico and Japan, with 8% and 5%, respectively. Threads, however, is not available in the EU at this time due to regulatory hurdles related to privacy concerns and data collection practices. Meta even recently started preventing EU users from working around the block on Threads via vpn.

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A few days ago, Threads launched his first major update since releasebringing iOS 17 support, now available as a public beta, among other minor changes. Still ahead for the app are more significant enhancements such as a follow feed, an edit button, multi-account support, and integration with ActivityPub, the protocol that powers popular decentralized Twitter alternative Mastodon.

Instagram Threads now has one-fifth the weekly active user base of Twitter
