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Shocking Revelation: Researchers Confirm AI Models Disgracefully Fail to Meet EU Standards!

Title: Building Responsible AI: Navigating EU Regulations and the Challenges Ahead

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a critical area of development for many companies striving for technological advancements. However, as the global AI landscape evolves, it is increasingly essential to strike a balance between rapid progress and responsible development. This article examines a research study conducted by Stanford University that highlights potential clashes between companies in the AI industry and draft EU regulations. We will delve into the key findings of the study and explore the challenges associated with implementing responsible AI practices. Furthermore, we will provide unique insights into the future of AI regulations and discuss the importance of transparency and industry cooperation in building reliable AI systems.

1. The Clash between AI Models and EU Regulations:
1.1 Companies’ failure to comply with draft EU rules:
– Stanford study warns about companies falling short of EU regulations.
– Lack of compliance with copyright issues raises concerns.
– Non-disclosure of AI-generated content and copyrighted data usage.

1.2 The need for disclosure and compensation:
– EU AI Act proposals aim to govern the use of generative AI tools.
– Developers should disclose AI-generated content and summarize copyrighted data.
– Ensuring fair compensation for creators and copyrighted work.

2. Stanford Study: Evaluation of AI Models against EU Rules:
2.1 Key findings of the study:
– Ten AI models ranked against draft EU regulations.
– Shortcomings identified in key areas.
– Six out of ten suppliers scoring below 50%.

2.2 Challenges faced by closed and open-source models:
– Closed models with limited transparency regarding copyrighted data.
– Open-source models provide more transparency but lack auditability.

2.3 Ranking of AI models based on compliance:
– Germany’s Aleph Alpha and California’s Anthropic at the bottom of the scale.
– Open-source model BLOOM ranked first, showcasing transparency and compliance.

3. Responsible AI Development:
3.1 Understanding the limitations of AI:
– Harvard University’s expert emphasizes the importance of responsible AI usage.
– AI is not inherently neutral, reliable, or beneficial.
– The need for concerted efforts to ensure appropriate AI use.

3.2 The role of reliability in AI development:
– Building robust AI systems goes beyond hardware.
– Competitiveness relies on the reliability of AI models.
– Balancing development with reliability and responsible practices.

4. Future of AI Regulations:
4.1 US legislation advancements:
– The US is preparing to advance legislation on AI in the coming months.
– The EU’s draft AI law takes the lead in adopting specific rules.
– The importance of transparency for effective AI regulation.

4.2 Enforcing AI regulations:
– Difficulties in enforcing compliance with AI laws.
– Challenges in understanding and summarizing copyrighted portions of datasets.
– Lobbying efforts expected to shape final regulations in Brussels and Washington.

Additional Piece:

Exploring the Implications of Responsible AI: Finding the Right Balance

As AI continues to shape various industries, ensuring responsible development and usage of AI systems becomes crucial. While regulations play a significant role in governing AI, finding the right balance between technological advancement and ethical considerations remains a challenge.

1. Striking a Balance:
– Ethical considerations in AI development and deployment.
– Balancing innovation with public safety and privacy concerns.
– The importance of transparency and accountability.

2. Industry Collaboration for Responsible AI:
– The role of collaboration between industry players and regulators.
– Building consensus to establish effective AI guidelines.
– Sharing best practices and knowledge exchange.

3. Beyond Compliance: Ethical AI Practices:
– Moving beyond legal requirements towards ethical AI practices.
– Promoting fairness, inclusivity, and bias-free AI systems.
– Incorporating ethical frameworks into AI development processes.

4. AI Regulation Adoption Across Sectors:
– The impact of AI regulations on various sectors.
– Potential disruptions and opportunities within professional services, finance, healthcare, and media.
– Adapting to regulatory changes for sustainable growth.

5. Ensuring Human Control and Ethical Decision-Making:
– Integrating human oversight and control in AI systems.
– Addressing the black box problem and interpretability challenges.
– Promoting responsible decision-making and AI’s role as a tool.


The development and regulation of AI systems present significant challenges and opportunities. As companies invest billions of dollars in AI models, it is crucial to align development with responsible practices outlined by regulators. The Stanford study sheds light on the shortcomings of AI models and emphasizes the need for transparency, compliance, and the fair use of copyrighted data. Striking a balance between technological advancements and responsible development is essential for the future of AI. By prioritizing reliability, transparency, and accountability, the industry can build AI systems that benefit society while minimizing potential risks.


The Stanford University research study warns about companies falling short of draft EU rules governing AI technology. Compliance with copyright issues and disclosure of AI-generated content are identified as major concerns. The study evaluates ten AI models against the draft regulations, finding that six out of ten suppliers fall short in key compliance areas. Closed models lack transparency, while open-source models are harder to audit. Responsible development of AI systems involves addressing ethical considerations, ensuring reliability, and promoting industry cooperation. The future of AI regulations will require transparency, collaboration, and effective enforcement.


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Companies building new AI models, including ChatGPT creator OpenAI, owner of Google and Facebook Meta, risk falling short of draft EU rules governing the technology, US research has warned.

The Stanford University paper points to a looming clash between companies spending billions of dollars developing sophisticated AI models, often with the backing of politicians who view the technology as critical to national security, and global regulators intent on limiting its risks.

“Companies are failing [of the draft rules]especially on the copyright issue,” said Rishi Bommasani, an artificial intelligence researcher at the Stanford Center for Research on Foundation Models.

“If foundation models generate content, they need to summarize what data they trained on is copyrighted,” Bommasani said. “Most vendors are doing particularly poorly on this at the moment.”

The launch of ChatGPT in November led to the release of a wave of generative AI tools—software trained on massive datasets to produce human-like text, images, and code.

EU lawmakers, spurred on by this breakneck pace of development, recently agreed to a strict set of rules governing the use of AI. Under the AI ​​Act proposals, developers of generative AI tools like Chat GPTBard and Midjourney should disclose AI-generated content and publish summaries of copyrighted data used for training purposes so that creators can be compensated for using their work.

The Stanford study, led by Bommasani, ranked 10 AI models against draft EU rules on describing data sources and summarizing copyrighted data, disclosure of technology energy consumption and calculation and reports of assessments, tests and foreseeable risks associated with it.

Every model fell short in a number of key areas, with six out of 10 suppliers scoring below 50%. Closed models, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT or Google’s PaLM 2, suffered from a lack of transparency around copyrighted data, while open-source, or publicly accessible, rivals were more transparent but harder to audit, the researchers found. . In last place on the study’s 48-point scale were Germany’s Aleph Alpha and California’s Anthropic, while open source model BLOOM ranked first.

“AI is not inherently neutral, reliable, or beneficial,” Rumman Chowdhury of Harvard University told a hearing of the US Congressional Science, Space, and Technology Committee on AI on Thursday.

“A concerted and directed effort is needed to ensure this technology is used appropriately,” he added. “Building the industry’s most robust AI isn’t just about processors and microchips. The real competitive advantage is reliability.”

Bommasani’s research findings, which were cited at Thursday’s hearing, will help regulators globally as they grapple with technology expected to shake up sectors ranging from professional and financial services to pharmaceuticals and media.

But they also highlighted the tension between rapid development and responsible development.

“Our opponents are catching up” on AI, Frank Lucas, the committee’s Republican chairman, said Thursday. “We cannot and should not try to copy China’s playbook, but we can maintain our leadership role in AI and we can ensure its development with our values ​​of reliability, fairness and transparency.”

The US is preparing to advance legislation in the coming months, but the EU’s draft AI law is ahead in terms of adopting specific rules.

Bommasani said greater transparency in the industry would allow policymakers to regulate AI more effectively than in the past.

“It was clear from social media that we didn’t have a good understanding of how the platforms were being used, which affected our ability to govern them,” he said.

But the failure of companies to comply with the draft AI law shows that it will be difficult to enforce the laws.

It’s not “immediately clear” what it means to summarize the copyrighted portion of these massive datasets, said Bommasani, who expects lobbying efforts in Brussels and Washington to be stepped up as the regulations are finalized.