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Shocking Revelation: TSE Rapporteur Demands Bolsonaro’s Immediate Disqualification for Shocking Attack on Electronic Ballot Boxes! You Won’t Believe What Happened in Alvorada Meeting with Ambassadors!

Title: “Jair Bolsonaro Faces Disqualification as Superior Electoral Tribunal Resumes Trial”

The trial of Jair Bolsonaro by the Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE) has resumed, with Minister Benedito Gonçalves, the General Magistrate of Electoral Justice and rapporteur of the process, voting for the disqualification of the former president for eight years. The disqualification is based on Bolsonaro’s attacks on the election system in July 2022, during a meeting with foreign ambassadors at the Palácio da Alvorada. According to Gonçalves, Bolsonaro’s actions contributed to the degradation of trust in the electoral process and posed a threat to democratic normality. The trial will resume on Thursday, with additional statements expected from other ministers.

Bolsonaro’s Speech and the Threat to Democracy:
Gonçalves’ vote was based on a comprehensive analysis of the events leading to the trial. He pointed out that Bolsonaro systematically created a narrative of election manipulation aimed at defeating him in the 2018 presidential race. The meeting with foreign ambassadors, three months before the presidential race, was seen as an attempt to gain international support by discrediting the Brazilian electoral system. Gonçalves highlighted that Bolsonaro’s speech during the meeting reflected an abuse of presidential authority and a distortion of his role as a representative of the people.

Spread of Disinformation:
During the meeting, Bolsonaro raised suspicions about the effectiveness of electronic voting machines without presenting any evidence. Gonçalves noted that Bolsonaro’s speech was filled with disinformation and conspiracy theories, aimed at questioning the integrity of the electoral process. He emphasized that Bolsonaro’s claims were baseless, as the TSE had already implemented proposals from the Armed Forces to improve the electoral system, such as increasing the number of electronic ballot boxes subject to integrity tests and including a military representative in the Electoral Transparency Commission.

Misuse of Media:
Gonçalves also addressed the misuse of media by Bolsonaro’s supporters, who spread false information about the election system. He cited a precedent in which the TSE had revoked the mandate of a state deputy for spreading false news against electronic voting. Bolsonaro’s dissemination of false information created a false asymmetry in the defense’s argument that the meeting with the ambassadors was a response to a prior meeting with diplomats on the election technology used.

The Significance of the Coup Draft:
Addressing the defense’s argument that a coup draft seized from the house of Anderson Torres should not be accepted as evidence, Gonçalves clarified that the admissibility of the document was in line with jurisprudence. He argued that the document, which embodied a broader electoral strategy, directly related to the meeting with the ambassadors. By importing an electoral strategy into the investigation, Bolsonaro had intended to garner international support through false accusations.

The trial of Jair Bolsonaro by the Superior Electoral Tribunal has resumed, with Minister Benedito Gonçalves voting for his disqualification for eight years. The vote reflects Bolsonaro’s attacks on the election system, particularly during a meeting with foreign ambassadors. Gonçalves highlighted that Bolsonaro’s speech undermined trust in the electoral process and exploited disinformation tactics. The misuse of media and the significance of the coup draft seized from Torres’ house further corroborated the accusations against Bolsonaro. With the trial set to resume, it remains to be seen how the other ministers will weigh in on the matter.

The trial of Jair Bolsonaro by the Superior Electoral Tribunal has resumed, with Minister Benedito Gonçalves voting for the disqualification of the former president for eight years. Gonçalves argued that Bolsonaro’s attacks on the election system during a meeting with foreign ambassadors resulted in the degradation of trust in the electoral process and posed a threat to democratic normality. The trial will continue, with additional statements expected from other ministers. Bolsonaro’s dissemination of disinformation, misuse of media, and the significance of a coup draft seized from a government official’s house were key factors in the case against him.


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In the resumption of the trial of the Jair Bolsonaro (PL) by the Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE), the General Magistrate of Electoral Justice and rapporteur of the process, Minister Benedito Gonçalves, voted, this Tuesday (27), for the disqualification of the former president for eight years, due to the attacks on the election system perpetrated in July 2022, during a meeting with foreign ambassadors at the Palácio da Alvorada.

In Gonçalves’ opinion, Bolsonaro’s speech at the time contributed to the “degradation of the chain of trust that led to institutional chaos”, fraying democratic normality by “proposing a crusade” against the possible manipulation of the elections that, in his opinion, understand, he had the sole objective of defeating him in the presidential race last year.

The session was closed by the president of the Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE), Minister Alexandre de Moraes, and the trial will resume on Thursday (29), when it will be concluded. Demonstrations by ministers Raul Araújo, Floriano Marques, André Ramos Tavares, Cármen Lúcia, Kassio Nunes Marques and Alexandre de Moraes are expected on this day.

The approximately 400-page summary of the vote by Benedito Gonçalves was divided into three parts, and his reading lasted about three hours, citing testimonies from Ciro Nogueira (PP) and Carlos França, who were part of the Bolsonaro government and held positions as Minister of the Civil House and head of Itamaraty, respectively, at the time of the meeting with the ambassadors, as witnesses heard in the process.

The rapporteur pointed out that, based on the lessons learned from the TSE ministers, citing a possible framework to favor his opponents, Bolsonaro acted systematically by creating a common thread whose time frame begins after the 2018 elections, when the then president elect speaks publicly about an alleged manipulation of votes (which he never proved) to harm him in that election, despite the fact that he won.

In this timeline, the meeting with the ambassadors three months before the presidential race would be an attempt to sensitize international representatives and raise some support based on false accusations, discrediting the Brazilian electoral system. For Gonçalves, the attack on the credibility of electronic voting machines is an indisputable fact, covered by a veneer of institutionality when foreign representatives met at the official residence of the Presidency of the Republic.


In the meeting with the ambassadors, Gonçalves observed that Bolsonaro’s behavior in his speech reflected “a supreme authority of the President of the Republic”, including the exaltation of the Armed Forces, which, in Bolsonaro’s opinion, would have a more qualified technical body that the TSE itself to suggest changes in the electoral process. Such behavior reflects a distortion of the role of the representative, who, according to the 1988 Constitution, must value the balance between the Powers of the Republic and work for the proper functioning of the state bureaucracy.

Focusing much of his speech on a Federal Police investigation investigating facts and circumstances involving an alleged hacker attack on the TSE system in 2018, Bolsonaro raised suspicions about the effectiveness of electronic voting machines without presenting any evidence.

Still according to Gonçalves, the defendant did not address official information about the voting system in his speech, and spread disinformation based on rhetoric anchored in elements such as conspiracy and victimization, describing a false scenario that questioned the holding of clean elections. . risk. Content addressed to foreign representatives would therefore have been formatted in the same way as messages widely disseminated on lives of the then president a year earlier.

Before representatives of the diplomatic corps of other countries, Bolsonaro said that the TSE refused to accept suggestions from the Armed Forces to improve the electoral process. Hours after the transmission, the Court reaffirmed its commitment to guarantee the security of the vote, detailing procedures carried out at the end of the vote in each electoral section, such as the issuance of ballot boxes in five copies, indicating how many votes each candidate received.

Unlike the information disseminated by Bolsonaro at the time, the Court had also favorably positioned some of the proposals of the Armed Forces to improve the electoral process, such as increasing the number of electronic ballot boxes that will undergo integrity tests on election day. elections, in addition to the inclusion of a representative of the military, since 2021, in the Electoral Transparency Commission.

“The discrepancy between the statements is not a mere inaccuracy or error, but rather they were made with methods, to be exploited as an electoral element,” said Benedito Gonçalves.


Draft of the coup seized at Torres’ house

Responding to the defense argument that accepting as evidence the coup draft seized from the house of Anderson Torres after the filing of the action goes in the opposite direction to a similar situation that occurred in the trial for the ticket of Dilma Rousseff (PT) and Michel Temer (MDB), six years ago, the rapporteur opened his vote stating that “admissibility does not confront and does not contradict the jurisprudence signed in 2014.”

“It is enough to verify that the author of the action imported an electoral strategy to the investigated, which would have been put into practice in the meeting with the ambassadors,” he argued.

According to Gonçalves, they are “two totally different situations”, and “the meeting is an event inserted in a context”. Thus, the rapporteur maintained that there is a direct relationship between the document “in its coup essence” and the episode of the meeting with the ambassadors, configuring a broader electoral strategy.

Regarding the misuse of the media promoted by publications on Bolsonarist profiles that disseminate extracts from the meeting, in posts of an electoral nature, the rapporteur cited jurisprudence from 2021, when the TSE revoked the mandate and disqualified the state deputy elected by Paraná in 2018. Fernando Francischini, for spreading false news against the electronic voting system.

On election day, Francischini went live to spread the false news that two ballot boxes were seized after a fraud was found, meaning the team was not accepting votes for then-presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro.

In his vote, the Corregidor Benedito Gonçalves also considered as a false asymmetry of the defense the argument that the meeting with the ambassadors in the Palácio da Alvorada would be a “response” to the meeting that took place on May 31, when the Minister of the TSE, Edson Fachin, spoke in a meeting with diplomats about the Brazilian elections, including the technology used.

“The person under investigation maintained that the president of the TSE called a meeting without being constitutionally entitled to do so. However, it is undeniable that this highest body has the duty to disseminate and disseminate, quickly and truthfully”, analyzed Benedito Gonçalves, ruling out any irregularity.
