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Shocking Revelation: UBS Bank Predicts No Interest Rate Drop in June, But Major Cut on the Horizon in August!

Understanding Brazil’s Interest Rate Outlook

UBS Bank’s Analysis

The UBS bank predicts that the Monetary Policy Committee (Copom) of Brazil will maintain the country’s basic interest rate, the Selic, at 13.75% in their upcoming meeting on Wednesday (21). The bank’s analysts believe that the start of an easing cycle will depend on further reductions in inflation expectations.

UBS highlights that the Focus Bulletin, created by the Central Bank, has already indicated a decrease in inflation expectations for 2023. However, experts suggest that inflation will only reach its lowest point in 2024. UBS analysts argue that further reductions in inflation expectations for 2024 will occur due to lower-than-expected inflation over the next few months, thanks to the approval of the new fiscal framework in Congress and the confirmation of Copom’s medium-term inflation target of 3%.

The UBS bank estimates that the easing cycle, beginning with the first interest rate cut of 0.5 percentage points, will only happen in September. They predict that the Selic will end this year at 12.25% and reach 9% in September 2024. However, if inflation expectations decline more rapidly, a rate cut in August becomes more likely.

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Additional Piece: The Implications of Brazil’s Interest Rate Outlook

The UBS bank’s analysis provides valuable insights into Brazil’s interest rate outlook and the factors affecting it. Maintaining the Selic at 13.75% demonstrates Copom’s cautious approach towards managing inflation and promoting economic stability. Let us delve deeper into the implications of the bank’s predictions and the significance of Brazil’s interest rate trajectory.

The Role of Inflation Expectations

Inflation expectations play a crucial role in shaping monetary policy decisions. The UBS bank emphasizes the importance of further reductions in inflation expectations before initiating an easing cycle. Lower inflation expectations signal increased confidence in the central bank’s ability to contain inflationary pressures and create a favorable environment for reducing interest rates.

However, experts note that while inflation expectations for 2023 are projected to decrease, it may take until 2024 for inflation to bottom out. This suggests a more cautious approach to interest rate cuts, with the central bank closely monitoring economic indicators before implementing significant changes.

The Influence of the Fiscal Framework

The approval of the new fiscal framework in Congress is expected to contribute to lower-than-expected inflation in the coming months. A sound fiscal framework ensures responsible government spending, reduces the risk of fiscal imbalances, and fosters a stable economic environment. The UBS bank predicts that the approval of the new fiscal framework will have a positive impact on inflation, providing further impetus for interest rate cuts in the medium term.

However, it is important to note that the successful implementation of the fiscal framework relies on coordinated efforts between the government, legislative bodies, and other stakeholders. Any delays or setbacks in the approval process can potentially impact the timeline for interest rate cuts and complicate Brazil’s economic recovery.

The Path to Lower Interest Rates

The UBS bank’s analysis suggests that the first interest rate cut of 0.5 percentage points is likely to occur in September. This conservative approach aligns with the central bank’s focus on inflation containment and gradual adjustments to monetary policy. However, if inflation expectations decline more rapidly than projected, an interest rate cut in August becomes a viable option.

The trajectory of Brazil’s interest rates has significant implications for consumers, businesses, and investors. Lower interest rates stimulate borrowing and investment, leading to increased economic activity and job creation. With the gradual reduction of interest rates, businesses can access cheaper financing options, enabling expansion and innovation.

The Impact on Investment and Economic Recovery

The UBS bank’s prediction of a gradual decline in interest rates until 2024 can have a positive impact on Brazil’s investment landscape and economic recovery. Lower interest rates make investments more attractive, encouraging both domestic and foreign investors to allocate their capital to productive assets in Brazil.

Additionally, reduced borrowing costs can incentivize businesses to take on new projects, invest in infrastructure, and enhance their competitiveness. The resulting increase in economic activity can generate employment opportunities and contribute to a sustained recovery from the pandemic-induced downturn.


The UBS bank’s analysis provides valuable insights into Brazil’s interest rate outlook and the factors influencing it. Maintaining the Selic at 13.75% reflects Copom’s cautious approach towards managing inflation, while also considering the impact of the new fiscal framework and gradual adjustments in interest rates. As inflation expectations decline and economic indicators improve, the path to lower interest rates becomes clearer, creating opportunities for businesses and stimulating Brazil’s economic recovery.


The UBS bank predicts that Brazil’s central bank, Copom, will keep the country’s basic interest rate, Selic, at 13.75% in their upcoming meeting. The bank highlights the importance of further reductions in inflation expectations before initiating an easing cycle. The approval of the new fiscal framework in Congress is expected to contribute to lower-than-expected inflation in the coming months. The first interest rate cut of 0.5 percentage points is predicted to occur in September, with a gradual decline to 9% by September 2024. This trajectory of interest rate cuts can have a positive impact on investment, economic recovery, and job creation. It is important to monitor inflation expectations, fiscal framework implementation, and economic indicators to understand Brazil’s interest rate outlook accurately.


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The UBS bank believes that the Monetary Policy Committee (Copom) will maintain Brazil’s basic interest rate, the Selic, at 13.75% at its meeting on Wednesday (21), when the group will meet to assess the current scenario of the Brazilian economy.

“The start of the easing cycle still depends on further reductions in inflation expectations,” the analysts said, noting that the Focus Bulletin, designed by the Central Bank, has pointed to a decrease in inflation expectations in 2023.

However, experts say it will only bottom out in 2024. “In our view, further reductions to the 2024 expectation will be driven by inflation that continues to surprise on the downside over the next three months, due to the approval of the new fiscal framework. in Congress, and for the confirmation of the Copom’s medium-term inflation target of 3%”.

For the banking institution, the cycle of falling interest rates should only arrive in September, when, according to UBS, the first cut of 0.5 percentage points will take place. “We expect the Selic to end this year at 12.25% and reach 9% in September 2024,” the report says.

Experts say, however, that if inflation expectations decline more quickly, a cut in August is more likely.

See also:


“We are going to further reduce inflation,” says Lula on the eve of the Copom

Deceleration of inflation alleviates more to high income, which sees deflation of 0.08%, says Ipea

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