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SHOCKING Revelations: Exposing Biden’s Criminal Acts and Web of Lies!

Title: Unveiling the Facts: Understanding the Impeachment Investigation into President Biden


In a recent speech at the America First Policy Institute agenda summit, Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich shed light on the impeachment investigation into President Joe Biden’s alleged corrupt actions. As the investigation gains traction, it is essential to comprehend its purpose and the evidence presented thus far. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the investigation, highlighting key questions and testimonies, and offering insights into the significance of the findings.

Understanding the Impeachment Investigation:

The impeachment investigation initiated by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is not a preliminary act of impeachment but a crucial step to evaluate the presence of substantial evidence warranting impeachment. Contrary to assumptions held by some reporters, this investigation aims to seek answers regarding potential wrongdoing by President Biden rather than serving as a partisan exercise.

Key Questions and Testimonies:

The impeachment inquiry into President Biden mainly revolves around two key questions: First, it examines whether President Biden actively aided his son in financial endeavors while in office. Second, it explores the possibility of President Biden receiving significant sums of money in exchange for his assistance. These questions form the foundation of the investigation and underpin the legitimacy of the inquiry.

Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s former business partner, testified that President Biden was not only known as ‘The Brand’ but also utilized his power and influence to benefit the Biden family financially through foreign sources. Archer claimed that then-Vice President Biden had demonstrated Hunter’s access to power by being on speakerphone during conversations with various individuals.

The investigation further delves into specific instances that allegedly showcase President Biden’s involvement in business dealings. For example, it is reported that in February 2014, then-Vice President Biden had dinner with oligarchs from Russia and Kazakhstan, individuals who funneled money to Hunter Biden and his associates. Similarly, in April 2015, President Biden dined with business associates of Hunter Biden, including Vadym Pozharsky, an executive from Ukrainian company Burisma, which was then under investigation for corruption.

Email communications also shed light on President Biden’s potential involvement. One email, sent in May 2017 by James Gilliar, a Biden family associate, outlines how profits from a deal with CEFC, an energy company linked to the Chinese Communist Party, would be split. Gilliar stated that President Biden would receive a 10% share. Another email from September 2017, written by Hunter Biden, refers to President Biden as his business partner and provides his personal cell phone number as a means of confirmation.

Deepening the Investigation:

While the mentioned testimonies and evidence lay the foundation for the impeachment investigation, it is crucial to note that they represent only a fraction of the material that will be examined. As the inquiry proceeds, more information is expected to come to light, potentially strengthening or disproving these initial claims. It is essential to remain open to these developments and assess the investigation’s findings comprehensively.

Significance and Need for an Investigation:

The revelations presented during the impeachment inquiry highlight the need for a thorough investigation into President Biden’s involvement in potential corruption. The testimonies and evidence raise critical questions about possible abuses of power and conflicts of interest that deserve further scrutiny.

By objectively examining the evidence, the investigation aims to uncover the truth regarding President Biden’s actions and determine whether they meet the threshold for impeachment. The seriousness of such allegations necessitates a meticulous evaluation of all facts and informed testimonies.


The impeachment investigation into President Joe Biden’s alleged corrupt actions is a crucial endeavor aimed at uncovering the truth behind his conduct while in office. As testimonies and evidence are presented, it becomes increasingly clear that there are legitimate concerns surrounding President Biden’s potential involvement in financially benefiting his family and leveraging his position for personal gain.

While the investigation is ongoing and more material is yet to be released, it is essential to wait for comprehensive findings before making conclusive judgments. The ultimate goal of this inquiry is to ensure transparency, accountability, and the integrity of the office of the President. As citizens, it is our duty to stay informed, engage with the process, and allow the investigation to proceed unimpeded until its conclusions are reached.


The impeachment investigation into President Joe Biden seeks to determine whether he actively supported his son’s financial ventures and received substantial sums of money in return. Testimonies and evidence presented so far shed light on alleged instances of involvement, including meetings with foreign individuals and exchanges of emails suggesting President Biden’s partnership and knowledge of business dealings. While more material is yet to come, it is crucial to recognize the significance of the investigation and its potential impact on the integrity of the presidency. As citizens, staying informed and allowing the investigation to unfold without bias is essential to ensuring transparency and accountability.


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Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich speaks before former President Donald Trump at an America First Policy Institute agenda summit at the Marriott Marquis in Washington, Tuesday, July 26, 2022. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

When President Kevin McCarthy called for an impeachment investigation into President Joe Biden’s various corrupt actions, several reporters called me.

They each began their questions with the assumption that there was no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden and that the investigation was a purely partisan exercise.

None of them seemed to understand what an impeachment investigation is. The point of any investigation is to ask whether there might be evidence of crimes great enough to justify impeachment.

The investigation is a prelude, not an act of impeachment. If sufficient evidence is found during the investigation, the next step is impeachment. If a thorough review of the information does not indicate any serious violations, the matter is closed.

The question at this stage is whether there are enough suspicious facts and informed witnesses to raise questions that need to be answered.

Here are some key parts of the commission’s report. If someone asks you why there is an impeachment investigation, this will provide you with an authoritative and factual answer.

The key questions are: first, whether Joe Biden was actively helping his son make money while in office; and secondly, did Joe Biden receive significant money for helping him?

The impeachment inquiry will produce much more material. The items below are just the beginning. Much of this came directly from the Oversight Committee, with some comments from me.

On July 20, 2023, Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s former business partner, testified that “Joe Biden was ‘The Brand’ and was used to send ‘signals’ of power, access and influence to enrich the Biden family from foreign sources” .

Archer testified that then-Vice President Biden was on speaker phone more than 20 times to demonstrate that Hunter had access to power.

“In February 2014, then-Vice President Joe Biden dined with oligarchs from Russia and Kazakhstan who funneled millions of dollars to Hunter Biden and his business associates.” That dinner took place at Café Milano and no one doubts that it happened.

“In April 2015, then-Vice President Biden dined with foreign business associates of Hunter Biden, including Ukrainian Burisma executive Vadym Pozharsky. Burisma was then under investigation by Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin for corruption.

“Using the pseudonym “Robert L. Peters,” Vice President Biden was briefed by his staff on a 2016 call with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. Copied to that official email? Hunter Biden, who sat on the board of directors of the Ukrainian company Burisma.

“In May 2017, James Gilliar, a Biden family associate, sent an email to Hunter Biden and other associates to formalize how they would split profits from their deal with CEFC, an energy company linked to the Chinese Communist Party . Gilliar indicated that Joe Biden would receive 10%, which was confirmed by former Biden family associate Tony Bobulinski.

“On May 20, 2017, James Gilliar told Tony Bobulinksi, another business associate, ‘Don’t mention Joe’s involvement, that’s only when you’re face to face.'[.] I know, you know, but they’re paranoid.’

“In an email dated September 21, 2017, Hunter Biden wrote that Joe Biden is his business partner and provided Joe Biden’s personal cell phone if the recipient seeks confirmation. The emails also show that Hunter Biden, CEFC officials and Joe Biden would share offices under the Hudson West/CEFC/Biden Foundation name.

“On July 30, 2017, Hunter Biden asked Chinese business associates for money and threatened that Joe Biden was sitting next to him: “If I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you… I I will ensure that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my lead.

“On August 3, 2017, Hunter Biden said, ‘The Bidens are the best I know at doing exactly what the president wants out of this partnership. Please, let’s not quibble about peanuts.’ The president is Ye Jianming, a Chinese billionaire linked to a CCP intelligence gathering agency. Ye said CEFC China’s vision “is to obtain resources from abroad and serve the national strategy.

“As vice president, Joe Biden allowed his son to travel with him on Air Force Two for judicial business around the world. Vice President Biden took Hunter Biden to at least 15 countries where he sold “The Brand” to enrich the Biden family.

“Hunter Biden’s business associates reportedly visited the White House more than 80 times when Joe Biden was vice president.

“The June 30, 2020 FBI Form FD-1023 contains allegations that then-Vice President Joe Biden was involved in an extortion scheme in which he was paid $5 million in exchange for certain actions.

“Hunter’s pitch to Chinese investors was access to his father, Joe Biden. In September 2011, while his father was vice president, Hunter wrote in an email that his value to Chinese investors “has nothing to do with me and everything to do with my last name.”

“In 2019, Hunter Biden texted his daughter, claiming that, ‘unlike Pop, I won’t make you give me half your paycheck.’

Clearly an investigation is needed and we need to know the facts.
