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Shocking Truth: Can Lung Detox Really Rid Your Body of Toxins?

Best Ways to Keep Your Lungs Healthy

How to Detox Your Lungs and Keep Them Healthy


If you have been exposed to years of cigarette smoke, pollution, viruses, and other toxins, the idea of clearing your lungs and starting over may be quite appealing. However, before you consider buying products that claim to “detox” your lungs, it’s essential to understand the science behind lung health and the best ways to keep them as clean as possible.

Myths and Truths about Lung Detox

Dr. Joshua Englert, a pulmonologist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, warns against the countless products available on the internet that claim to remove toxins from the lungs. He emphasizes that there is no scientific research to support the use of any of these products. Fortunately, our lungs have a remarkable ability to clean and repair themselves in certain situations, and there are steps we can take to assist in this process.

Recovering from Acute and Chronic Lung Conditions

According to Dr. Norman Edelman, a professor of medicine at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, the lungs have the potential to fully recover from acute illnesses such as pneumonia or bronchitis. However, chronic damage from smoking can pose significant challenges for the lungs, leading to conditions like emphysema and chronic bronchitis, collectively known as COPD. Once the air sacs in the lungs are destroyed, they cannot be replaced, leading to permanent damage.

Quitting Smoking for Lung Health

  • 20 years after quitting smoking, the risk of COPD falls to the same level as if you had never smoked.
  • A decade after quitting, the risk of dying from lung cancer is about half the risk of a current smoker.
  • 30 years after quitting, the risk of lung cancer drops to non-smoking levels.

Dr. Englert emphasizes the importance of quitting smoking as early as possible, as it significantly increases the chances of repairing any damage to the lungs. However, he also notes that prolonged smoking can lead to irreversible damage.

Protecting Your Lungs

While it may not be possible to completely reverse the damage caused by smoking, there are proven ways to protect your lungs from further harm. Dr. Edelman suggests several strategies to keep your lungs as clean as possible.

Avoid Secondhand Smoke and Vaping

Dr. Edelman emphasizes the importance of avoiding secondhand smoke, as it contains hundreds of toxic chemicals that can lead to various health issues, including lung cancer and stroke. Additionally, he advises against vaping, as it can impair the lungs’ ability to clean themselves, leading to potential infections and complications.

Preventative Measures and Avoiding Pollution

Protecting your lungs from infections and pollutants is crucial. Getting flu and pneumonia vaccines, practicing proper hand hygiene, and avoiding contact with individuals who are ill can help prevent further lung damage. Additionally, testing your home for radon and using HEPA filters for cleaning can mitigate the risk of lung cancer and other respiratory issues.

Supporting Lung Health

Antioxidant-Rich Diet and Exercise

Research shows that consuming antioxidant-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, can help protect the lungs from damage caused by smoking and air pollution. Additionally, engaging in cardiovascular exercise can improve lung function and overall respiratory health.


By following these evidence-based strategies, you can support the health and longevity of your lungs. It’s important to be mindful of the impact of smoking, pollution, and other environmental factors on lung health and take proactive steps to minimize further damage.


If you have been exposed to years of cigarette smoke, pollution, viruses, and toxins, it’s crucial to understand the best ways to support the health of your lungs. While there are no quick fixes or magical products to “detox” your lungs, the science-backed strategies outlined above can significantly aid in protecting your lungs from further damage. By making informed choices and prioritizing lung health, you can take crucial steps towards maintaining healthy respiratory function and overall well-being.


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If you have had years of breathing In the face of cigarette smoke, pollution, viruses and other toxins, the idea of ​​clearing your lungs and starting over can seem very appealing. But if you are tempted to buy vitaminsteas or essential oils that claim to “detox” your lungs and save you money, says Joshua Englert, MD, a pulmonologist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

“There are countless products for sale on the Internet that claim to remove toxins from the lungs, but there is no scientific research to support the use of any of them,” he says.

Fortunately, the lungs They are remarkably good at cleaning and repairing themselves in some situations, and there are steps you can take to keep your lungs as healthy as possible.

“If you have an acute illness, such as pneumoniaor sharp bronchitis“In most cases, the lungs will recover completely,” says Dr. Norman Edelman, a professor of medicine at the State University of New York at Stony Brook.

But after a chronic injury, such as damage caused by decades of of smokingThe lungs can only do so much to repair themselves, he says.

Smoking causes two types of long-term damage to the lungs: emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Collectively, these are known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In emphysema, the tiny air sacs that exchange oxygen are destroyed. In chronic bronchitisthere is inflammation of the airways that lead to the air sacs. “Once the air sacs are destroyed, they cannot be replaced,” says Edelman. “Although some of the swelling and inflammation “The bronchitis may go away, the structural damage will remain.”

Still, as soon as possible give up smokingthe greater the chances you will have of repairing any damage.

  • A large study found that 20 years after quitting smoking, the risk of COPD falls to the same level as if you had never smoked.
  • A decade after quitting smoking, the risk of dying from lung cancer is about half the risk of someone who smokes.
  • 30 years after quitting smoking, the risk of lung cancer drops to non-smoking levels.

“The sooner you quit smoking, the more likely your lungs will heal,” Englert says. “But if you smoke for too long, the damage can become permanent.”

While you can't completely undo years of damage caused by cigarette smoking, the best thing you can do to “detox” is to protect your lungs from further damage, Edelman says. Here are some proven ways to keep your lungs as clean as possible:

Avoid secondhand smoke. While quitting smoking is the most important thing you can do for your lungs, it is essential not to inhale other people's smoke too, says Edelman. The combination of the smoke that comes from a cigarette butt, plus the smoke that comes from the smoker's mouth. mouth, contains hundreds of toxic chemicals; Breathing them can cause everything from lung cancer to strokesays the CDC.

Stay away from vaping. While doctors are still learning about the long-term risks of e-cigarettes, research has begun to uncover some short-term risks. A recent study found that vaping makes the lungs less able to clean themselves booger, which can cause infections. “The only thing you should inhale into your lungs is pure, clean, prescribed air.” medicines” says Edelman. “Nothing else will be safe.”

Don't rely on steam therapy. Although one very small study found that inhaling hot steam can make people with COPD feel less anxious, found no effect on how your lungs worked, and it was too small a study to even be sure of the findings on anxiety. “Steam can be useful to improve the removal of booger of the upper respiratory tract, including the nose and throat, during a respiratory infection, but it does not make the lungs work better,” Englert says.

Prevent infection. Protect your lungs from further damage by getting flu and pneumonia vaccinesWash your hands frequently and avoid contact with anyone who has a runny nose or other illness.

Stay away from pollution, both indoors and outdoors. The American Lung Association recommends that you test your home for radon, a toxic gas that can cause lung cancer. (You can find information about testing on the EPA website.) Also, get in the habit of vacuuming your home regularly using a HEPA filterand choose cleaning products that are free of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), fragrances, and irritants. If you have a chronic respiratory disease, it may be helpful to track local air quality and avoid spending time outdoors on days with poor air quality, Englert says. You can go to or download a free air quality index app, which will alert you when pollution in your area from fire, industry, or other sources is dangerously high.

Eat (and drink) a diet rich in antioxidants. Eat lots of blueberries or kale salads won't undo years of damage caused by smoking. But research shows that eating more fruits and vegetablesespecially leafy vegetables, berries and other antioxidant-rich items can help protect the lungs from some damage caused by smoking and air pollution. A large Korean study found that drinking Green Teawhich has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, may reduce your chances of having COPD, but the results are not conclusive. while drinking tea It doesn't hurt, Englert points out that there is no solid evidence that it works.

Keep your lungs strong with exercise. There is some evidence that cardiovascular diseases exercise — anything that makes you heart By beating faster, it can help your lungs work better, says Edelman. “It also makes the heart and more efficient muscles, so when you do physical activitythere is less demand on the lungs, so you feel better and breathe easier,” he says.
