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Shocking Truth: Exercise – Your Secret to Glory or the Worst Instigator of Pain? Unveiling the Hidden Side!

An Exercise Guide for Migraine Sufferers


Exercise: No pain, no gain, right? Not when you live with a migraine. For you, exercise can be a double-edged sword. Some physical activity can trigger symptoms. But sweating regularly could help you get migraines less often. You just have to know how to do it.

The Benefits of Exercise for Migraine Relief

In a study of more than 4,500 people with migraines, those who managed to get at least 2 1/2 hours of moderate to vigorous exercise each week suffered fewer migraines than those who moved little or not at all. People got benefits from brisk walking, biking, jogging, and even deep cleaning, if that’s your thing.

What’s more, your sweat sessions release endorphins and other chemicals that directly affect pain. But much of its benefit may be indirect.

“While stress is the number one trigger for migraines, sleep problems come in second,” says Dr. Julia Jones, a neurologist at Houston Methodist Hospital. “Cardio helps you sleep better and reduces stress, so for most migraine patients, exercise helps.”

Physical activity can also help you lose or maintain your weight, and studies show that maintaining a healthy weight reduces attacks.

Exercise Guidelines for Migraine Sufferers

So what’s the downside to exercising? Several things that happen at the gym or while you exercise could trigger an attack.

“Overexertion, bright lights, heat, dehydration, or strenuous exercise can cause a patient to experience a migraine,” Jones says.

Active overhead lifts and push-ups may not be a good idea for people who suffer from migraines, says Stephen Corvini, PT, DPT, a physical therapist at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City. High-intensity or strenuous upper-body activities can be a trigger, he says, because they can raise blood pressure too much.

Instead of doing push-ups, try planks or dumbbell chest presses.

Tips for Exercising with Migraines

  • Start slowly: If you suffer from migraines, “light to moderate exercise is usually very safe,” says Corvin.
  • Swap high-intensity activities for lower-intensity options. This could be brisk walking, swimming, or cycling on a flat surface. Limit interval training and CrossFit to no more than once a week, Corvini adds.
  • Don’t raise your heart rate too much if you are sensitive to exercise. If you’re especially sensitive to exercise, you may need to keep your heart rate below 60% of your maximum, Schwartz suggests. How can you know? Use this formula: (220 – your age) x 0.60 = 60% of your maximum heart rate. So if you’re 45 years old, you don’t want to hit more than 105 beats per minute when you exercise. You can check your pulse with your fingers or wear a heart monitor while you sweat. If your heart rate gets too high, tone down your workout.
  • Avoid triggers when you exercise. If the light bothers you, do it early in the morning or late afternoon and wear sunglasses. Avoid gyms with those blinding overhead lights. If lack of sleep is a problem, be sure to exercise after a good night’s rest.
  • Normalize your routine. “Eat, sleep, and exercise at the same time every day,” advises Jones. This helps maintain your body’s natural balance, which can help fend off migraines.
  • Feed your body. Stay hydrated and eat protein about an hour and a half before hitting the gym, pool, or sidewalk to keep your blood sugar stable.
  • Talk to your doctor. Before starting an exercise routine, talk to your doctor. Make sure your symptoms are really a migraine and not another health condition.

Incorporating Exercise into Your Lifestyle

It may take a little trial and error, but you can find that sweet spot for exercising with a migraine. Try these tips for incorporating exercise into your routine:

  • Start slowly and gradually increase your activity level.
  • Find activities that you enjoy and that don’t exacerbate your migraines.
  • Take breaks if you start to feel any migraine symptoms.
  • Listen to your body and adjust your exercise routine as needed.
  • Keep a migraine diary to track how exercise affects your symptoms.
  • Consider working with a physical therapist or personal trainer who specializes in working with individuals with migraines.


Exercise can be a powerful tool for managing migraines, but it’s important to find the right balance. By following the guidelines and tips provided, you can incorporate exercise into your routine in a way that minimizes the risk of triggering migraines while reaping the many benefits it offers. Consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program to ensure it is safe and appropriate for your individual needs.


Exercise can help reduce the frequency and severity of migraines by releasing endorphins and promoting better sleep and stress reduction. However, certain activities and triggers can exacerbate migraines, so it’s important to exercise with caution. Starting slowly, choosing low-intensity activities, and avoiding triggers like bright lights and overexertion can help minimize the risk of migraines. Additionally, maintaining a routine, staying hydrated, and consulting with a healthcare provider can contribute to successful migraine management through exercise.


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Exercise: No pain, no gain, right? Not when you live with a migraine. For you, exercise can be a double-edged sword. Some physical activity can trigger symptoms. But sweating regularly could help you get migraines less often. You just have to know how to do it.

In a study of more than 4,500 people with migraines, those who managed to get at least 2 1/2 hours of moderate to vigorous exercise each week suffered fewer migraines than those who moved little or not at all. People got benefits from brisk walking, biking, jogging, and even deep cleaning, if that’s your thing.

What’s more, your sweat sessions release endorphins and other chemicals that directly affect pain. But much of its benefit may be indirect.

“While stress is the number one trigger for migraines, sleep problems come in second,” says Dr. Julia Jones, a neurologist at Houston Methodist Hospital. “Cardio helps you sleep better and reduces stress, so for most migraine patients, exercise helps.”

Physical activity can also help you lose or maintain your weight, and studies show that maintaining a healthy weight reduces attacks.

So what’s the downside to exercising? Several things that happen at the gym or while you exercise could trigger an attack.

“Overexertion, bright lights, heat, dehydration, or strenuous exercise can cause a patient to experience a migraine,” Jones says.

Active overhead lifts and push-ups may not be a good idea for people who suffer from migraines, says Stephen Corvini, PT, DPT, a physical therapist at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City. High-intensity or strenuous upper-body activities can be a trigger, he says, because they can raise blood pressure too much.

Instead of doing push-ups, try planks or dumbbell chest presses.

It may take a little trial and error, says Jessica Schwartz, a spokesperson for the American Physical Therapy Association, but you can find that sweet spot for exercising with a migraine. Try these tips.

Start slowly. If you suffer from migraines, “light to moderate exercise is usually very safe,” says Corvin.

Swap high-intensity activities for lower-intensity options. This could be brisk walking, swimming, or cycling on a flat surface. Limit interval training and CrossFit to no more than once a week, Corvini adds.

Don’t raise your heart rate too much if you are sensitive to exercise. If you’re especially sensitive to exercise, you may need to keep your heart rate below 60% of your maximum, Schwartz suggests. How can you know? Use this formula: (220 – your age) x 0.60 = 60% of your maximum heart rate. So if you’re 45 years old, you don’t want to hit more than 105 beats per minute when you exercise. You can check your pulse with your fingers or wear a heart monitor while you sweat. If your heart rate gets too high, tone down your workout.

Avoid triggers when you exercise. If the light bothers you, do it early in the morning or late afternoon and wear sunglasses. Avoid gyms with those blinding overhead lights. If lack of sleep is a problem, be sure to exercise after a good night’s rest.

Normalize your routine. “Eat, sleep, and exercise at the same time every day,” advises Jones. This helps maintain your body’s natural balance, which can help fend off migraines.

Feed your body. Stay hydrated and eat protein about an hour and a half before hitting the gym, pool, or sidewalk to keep your blood sugar stable.

Talk to your doctor. Before starting an exercise routine, talk to your doctor. Make sure your symptoms are really a migraine and not another health condition.
