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Shocking Truth: Our Aging Population is Suffering Without Social Assistance

The Hidden Struggles of Dementia and Social Care

As society ages, the problem of dementia becomes increasingly prevalent and difficult to manage. With around 55 million people worldwide suffering from dementia, it is a problem that we cannot ignore. Despite promising advancements in healthcare and technology, there is still no cure for dementia, and current treatments can only slow the disease.

The Cost of Care

One of the biggest issues surrounding dementia is the cost of care. Nursing homes and professional caregivers can be expensive, and not everyone can afford the best care for their loved ones. There are also issues surrounding the quality of care, as many professionals in the healthcare industry are overworked and underpaid. This has led to a situation where relatives are often forced to take care of their loved ones themselves, which can be a draining and emotionally challenging experience.

The Lottery of Care Costs

Another issue is the so-called “lottery of care costs.” People who suffer from dementia are often forced to pay for their own care, which can be a significant burden on the family. The cost of care can vary wildly depending on the individual needs of the patient, which can create a great deal of uncertainty and stress for families who are already struggling to cope.

Prevention and Exercise

There is growing evidence that some cases of dementia can be prevented or delayed through a combination of lifestyle changes such as exercise and cutting down on smoking. Falling is another leading cause of loss of independence in older people, but exercise programs can be effective in reducing this risk.

The Need for a National Care Service

There are several possible solutions to the problem of dementia and social care. One idea proposed by the Fabian Society is the creation of a National Care Service, which would bring together councils, private providers, and the NHS to provide a more unified approach to social care. The report recommends raising the wages of healthcare workers and offering co-payments to deal with the cost of care.

The Good News

There are some positive signs when it comes to the prevalence of dementia. The incidence of dementia is decreasing in rich countries due to improvements in heart health, although the overall numbers of those affected are still increasing as the population ages. There is also evidence that a third of cases of dementia could be prevented or delayed by tackling obesity, high blood pressure, and smoking.

Looking to the Future

As the population continues to age, it is clear that we need to find new and innovative ways to deal with the problem of dementia and social care. There is no doubt that this will require a significant investment in time, money, and resources, but it is a problem that we cannot afford to ignore. By working together, we can find a way to ensure that everyone is able to receive the best possible care, regardless of their circumstances.


As society ages, the problem of dementia and social care becomes increasingly prevalent and challenging to manage. With around 55 million people worldwide suffering from dementia, the cost of care can be expensive, and the quality of care can be variable. The “lottery of care costs” means that people who suffer from dementia are often forced to pay for their own care, which can create a great deal of uncertainty and stress for families.

There is growing evidence that some cases of dementia can be prevented or delayed through a combination of lifestyle changes such as exercise and cutting down on smoking. The creation of a National Care Service is one possible solution that could bring together councils, private providers, and the NHS to provide a more unified approach to social care.

Despite the challenges we face, there is cause for optimism. Incidence of dementia is decreasing in rich countries due to improvements in heart health, and evidence suggests that a third of cases of dementia could be prevented or delayed by tackling obesity, high blood pressure, and smoking. By working together, we can find a way to ensure that everyone receives the best possible care, regardless of their circumstances.

Expanding on the Topic:

The problem of dementia and social care is something that affects us all. While it can be a challenging and difficult issue to deal with, it is also an opportunity for us to come together and find innovative solutions that will benefit everyone.

One idea that could be explored further is the use of technology to improve social care and dementia treatment. With advancements in AI and telemedicine, it may be possible to create more personalized and effective care plans for people with dementia. By using data analytics and machine learning, it may be possible to identify patterns and trends in patient data that could be used to develop more effective treatments.

Another area that deserves more attention is the role of families and caregivers in supporting people with dementia. There is no doubt that caring for someone with dementia can be a challenging and emotionally draining experience, but it is also a rewarding one. There is a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment that comes from providing care to someone who needs it, and this is something that should be celebrated and encouraged.

Finally, it is worth remembering that the problem of dementia and social care is not just a medical issue, but a social and economic one as well. As the population ages, we need to find new and innovative ways to support older people and ensure that they are able to live their lives to the fullest. This will require a significant investment in both time and money, but it is a challenge that we can overcome if we work together.

In conclusion, the problem of dementia and social care is one that affects us all. While it can be a challenging and difficult issue to deal with, it is also an opportunity for us to come together and find innovative solutions that will benefit everyone. By working together, we can ensure that everyone receives the best possible care, regardless of their circumstances.


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The writer is the author of “Extra Time: Ten Lessons For Living Longer Better”

They dwell among us, but we do not see them. They are out of sight, stored behind nursing home walls or in front of the TV. There are 55 million people with dementia worldwide; nearly a million in Britain. But we can’t bear to watch.

Every month I check my aunt’s bank account to see how much money she has left to pay for the nursing home she has been living in for the past three years. There is no trace left of who she was: the inspiring principal who loved to play with my children. She doesn’t recognize any of us; not even the God he prayed every night. Luckily, her indexed teacher pension helps pay for wonderful people who take care of her around the clock.

Others are less fortunate. Up and down the country, there are men and women in their seventies and eighties, struggling to cope with declining spouses. Little wives grapple with maneuvering older husbands while the rest of us turn away, horrified, because the deepest fear within us is that we too will end up like this.

There is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s or any other form of dementia. A drug can potentially slow down the disease, but nothing can stop it yet. Talking blithely about “technology that can help” actually means electronic monitoring. Walking down a street in Japan a few years ago, I heard a loudspeaker announcing the disappearance of a lady in a red shirt. Japan’s public warning system, originally put in place for typhoons, is increasingly being used to look for wandering elders.

Technology is no substitute for the heroic cast of relatives, neighbors and caregivers caring for disabled people of all ages. But relatives are on their knees, neighbors are increasingly isolated from each other and professional healthcare workers can often make more money working for Tesco. A thoughtful report by the Fabian Society, commissioned by the Labor Party and health services union Unison, urges a future Labor government to raise the wages of health workers within a ‘National Care Service’, which would more closely unite councils, providers private individuals and the NHS together.

For 25 years, governments of all stripes have promised to fix the social care system. He has never been an electoral winner because he affects a largely invisible minority. But as more and more of us take responsibility for relatives, there’s a chance to turn the conversation around. The Fabian Society imagines asking disabled adults and frail retirees how they want to be cared for, not just ‘done’. He argues that those disabled from birth, or very ill at the end of life, should be fully funded by the NHS and not diverted to council budgets: at present, anyone with assets over £23,250 must pay, with local government organizing and fund the rest. Options in the report to deal with the lottery of care costs that can hit some families hard include co-payments that could echo Japan’s and Germany’s well-managed social security systems.

In 1997, Tony Blair told the Labor Party conference that he didn’t want people having to sell their homes to get long-term care. In 2019, Boris Johnson said the same. Both got stuck. There’s a May was forced to reverse course in 2017, after suggesting that homes should contribute to treatment costs. But the aging of the population changes everything. If homeowners don’t pay, who should? I sold my aunt’s house to pay for the best care we could find. We need a big deal: insurance that we all pay for and can all take out from.

There is some good news. The incidence of dementia is currently declining in rich countries, although overall numbers are still increasing as the population ages. Our individual risk of getting dementia has decreased by about 13% every decade over the past three decades, in parallel with improvements in heart health. There is growing evidence that some cases of dementia can be prevented or delayed by tackling obesity and high blood pressure, cutting down on smoking, and engaging in sustained exercise in midlife. The Lancet Commission believes that a third of cases could be prevented or delayed this way.

Such findings rarely make their way into welfare reports. But they signal that we should be much more ambitious to keep people independent. Dementia is only one aspect. Falling and breaking something is the main reason older people lose their independence and end up in care homes – falls cost the NHS £2bn a year. But exercise programs can substantially reduce the risk of falling by making people stronger.

For decades, the NHS has claimed to be a service for well-being and not just for sickness. It didn’t happen. Meanwhile, doctors’ and nurses’ unions oppose any suggestion that health workers (not their members) could take on any of this work. Most general practitioners stopped visiting nursing homes years ago, claiming it wasn’t their responsibility. District nurses are overworked. Healthcare workers are left to decide whether to call an ambulance. During the pandemic, many have taken on tasks such as injecting insulin and dressing wounds. This should be recognized and paid for.

These problems are creeping up on us. Turning away is no longer an option. A better deal for healthcare professionals is vital. But if we don’t find a cure for dementia, my generation will want an escape too. Who will have the courage to give us this right?