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Shocking Truth Revealed: Post-Brexit Subsidies Drowning in Bureaucracy and Chaos, Local Leaders Sound the Alarm!

Title: The Challenges of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund: Bureaucracy and Uncertainty

Additional Piece:

When the UK government introduced the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) as a replacement for EU development grants, it promised to streamline processes and give local communities more control over funding decisions. However, economic experts and local leaders are expressing concerns over the bureaucracy and uncertainty surrounding the fund. Delays in approving investment proposals and a lack of clarity about the fund’s future beyond 2025 have hindered local authorities’ ability to plan and execute long-term projects. This article delves deeper into the challenges faced by local authorities and explores potential solutions for more effective regional development.

Bureaucratic Challenges:
1. Slow Approval Process: Research shows that many local authorities were unable to spend their allocated funding within the first year as Whitehall did not approve their investment proposals until December, eight months into the financial year. This delay has hindered timely implementation of projects.

2. Lack of Long-term Planning: Unlike the previous EU grants, which were disbursed over a seven-year cycle, the SPF operates on a three-year cycle. Local authorities are concerned about the lack of clarity on how the fund will work after March 2025, which makes it challenging to plan and execute long-term projects effectively.

3. Capacity Building and Training: Some programs require an initial period to build capacity and train individuals before they can begin, but the uncertainty surrounding future funding availability makes it difficult to ensure continuity for such projects.

Potential Solutions:
1. Faster Allocation Process: The government must address the slow approval process and allocate funds in a timely manner to enable local authorities to implement projects and deliver on their commitments.

2. Longer-Term Funding Commitments: The Industrial Communities Alliance suggests that longer-term funding commitments are necessary for effective regional development. The current three-year cycle poses a barrier to transformative projects that require more time to plan, implement, and effect change.

3. Treasury Control and Local Investment: Balancing the need for Treasury control over annual spending with the effectiveness of local investment is crucial. A pragmatic compromise that allows for longer-term planning and flexibility could be beneficial for regional development.

Moving Forward:
Despite the challenges, some local authorities are determined to move forward with their plans pending formal approval from Whitehall. Cornwall council, for example, is actively implementing and procuring projects despite delays in receiving formal notification for fund rollover. It is essential for local authorities to actively engage with the government and advocate for their funding needs to ensure effective utilization of the SPF.

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund was introduced with the aim of reducing bureaucracy and giving communities greater control over funding decisions. However, delays in the allocation process, lack of clarity for the future beyond 2025, and short funding cycles have posed significant challenges for local authorities. To address these issues, the government should expedite the approval process, provide longer-term funding commitments, and strike a balance between Treasury control and effective local investment. By doing so, the SPF can truly fulfill its purpose of narrowing regional economic gaps and promoting inclusive growth across the UK.

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF), introduced to replace EU development grants, has faced challenges due to bureaucracy and uncertainty. Local authorities have struggled to spend their allocations within the first year, as investment proposals were approved late. The three-year funding cycle and lack of clarity beyond 2025 have disrupted long-term planning. The slow approval process, coupled with short funding windows, has hindered effective implementation. Various potential solutions include faster allocation, longer-term funding commitments, and balancing Treasury control with local investment. Despite these challenges, some authorities are moving forward with their plans. The government needs to address these issues to ensure the SPF’s successful implementation and its goal of narrowing regional economic gaps.


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When the UK government launched its replacement for EU development grants last year, ministers vowed to “cut” red tape and give spending decisions back to communities.

But economic development experts and local leaders have warned that the UK Shared Prosperity Fund – the three-year £2.6bn pot awarded to regional economies that replaced Brussels subsidies – is mired in bureaucracy and uncertainty.

Research shows some advice they had spent less than 5% of their 2022-23 allocations by the end of March after Whitehall did not approve their investment proposals until last December, eight months into the financial year.

Now they are waiting for more government permission to “renew” their assignment to this year.

Local authorities also say they have no idea how the fund will work after March 2025, when the current public spending cycle ends. Previously, EU grants were disbursed over a seven-year cycle, allowing for longer-term planning.

Steve Rotheram, Labor mayor of the Liverpool city region, called the situation a “chaos”. Uncertainty about the regime has made it difficult to provide “continuity” of projects, he said, such as programs designed to help the long-term unemployed.

“Some programs have an initial period, so they don’t immediately start leaving because there is a need to build capacity and train people. We don’t know if the next time we need funding, it will be available.”

Steve Rotheram
Steve Rotheram, Labor Mayor of Liverpool City Region: ‘We don’t know if the next time we need finance, it will be available’ © Joel Goodman/Lnp/Shutterstock

The SPF was launched in April 2022 as a three-year replacement for grants from the EU Social Development Fund and the European Regional Development Fund.

Local authorities and combined authorities – groups of councils overseen by a mayor – were asked to submit their bids for the allotments by early last August.

However, delays in Whitehall it meant deals were signed just before Christmas, leaving local leaders a short window in which to spend their first year’s money.

Local government researcher Jack Shaw found that some had spent as little as 1% of that money by the end of March. Shaw made Freedom of Information requests to all authorities awarded more than £1m and of the 23 out of 24 who responded, he found that £34.6m out of £101.1m – 34% – was been spent in total.

“What is clear is that the government has been too slow in allocating the fund and as a result the authorities have not been able to get the money out the door and into the communities,” he said.

Martin Gannon, Labor leader of Gateshead council in the north-east – which had used just 1% of its first-year allocation by the end of March – said once funding was announced, authorities still had to “go through due diligence and Procurement”. That made it difficult to spend the money on time, he added.

In acknowledgment of the issue, the Department of Levelling, Housing and Communities said municipalities could “roll over” the money to 2023, if they come forward with “credible” plans.

Gannon called that process “frustrating,” however, adding that the authority is “still waiting” for a verdict on its renewal plan.

A senior Whitehall member said it was unclear why the government, having set up a relatively light process for clearing bids, then added another layer of red tape to roll over funding in the next financial year. “No one is sure why they create these weird processes,” the insider added.

The Industrial Communities Alliance, a campaign network of former industrial estates across the UK, has lobbied the government to provide all funds for long-term regional development, arguing that the government’s short funding windows make funds less effective.

In a document presented to the government earlier this month, the alliance advocated a “pragmatic compromise” that strikes a balance between the need for Treasury control over annual spending and the effectiveness of local investment programs.

He said the current three-year cycle has presented a “barrier to long-term projects, including those of a transformative nature” that need more time to resolve and take effect.

Alliance director Professor Steve Fothergill said spending delays to date underline the ‘need for commitments to longer-term funding’.

“EU funds, by contrast, were allocated in seven-year spending rounds with the option to roll over spending on projects committed for another three years at the end.”

Despite the delays, some councils said they were “moving forward” with their plans pending the official green light from Whitehall.

Louis Gardner, the cabinet member for the economy on Conservative-controlled Cornwall council – which had spent just 5 per cent of its first-year budget by the end of March – admitted the first round of the fund had presented “a series of challenges”.

But while the council was still awaiting formal notification that it could roll over the £15.7m that had been delivered for 2022-2023, it said it would not allow red tape to delay the implementation and procurement of the projects.

“We’ve had positive conversations with the government, who seem to be quite relaxed about it in terms of getting that money out the door.

“They accept that the program is delayed to start and while we are still waiting for a formal notice it is holding nothing back. We are moving forward.

A DLUHC spokesman described the fund as a “central pillar” of the government’s “levelling” agenda to narrow regional economic gaps.

The funds have “enabled those who know their areas best to realize local priorities and help reverse this country’s regional inequalities,” she said, adding that “100% of the money can be transferred provided there is a credible plan on how to spend it.”