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Shocking Truth Revealed: The Real Culprit Behind the AI Threat to Humanity – It’s Not Who You Think!

Artificial Intelligence: A Technology That Could Destroy Humanity

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant advancements in recent years, and proponents have touted its potential for improving various aspects of life, from healthcare to education. However, concerns about the technology’s destructive power have grown as experts warn it could be a global risk. Some of its main inventors have stated that AI might have the power to annihilate human life, highlighting the need for caution when developing this technology.

The Risks of AI: A Cause for Concern

Matt Clifford, the founder of the UK prime minister’s AI task force, warned that AI could pose a significant danger to humans. He pointed out that dangerous threats to humans could kill a lot of people, and not all humans, within two years. But the risks of AI go beyond the immediate future. Some authorities in AI development have raised the alarm about the long-term danger.

Researchers at the Center for AI Safety have warned against the extinction risk associated with AI. According to the experts, mitigating AI’s extinction risk is paramount and should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks, such as pandemics and nuclear warfare.

Despite these concerning warnings, progress in AI cannot be undone, and its growth and development will continue. The challenge now is to slow it down, identify the risks and address them before considering the technology’s full potential.

The Need for AI to be Leashed

Even tech leaders are calling for AI regulation and caution in its development. They are concerned about other irresponsible players who may pose a threat to humanity. However, these leaders are doing something about it, pressuring politicians and regulators into meaningful action.

In urging action from the government and regulatory agencies, these AI experts are taking an enormous risk. Global leaders have a famously poor record in responding cooperatively and intelligently to extinction-level threats. Nevertheless, these warnings might spur governments to take helpful action that would lead to global standards, international agreements, and a moratorium on developing lethal AI.

The Need for Caution in AI Development

AI holds tremendous promise, and its potential has many excited about the possibilities. However, the risks associated with AI cannot be ignored, leading many experts to call for caution in development.

The risks are not only limited to humanity’s annihilation, but also to AI chatbots, which are already falsifying information or hallucinating. According to its developers, they don’t even know why this is happening. Therefore, caution is needed to iron out the teenage wrinkles before moving on to extinction-level technology.

Furthermore, given AI’s progress and the potential risks from it, inventors should carefully figure out the risks before moving forward. This is a lesson that they can learn from the inventors of small fried foods that ultimately failed to do so.

The Consequences of AI Development

Any technology, no matter how well-intentioned, has consequences that must be weighed against the benefits. AI is no exception, and its development requires a comprehensive approach.

In the wrong hands, AI could be highly dangerous, posing a risk to humanity’s continued existence, as many experts have warned. However, it is essential to acknowledge that AI has many potential uses that do not involve the annihilation of humanity.

For example, AI could provide a path to a carbon-free future, a positive outcome many are seeking. However, before AI can be used for the common good, its creators must address its potential dangers and mitigate them.

The Need for an Ethical Framework for AI

AI developers must also consider the ethical implications of their technology. A comprehensive ethical framework is critical to ensuring that AI is used for the benefit of all of humanity.

An ethical framework should include the safety and security of AI, data privacy, and transparency. It should also ensure that AI is used ethically and that the biases within AI models are addressed. Furthermore, AI should be developed for the common good in a sustainable and socially responsible manner.

The role of government in regulating AI use and development is also critical. Regulation should ensure that AI is used responsibly and ethically. However, AI regulation can be tricky, and governments must be cautious not to impede technological innovation or limit the scope of potential AI applications.

Engaging Piece: AI and the Future of Work

AI and automation are already affecting the workplace. According to several reports, automation could lead to job displacement in various industries, including transportation, manufacturing, and retail. However, AI and automation could also create new job opportunities in areas such as healthcare, education, and technology, and change how work is done for the better.

This shift presents an opportunity for policymakers and businesses to consider ways of training and upskilling their workforce to fill the emerging job opportunities. They must also consider the potential social and economic impacts of AI and automation and work to mitigate any adverse effects.

Furthermore, businesses must ensure that AI technologies are designed to augment rather than replace human jobs. New business models should be explored, which encourage job creation and ensure the safe and ethical use of AI. Governments must also consider how to manage the transition to a more automated world, building social safety nets to support those who are displaced or impacted by automation.


Artificial intelligence’s potential for future growth and development cannot be ignored. However, AI’s potential risks associated with it cannot be ignored either. Experts have warned that AI could pose an extinction-level risk to humanity. Therefore, caution is needed in AI development and overarching ethical frameworks governing AI use developed. Governments must step up and regulate AI to ensure its ethical use. The proposed benefits of AI, such as carbon-free energy, must be outweighed with its long-term risks. To sum it up, AI’s development and uses require a more comprehensive approach.


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So here’s a thought. Instead of moving forward with a technology that its main inventors say may soon have the power to kill humans, how about not moving forward with it?

This radical notion is prompted by a warning from the man who set up the prime minister’s AI task force. Matt Clifford noted that “You can have really, really dangerous threats to humans that could kill a lot of humans, not all humans, just where we’d expect the models to be two years from now.” Looking back, maybe I’m exaggerating. His full remarks were more nuanced and they’re not all human anyway. Just a lot of them.

But similar doomsday warnings have come from leading figures in its development, writing under the auspices of the Center for AI Safety. In a beautifully succinct warning, one AI industry expert pointed out that: “Mitigating AI’s extinction risk should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear warfare.” The heads of Google DeepMind, OpenAI and a thousand others have taken a break from inventing the technology that could wipe out all human life to warn the rest of us that, really, something should be done to stop that from happening.

And these guys are supposed to be the geniuses? In the pot sheds of England, there are any number of slightly kooky kids who have invented a new machine that might be genius but could also burn down their house, and most of them have figured out for themselves that maybe the device is not such a great idea after all.

This is where the inventors of small fried foods went wrong. Perhaps instead of figuring out the risks themselves, what they really needed was to raise several billion pounds of venture capital funds and then write a letter to the local council warning that they should be looked into.

I acknowledge, to be serious, that great things are expected of artificial intelligence, many of which do not involve the annihilation of the human race. Many argue that AI could play a critical role in providing a carbon-free future, although perhaps that’s just a euphemism for wiping out humanity.

Equally important is that the progress already made cannot be undone. But already AI chatbots are falsifying information — or “hallucinating” as its developers prefer to call them — and its inventors aren’t entirely sure why. So there seems to be an argument for slowing down and smoothing out that teenage wrinkle before moving on to, you know, extinction-level technology.

A generous view of tech leaders demanding to be leashed is that they are responsible and that it is the other irresponsible players they are concerned about. They would like to do more but, you see, the guys from Google can’t let the guys from Microsoft beat them.

So these warnings are an attempt to pressure politicians and regulators into action, which is a damned display of them given that world leaders have such a stellar record of responding cooperatively and intelligently to extinction-level threats. I mean come on. They talked about it in the US Congress. I don’t think we could ask for much more. And the British government is now on the case, which would be more reassuring if it weren’t still struggling to process asylum seekers in less than 18 months.

With any luck, the warnings will indeed spur governments to helpful action. Perhaps this leads to global standards, international agreements and a moratorium on killer developments.

Either way, the consciences of the AI ​​gurus are now in place. They went out of their way. And if someday, around 2025, machines do indeed gain the power to annihilate us — sorry, many of us — I like to think that in the last few seconds AI will send one last question to the brilliant minds who have knowingly moved forward with a technology that it could destroy us without at that stage figuring out how to, you know, stop it from doing that.

“Why did you go ahead, knowing the risks?” asks SkyNet. And in their last seconds the geniuses answer: “What do you mean? We signed a statement.”

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