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Well-Informed and Engaging Piece: J Tomlinson’s Ceases Operation as Contractor for Platform

J Tomlinson’s Ceases Operation as Contractor for Platform

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In a recent turn of events, J Tomlinson, a renowned contracting company, has made the difficult decision to cease operations. This decision has significant implications for their ongoing contract with Platform, a trusted property management company. The termination of the four-year contract has raised concerns among tenants expecting gas service, who will now have to reschedule their appointments. Additionally, it has left J Tomlinson’s long-serving employees and loyal clients devastated.

The Impact on Platform and Tenants

Platform, as the property management company, is already evaluating the consequences of J Tomlinson’s decision on their repair and maintenance program. They are determined to minimize any disruption caused by this unexpected development and ensure the least possible impact on their customers in the affected areas.

For tenants who were eagerly awaiting gas service installation, this turn of events is undoubtedly disappointing. With the termination of the contract, they will have to bear the inconvenience of rescheduling their appointment dates. The delay in receiving gas service might affect their daily routines and overall satisfaction as tenants.

Insights from Dennis Evans

Dennis Evans, the executive director of property management at Platform, expressed regret over the contractor’s decision. He acknowledged the difficulties faced by J Tomlinson and emphasized the need to assess the work required to limit any disruption. He also assured affected tenants and customers that Platform would go above and beyond to ensure their needs are met and the impact is minimized.

Evans further highlighted the dedication and commitment of the J Tomlinson team, who had been supporting their business for many years. He empathized with their situation and recognized the significance of their long-standing relationships with clients. Evans’s supportive tone demonstrated Platform’s willingness to work together with J Tomlinson to navigate through this challenging period.

J Tomlinson’s Perspective

In comments widely reported by various media outlets, Mr. Davis from J Tomlinson expressed gratitude towards his colleagues, emphasizing their unwavering dedication to customers, teamwork, and the supply chain. He lamented the unfortunate end to J Tomlinson’s journey and acknowledged the impact on the next generation.

With employees who have dedicated decades of their lives to the company and clients who have trusted them for years, J Tomlinson’s closure is undoubtedly a significant loss. The commitment and loyalty of their employees and clients serve as a testament to the company’s reputation and contribution to the industry.

Administrative Procedures and Support

Following the decision to cease operations, J Tomlinson appointed FRP Advisory as their administrator. Raj Mittal, Partner at FRP, acknowledged the challenges that led to J Tomlinson’s financial position, including the severe impact of COVID-19 and recent inflationary pressures. Mittal mentioned that the administrator is now focused on evaluating options for the way forward and engaging with clients and creditors regarding ongoing projects and liabilities.

Despite the unfortunate turn of events for J Tomlinson and their employees, support is being provided to affected personnel to request assistance from the Unemployment Payment Service. This support aims to alleviate some of the immediate financial concerns faced by J Tomlinson’s workforce.

Reflecting on the Industry and Lessons Learned

J Tomlinson’s closure serves as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by businesses within the contracting industry. The severe impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, combined with inflationary pressures, has taken a toll on their financial stability and ability to continue operations.

This turn of events necessitates a collective evaluation of the construction and property management sectors. It highlights the importance of resilience, adaptability, and financial preparedness within the industry. It also emphasizes the need for effective risk management strategies to mitigate the impact of unforeseen challenges.


J Tomlinson’s decision to cease operations has had a significant impact on their ongoing contract with Platform and has disrupted the expectations of tenants eagerly awaiting gas service. Platform is committed to minimizing any inconvenience caused by this development and ensuring the smooth continuation of their repair and maintenance program.

Despite the challenges faced by J Tomlinson, their dedication, commitment, and long-standing relationships with employees and clients deserve recognition. This closure underscores the need for continuous industry evaluation, risk management, and financial preparedness to navigate through uncertain times.


J Tomlinson, a notable contracting company, has made the difficult decision to cease operations, resulting in the termination of their contract with Platform. This decision has repercussions for tenants expecting gas service, as they will have to reschedule their appointments. Dennis Evans, executive director of property management at Platform, expressed his regret over the situation and assured affected tenants that they are assessing the work required to minimize disruption. J Tomlinson’s closure has affected their long-serving employees and loyal clients, leading to widespread disappointment. FRP Advisory has been appointed as the administrator, and efforts are being made to engage with clients and creditors regarding ongoing projects and liabilities. The closure of J Tomlinson highlights the need for resilience and effective risk management strategies within the contracting industry.


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He will also be reaching out to tenants who were expecting gas service within the next few weeks with new appointment dates.

J Tomlinson’s four-year contract with Platform to install kitchens, bathrooms and wet rooms began in 2022.

Dennis Evans, executive director of property management at Platform, said indoor housing who is evaluating what he has to do from here on.

“We are sorry to hear that our contractor has had to make this difficult decision. We have been made aware of the situation and we are already evaluating what work is required to limit any disruption this may cause to our repair and maintenance program,” he said.

Evans added that Platform will strive to make sure there is “the least possible impact to our customers in the affected areas.”

In comments widely reported in other media outlets, J Tomlinson’s Mr. Davis said: “We have many highly-serving colleagues who have spent a good part of their lives supporting our business, along with their family and friends. We hoped to end his journey with a bright future for the next generation, sadly our time ran out.

“I would like to express my gratitude to the JTL family for their proactive attitude towards our customers, each other and the supply chain that has supported us through a long period of trading and especially post-COVID and the impact this outcome will have. in them, your business and your employees.

“We have employees with 30 years of invested time and clients that last 15 to 20 years, which is unbelievable and tragic.”

Mr. Davis appointed FRP Advisory as administrator.

Raj Mittal, Partner at FRP, said: “Despite its scale and the success achieved in several of its divisions, the severe impact of COVID and recent inflationary pressures meant that J Tomlinson was not in a financial position to continue operating, for what we have had to make the difficult decision to cease operations.

“We are now evaluating options on next steps and have begun our engagement with clients and creditors regarding ongoing projects and liabilities. We are providing support to affected personnel to make requests to the Unemployment Payment Service”.
