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Sindhu Vee on raising teenagers

Stand-up comedian Sindhu Vee thinks that Western teenagers have got it too easy. She’d have never got away with the same excuses with her mum.

#standupcomedy #sindhuvee #parenting

32 thoughts on “Sindhu Vee on raising teenagers”

  1. Yeah, the fear of mom's reaction keeps everyone in line.. even the father! 😛 I was hormonal once, that's it, afterwards my hormones fled in terror of my mom.

  2. Spaniard here. I’m 58. My mom would have said same as your mom. Even now there are many moms doing the very same. But the other ones, backed by globalist nonsense governments, shout more so it seems they are pervasive

  3. As the saying goes "spare the rod, spoil the child"… If u don't discipline ur child when they are young… society will discipline them for u in the future~

  4. Being Indian woman who married a cdn. White male …. you make my day/evening….. my husband of 35 years sees me lying on the floor in hysterics….. I love being Indian and a clever woman …

  5. If you make jokes about another culture you are actually supposed to understand this culture. Here, it is definitely not the case.

    It's the hormones or similar things is not said to make an excuse for the CHILDREN. It's an excuse for THEMSELVES in order to NOT take their own children seriously. Especially when teenager try to talk with their parents about something they are worried. Then it's gonna be "You dare to tell me you feel lonely, do you know who feel really lonely? The old people in the Old people's home."

    It's pure devaluation by playing down what mental issues a person, especially your own child, could have.

    And I can guarantee you that a lot of this "western" children would be glad if they wouldn't be here any more since that would mean they didn't have to endure "the getting treated like a piece of unwanted, unimportant shit" any more and no psychic diseases that makes their lives harder than it should be.

    And now excuse me I'm gonna fly to India and tell the people how funny it is how many rapes you have despite gender separation everywhere in comparison to a country where naked co-ed-bathing is more than common.

    This woman has some entitlement…

  6. 😂…its so true, in Uk kids get away with so much bcos of their hormonal behaviour, but bk in the days, we would have got slapped silly for having this hormonal behaviour

  7. I’m a western child but my dad’s not modern western. 🤣
    His favorite line was modified from Cosby in the early 80’s- “I brought you into this world & I can take you out of it… And make another one just like you.”

    I still love my father dearly cause he was good in a lot of other ways- but that was not good!

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