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Slack updates aim to put AI at the center of the user experience

Loose it has evolved from a pure communications platform to one that allows businesses to connect directly to business applications without having to resort to the dreaded task switching. Today, in the Salesforce World Tour In New York City, the company announced the next step in the evolution of its platform, where it will put AI at the forefront of the user experience, making it easier to get insights and create workflows.

It is important to note that these are announcements and many of these features are not yet available.

Rob Seaman says that instead of slapping down an AI cover, they’re working to incorporate it in a variety of ways across the platform. That started last month with one small step, a partnership with OpenAI to bring a ChatGPT app to Slack, the first piece of a much broader vision for AI on the platform. That part is in beta right now.

Today’s announcement includes several new integrations, including SlackGPT, the company’s own version of generative AI built on the Slack platform, which users and developers can leverage to create AI-powered experiences. Slack content provides a starting point for building models related to the platform.

“We believe that Slack has a unique advantage when it comes to generative AI. Much of the institutional knowledge about every topic, team, work item, and project is already in Slack through the messages, files, and clips that are shared every day,” he said.

When you combine that with Slack’s ecosystem and partner platform, customers have many options for integrating AI into their workflows. He says that Slack is thinking about this in three ways right now.

“For starters, Slack will natively embed AI into the user experience with SlackGPT to help customers work faster, communicate better, learn faster, and more. be directly available in Slack,” she said.

The former could, as an example, help employees get stuck in a long thread without having to read each message to get the gist of what’s being discussed. The latter could help generate Slack messages or content for linked Slack apps. That’s a slightly less obvious use case. It’s probably easiest to write a Slack message yourself unless it’s an automated message that’s part of a workflow, but if you’re creating content for loose canvasyou can let the generative AI help you.

Developers can get in on the action, too, by incorporating AI steps into workflows, giving them the option to leverage external applications and large language models to create generative AI experiences themselves. Just last week, the company made its updated developer experience generally available, and this should make it easier to embed generative AI into the platform in a custom fashion, Seaman says.

“So this gives us the foundation to give users choice and flexibility to bring AI to work in their business when they are ready and how they want. We have 2,600 apps in the ecosystem right now, which includes many of the leading LLMs, and we see many customers already choosing to integrate generative AI into Slack,” he said.

Finally EinsteinGPT, the Salesforce flavor of generative AI announced in March will also be incorporated into Slack, allowing employees to ask questions directly about Salesforce content, such as users most likely to churn or accounts most likely to purchase, and so on. It’s really about more directly integrating Salesforce content into Slack, the company Salesforce paid $27 billion for a couple of years.

“Slack is really becoming the conversational interface for Salesforce. So that’s bringing those EinsteinGPT-powered insights from the real-time customer data that exists in Salesforce to Slack to enrich every team’s understanding of the customer,” he said.

As with most generative AI tools we’ve seen being added to enterprise software, Slack announces these capabilities long before they’re released, but this should give customers an idea of ​​what’s coming next and how AI might transform Slack into the future. The SlackGPT and EinsteinGPT integration is still in the development phase, but developers can create custom integrations with a variety of LLMs today. Workflow Builder with SlackGPT AI Connectors (which will allow customers to instantly connect ChatGPT or Claude to a workflow or create custom connectors that connect their own LLMs) will be available this summer.


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