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Small company, big dreams: Rae Dior Couture celebrates 3 years with ribbon cutting – L’Observateur

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Small Business, Big Dreams: Rae Dior Couture Celebrates 3 Years With Ribbon Cutting

Posted 10:35 am Saturday, May 27, 2023

NEW SARPY: Exactly three years after launching a children’s boutique to create a legacy for his young daughter, Lexus “Luckii” Wells watched his little girl cut the ribbon on a storage building that will give her small business room to grow .

Wells envisions Rae’Lynn Dior Jackson cutting more ribbons at larger buildings in the future. “Slow and steady” has been her mantra since she opened Rae Dior Couture on May 23, 2020. It’s been a rollercoaster ride of more ups and downs, but the one thing that has held firm is her faith in God.

“On those days when I wanted to give it all up, he was there to pick me up, dust me off, and encourage me to keep going. I prayed for my daughter’s business every day for a breakthrough. Sales were slow most days, but I was always grateful for those one or two sales I got in a week,” Wells said. “After I started to see a small profit, I decided to invest my little savings from the business and go into my personal savings to buy an office shed/truck space.”

Not long after buying a shed to renovate into an office, Wells found herself unexpectedly pregnant with her second child in the summer of 2022. It felt like her world had collapsed as she battled depression and feelings of guilt for bringing another child into the world. the world just as her daughter’s business was about to take off. Plans for building and business expansion fell by the wayside. She was sitting on the couch one day, trapped in a dark place, when suddenly her daughter gave her a hug and the most encouraging words: “I’m so proud of you, Mom.”

With those words in mind, Wells took another look at the shed. He dug into his personal savings account again and began looking for contractors to handle electrical, drywall, painting and flooring work. Once he finished the job, he took some time to relax and enjoy the end of her pregnancy before welcoming his baby boy, Roman Jackson, in February.

Wells had her 3-year-old daughter and 3-month-old son by her side as she celebrated the business’s third anniversary with a ribbon cutting Tuesday night. What started out as a storage shed has been transformed into an office/storage space complete with pink walls and feminine décor to match chic Rae Dior Couture clothing.

“I believe this new building would help my daughter’s business grow in a positive direction by raising awareness of my daughter’s brand. Although my building is not an actual store front, there are still clothing displayed on shelves to provide that visual attention to local customers who come in and pick up their online orders,” Wells said. “Truth be told, 75% of my orders are out-of-state orders, so having an office space that displays the merchandise can attract more customers locally, which would be a big help to Rae Dior Couture.”

Wells understands that progress is not easy and that there is more work to be done. She sees the new building as a reflection of her daughter, and that motivates her to keep working hard every day.

“I see it this way; if I give up, I’m blocking an opportunity that can change my daughter’s life… Giving up will never be an option. Rae Dior Couture is going to be big one day, and I’m adamant about that,” she said.

Pickups are available from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Monday through Friday.

Rae Dior Couture offers modern and affordable clothing and accessories for young boys in sizes 2T to 8T. For more information, visit


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