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SPAaS Global Landscape Report

  • 33 vendors have been identified that provide Staffing Platforms as a Service (SPaaS) technology to staffing agencies.
  • 17 of these vendors provided detailed information about their solution for this report. Therefore, we believe that this report captures and compares solutions for at least half of the known market, as a number of industry leaders participated.
  • The SPAaS landscape is not homogeneous, but includes a range of different solutions that can fully or partially automate the interaction between talent, clients and employment agencies. While large parts of the workflow are completed on-demand and self-service, it’s rare that the entire process is completed without some moderation by recruiters on key areas.
  • Vendors are spread across pure play-SPaaS solutions, vendors best known for their front and back office solutions but now offering platform technology compatible with their existing solutions, and vendors offering SpaaS platforms that extend to the personnel company front office technical stack. There are also two providers with both a SPAaS and a VMS offering.
  • Many of the applications available in this space have well-developed workforce management and scheduling features. Industry sectors such as manufacturing and healthcare, with requirements that include complex shifts and the need to fill positions quickly, have driven growth.

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