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Spotlight on new insights on health in women with ADHD

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Prof. Dr. Sandra Kooij and Dr. Dora Wynchank will be returning to Broadcasting ADHD Europe shining a light on women with …


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11 thoughts on “Spotlight on new insights on health in women with ADHD”

  1. Thank you so much for your focus on ADHD and gender ..and gender identity!! The mention of inclusion of gender identity literally brought tears to my eyes because women have been excluded and transgender women 100x more so . One feedback I have is about using the 'women' segregation at the outset of anything. We in society, I believe wrongly, start out assuming gender is a valid division. It seems wrong on a fundamental level to setup a group for women because it perpetuates the thinking that led to women being excluded in the first place. Would it not be better to focus on the suspected deficiency. For instance, name the group 'ADHD for people of higher estrogen' or 'ADHD in low testosterone individual's or 'adhd in people who took on care giving roles'? I understand the challenges because we do live mostly in a divided society today whether it is right or wrong. I can tell you as a transgender woman, I do identify as female, but also as transgender. I also have lived in both the male role for 45 years and now the female role. However, the roles had significant overlap. I shared caregiving responsibility for my daughter, I was expected to also maintain our home, In childhood I was not diagnosed with ADHD for the same reasons most women were missed…. inattentive ADHD. My psychiatrist who is an expert on ADHD has somewhere around 5% patients who are transgender yet he is guessing on treatment because the criteria for diagnosis does not fit transgender people …we end up under diagnosed with lower scores. He does not have evidence based knowledge of how hormones influence things for transgender people …because the little data that exists starts off with male or female as the initial dividing line. A transgender person could be seen as none, both or one or the other. Thank you for your outreach and support on ADHD. I have discovered after many years of struggles that ADHD plays a huge part. And, having been treated for depression for many years, never feeling the root cause was fully identified until I really pushed for answers … It seems to me ADHD acts as a multiplier making every other challenge so much more difficult to deal with.

  2. afaik abortion is always induced, otherwise it's called miscarriage….edit: I checked a medical dictionary and they confirmed it, abortion is always induced in English. I know it's different in different languages but as it's such a sensitive topic I wanted to say something.

  3. Thank you! Diagnosis this week at 35… The loniness in a house full of ppl is unreal. I had one doctor on my journey for diagnosis tell me I just had low self esteem and depression.. (NO SHYT!).. needless to say he is NOT my Dr… But thinking about the thing things I would get punished and physically disciplined for as a child 😔 😢 😢 😭… It's a bittersweet diagnosis, but I wouldn't change my husband and 2 kids for anything. Now that I've done the research, I can see it in my son a d we are otw to diagnoses as well

  4. I wondered if you have controlled for ADHD with dual diagnosis of autism and PCOS vs solely ADHD and PCOS. I'm thinking PCOS is more likely associated with autism?

  5. Also, is there any research into coronary artery spasms and taking ADHD medication (stimulants)? I have experienced these symptoms many times throughout my life. I've always been sent home from the emergency department being told there is nothing wrong. However, after being medicated on dexamphetamine for nearly 1 year the symptoms are very rare (age 29-30). It seems strange considering amphetamine usage is a risk factor for coronary artery spasms. I would be hesitant to go to a cardiologist if I risk losing my ADHD medication, as it has been the most effective treatment for my overarching concern of ADHD and seems to further aid in other health areas.

  6. Is this information being taught to students enrolled medical schools in European and American countries? It would help women and females in the future, if student doctors were taught more women’s health hormone cycle and how it effects female mental health. We need to focus more on the human female health cycle more, than the human male health. After all women are the egg bearers and birthers, for future generations due to our mitochondria DNA, not the males of the human species.

  7. I found the third lady needs to work in clearer delivery it was very difficult to listen, see a pattern. Kids not being organised whilst speaking on a very imprtant topic which doesn’t get enough time and info. Very good otherwise but i wont be atternding the meetings . Bounderies are important, listening is vial and straighford delivery in particular to people with Adhd. Construstive not being nasty or negative. Love to all

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