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Stossel: Women Should Pay More For Health Insurance

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Fox Business Network host John Stossel sat down with Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy on Thursday and explained his …


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29 thoughts on “Stossel: Women Should Pay More For Health Insurance”

  1. You dont have a clue about what your talking about. If this was great and benefits everyone, then everyone would be running to it. Instead they are being forced into it. Never in all of history has force and coersion ended in anything good.

  2. You're incorrect because different insurance covers different things. For example, catastrophic insurance only covers catastrophes and therefore costs less. An insurance plan which covers everything including dental, eye-glasses, massages, etc. will obviously cost more than just catastrophic insurance. Each consumer can pick what they would like covered. If a plan covered everything except dental care, it would cost less than one that did. So the same goes for women. If their insurance covers more things it will cost more. There are some medical things men will never need.

  3. The tone of your videos is not very appealing. You should discuss things in a rational, intelligent way, rather than calling everyone who disagrees with you a moron or an idiot all the time.

  4. You have to admit that insurance, the way that Obamacare addresses it, makes it no longer insurance.  It is now a tax and healthcare is a subsidized service.  This isn't insurance.  Insurance is paying someone betting you WILL get something and they cover you betting you won't.  THis is just an advanced pyramid scheme where the youngest pay for the oldest.

  5. So it's okay for the government to come at me with a gun and force me to pay for a bunch of old sick people even though I'm young and healthy? Sounds like the definition of a ponzi scheme.

  6. The problem with your argument is that ACA is mandatory. Insurance has always been elective (discounting minimum car insurance, another govt mandated idea). You had the choice to become a member of the pool. If ACA was made elective, there would still be enough members to spread the cost around. Also, mentioning Medicare is a false analogy. It's not insurance, it's govt mandated payments from every worker to fund medical care for low income people/retired people/unemployed people. Instead of ACA, why not just expand Medicare to include everybody?

  7. No, having a company pay for things most people get all the time, like regular checks and appointments is not what insurance "ISSSSSSSSSS." Nearly everyone will get a skin infection or a cut requiring stitches or a myriad of other low-cost common visits. These should not be covered. Insurance is for high-cost things that are UNLIKELY to happen, that's what insurance "ISSSSSSS." Outpatient doctor visits should not be covered by insurance as they are things everyone should get and do get. Having an intermediary pay for things 90% of people use is absolutely ridiculous and wasteful.

    How much would oil changes and new tires be if car "insurance" covered them? Mechanics would charge far more, and people would get their tires changed as frequently as possible.

    Women should only pay more than men if they're likely to incur serious medical illness or want things like Prenatal coverage. As a young male, I should not be forced to pay for other people's life choices or common doctor visits that everyone gets.

  8. Insurance companies group people by age also, they don't spread the risk evenly among ALL as you suggest.  The older you get, the more expensive it is.  Men and women have different risks so costs are different!  A woman will never get prostate cancer but have other problems that men don't have.  You did research but Stossel is still ahead of you.

  9. "the idea of insurance is spreading the risk", then why does a guy pay more than a gal for car insurance… Come on, insurance is paying in proportion to YOUR risk, and spreading that risk proportionally (to risk), not equally like what politicians like to call insurance. In Québec, is it "fair" that we all pay the same amount for "prescription drug insurance", young or old? No, it's a way to get the baby-boomers to vote for the politicians because they'll get money from the youngest people.

  10. Terrible logic…    I'm not sure he even understood John Stossel's point, and the insurance system as a whole for that matter.  This entire rebuttal is a red herring.

  11. You are so wrong on this.  It is clear that you don't know what insurance is.  Insurance is for reducing the financial consequences of rare but very serious and adverse events.  For example, if you get into a car accident, your insurance will cover the expenses to repair your car.  Insurance does not cover the gas you use in your car.  That is what obamacare is trying to do with some of its regulations.  Insurance only covers things or events that are unlikely to happen, AND (here's the important part) no one has an incentive to cause those things to happen to them.  If that isn't the case, then people will use more than they need.

  12. Haha, that's what insurance isssss… No no, it's not. Generally, the risk is divided into age and gender categories just like car insurance (and healthcare up until obamacare). Why do men pay more for car insurance? Because they're more likely to speed, crash, and use the insurance.

  13. Secular Talk:  your ""people get older" argument does not hold water.  Everyone gets older, both Men and Women.  Men don't get "womanly-er" the older the get so why should men have to pay for a service that woman use?  I do not think woman should have to pay more, but thry should have to pay for services they use.  Same goes for a man.  If you are a man you should NOT have to be forced to pay for a service that you won't use.

    Let the market open up like veterinarian and electronic markets and have more competition, less subsidies, less government theft and more options to purchase insurance across state lines.

  14. Should men pay more for car insurance? Only if they get in more accidents.
    Should women pay more for health insurance? Only if they use healthcare services more.

    When an insurance agent is insuring someone who is more likely to need their money, they consider them a higher risk and charge them a higher rate. That's what insurance IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSS.

  15. He uses car insurance but misses a crucial part – you pay more for car insurance for many reasons – age, bad driving record, if you wear glasses etc.  The reason is that these are risk factors that are above the norm that mean you will use the service more often.

    Tenent/Homeowner insurance is the same way.  If your building is made of less stable materials it will cost more to insure.  If your building is in a known risk area you pay more.  If your building is old it usually costs more (unless the 'old way' actually made it more secure overall – the old building I live in has better fire safeguards than many modern buildings, for example)

    Why should health care be any different?  Women are more likely to need the services than men.  The elderly are more likely to need them.  People with disabilities are more likely to need them.  Based on all the examples I listed above these are risk factors that should affect their premium rates.

    Bear in mind here, I'm looking at this from a purely rational point of view.  Emotionally I want to say that women and men should pay the same rates, and I suffer from a disability myself (which means that based on what I wrote I would be paying more).  Of course, I live in Canada where most of our major health care is completely covered by the Government, but that's not even the point.

    However, he says "That's the way insurance works – that the risk is spread out" is not the full story nor is it entirely accurate.

  16. Stossel was talking about paying more for insurance not about what insurance is. Men pay more for car insurance because they engage in mor accidents and pay more in life insurance because they live less than women.

  17. The reason only 60% of elderly people had insurance in the 1960s is because if you grew up in 1900-1940 where the average life expectancy didn't surpass 61 then you had no reason to save for old age medical needs, that and the Depression happened, not because of Capitalism but because of the Federal Reserve.

  18. He's saying that just like "good drivers" pay less car insurance, health insurance should work the same way.

    Insurance is odds, chances, risk.
    The more risky a person is the more he pays, while a less risky coverage cost less, THAT evens out the unbalance, and can be statistically profitable.
    You're talking about socialized healthcare

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