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In this cautionary tale, witness the consequences of relying too heavily on artificial intelligence in academia. Follow a student who …

37 thoughts on “STUDENT GETS EXPOSED-ChatGPT! #chatgpt #ai”

  1. Man no wonder all these people with degrees suck at their job. The all cheated then realized Chat GPT can't do the job the got hired for yet otherwise they wouldn't have a job and had to just wing it.

  2. Yeah studenta should learn to do the jobs your going to be doing. I dont care, cry about it or actually do the work. This why we have teachers who cant teach, doctors who cant doctor and so on.

  3. Dont get discouraged
    I know my 25 friends got job in PWC.
    Kpmg. E& y n deloitte all in different rontiers( consulting IT, management, M&A. Developer. Buiness analyst
    Data analyst
    They just cheated through chat GPT in personel webex video interview
    Its very easy
    They invested in big 50 plus inch smart projector and connected it in very structured way n place

  4. This is excellence at its best. I recently read something similar, and it was absolutely outstanding. "Game Theory and the Pursuit of Algorithmic Fairness" by Jack Frostwell

  5. One time my professor told the class that there were 5 papers written exactly the same between 40 students. They got kicked out from her class. And that was a few months before generative ai was popular 😂

  6. Contest it. THERE IS NO WAY they can prove you actually did use chatgpt, UNLESS THEY VIOLATE your privacy rights, take your computer and conduct a digital forensics investigation, which would cost the school $$$.

  7. Bruh total skill issue you have to use it to make it write the essay and then you have to change the words it gave you into your own which is still faster than starting from scratch if anything it helps you overcome brain farts when you have no clue what to write.

  8. These universities can get sued. OpenAI (the company behind ChatGPT) clearly stated that AI detectors don't work. I do online writing and I have tested many of the AI detectors and seen very many false positives. In fact, there are tons of ways to cheat these detectors.

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