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Surprising Twist: Von der Leyen Stuns Party with Radical Stand on Green Rules!

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Ursula von der Leyen’s Distancing from Green Regulation Moratorium

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Von der Leyen’s Response to Green Regulation Moratorium

Ursula von der Leyen distanced herself from a statement by leaders of her own political group calling for a “moratorium”
on further green regulation due to strains on European industry stemming from inflation and the war in Ukraine. The European
Commission president did not sign off on a joint statement by top politicians from the centre-right European People’s
Party, his spokesman said, adding that he supported the bloc’s environmental agenda.

Political Meeting on the European Green Deal

The statement came after a meeting of EPP leaders attended by von der Leyen in Brussels on Thursday calling for the European
Green Deal to “prioritize citizens and take into account new economic and social realities after Russia’s attack on the
‘global world order’.

Demands for a Regulatory Break

“We want a regulatory break,” the statement said. The group added that the EPP “cannot support” proposals on the use of
pesticides and a law to restore degraded ecosystems, which are seen as important components of the EU Green Deal climate
law, tabled for the first time by von der Leyen in 2019. The EPP said all leaders present at Thursday’s summit endorsed
the statement. But the commission spokesman said von der Leyen did not endorse the statement, adding that as chair of
the commission, he “does not approve of documents or statements made by any political party”.

EPP and the EU Green Deal

The committee “supports” member states and the European Parliament in reaching an agreement on controversial regulations
on nature restoration and pesticides, the spokesman added.

Dispute and Backlash for von der Leyen

The dispute comes at a crucial moment for the German politician. She is seen as the most likely contender to be the next
committee chair when the bloc holds elections next year, but she has been grappling with backlash within her own party
to elements of her Green Deal.

Calls for a Regulatory Moratorium

The EPP’s call for a “regulatory moratorium” comes after French President Emmanuel Macron, a member of the liberal Renew
group, made a similar statement in May, a sentiment echoed by Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croo in a speech at
the end of the month.

Discontent with the Climate Agenda

It comes amid wider discontent with the implications of the climate agenda becoming a reality for businesses and consumers.

The EPP as the Farmers’ Party

The EPP has positioned itself as the farmers’ party, arguing that rules to set aside land for biodiversity will impact
farmers’ food security and livelihoods, something activists, businesses, and the commission have contested.

Timmermans’ Support for Von der Leyen

Frans Timmermans, the European commissioner for the Green Deal and a Dutch centre-left politician, told a news conference
on Wednesday that von der Leyen was “very supportive” of the work the commission is doing to try to pass its nature restoration
law through the parliament. The law was rejected by three parliamentary committees and will be returned to the committee
if it is rejected in a full-parliament vote in July.


In conclusion, Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commission president, has distanced herself from a statement by leaders
of her own political group, the European People’s Party, calling for a “moratorium” on further green regulation. This
statement came after a meeting of EPP leaders where they expressed concerns about the strain on European industry due
to inflation and the war in Ukraine. Von der Leyen’s spokesperson clarified that she did not endorse the statement but
remains supportive of the bloc’s environmental agenda.

The dispute over the moratorium highlights the challenges faced by von der Leyen as she navigates through her own party’s
concerns about the implications of her Green Deal. The EPP’s call for a regulatory break raises questions about the
prioritization of citizens and the impact on important components of the EU Green Deal, such as the use of pesticides
and the restoration of degraded ecosystems.

Moreover, this dispute occurs in the broader context of discontent with the climate agenda becoming a reality for businesses
and consumers. The EPP, positioning itself as the farmers’ party, argues that regulations for biodiversity preservation
will negatively impact farmers’ food security and livelihoods. Activists, businesses, and the commission, however, contest
this view and emphasize the importance of nature restoration for a sustainable future.

Despite the pushback, Frans Timmermans, the European commissioner for the Green Deal, expressed support for von der Leyen’s
efforts to pass the nature restoration law through parliament. This law, which has already faced rejection by three
parliamentary committees, will be subject to a full-parliament vote in July.

As Ursula von der Leyen continues to navigate these challenges, her response to the call for a regulatory moratorium
and her stance on the EU Green Deal will play a crucial role in determining her political future. The upcoming elections
next year will be a key moment for her aspirations to become the next committee chair.


Ursula von der Leyen distances herself from her own political group’s statement calling for a “moratorium” on further green
regulation due to strains on European industry. The dispute arises after a meeting of European People’s Party leaders,
where concerns about the European Green Deal and its impact on citizens and economic realities were raised. Von der Leyen,
as the European Commission president, did not endorse the statement and remains supportive of the bloc’s environmental
agenda. The dispute highlights the challenges faced by von der Leyen within her own party, as she grapples with backlash
to elements of her Green Deal. The call for a regulatory break by the EPP comes in the context of wider discontent with
the climate agenda becoming a reality for businesses and consumers. The EPP argues that rules on biodiversity preservation
will negatively impact farmers’ food security and livelihoods, a view contested by activists, businesses, and the commission.
Frans Timmermans, the European commissioner for the Green Deal, expressed support for von der Leyen’s efforts to pass
the nature restoration law through parliament, despite its rejection by three parliamentary committees.


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Ursula von der Leyen distanced herself from a statement by leaders of her own political group calling for a “moratorium” on further green regulation due to strains on European industry stemming from inflation and the war in Ukraine.

The European Commission president did not sign off on a joint statement by top politicians from the centre-right European People’s Party, his spokesman said, adding that he supported the bloc’s environmental agenda.

The statement came after a meeting of EPP leaders attended by von der Leyen in Brussels on Thursday calling for the European Green Deal to “prioritize citizens and take into account new economic and social realities after Russia’s attack on the ‘global world order’.

“We want a regulatory break,” the statement said.

The group added that the EPP “cannot support” proposals on the use of pesticides and a law to restore degraded ecosystems, which are seen as important components of the EU Green Deal climate law, tabled for the first time by von der Leyen in 2019.

The EPP said all leaders present at Thursday’s summit endorsed the statement. But the commission spokesman said von der Leyen did not endorse the statement, adding that as chair of the commission, he “does not approve of documents or statements made by any political party”.

The committee “supports” member states and the European Parliament in reaching an agreement on controversial regulations on nature restoration and pesticides, the spokesman added.

The dispute comes at a crucial moment for the German politician. She is seen as the most likely contender to be the next committee chair when the bloc holds elections next year, but she has been grappling with backlash within her own party to elements of her Green Deal.

The EPP’s call for a “regulatory moratorium” comes after French President Emmanuel Macron, a member of the liberal Renew group, made a similar statement in May, a sentiment echoed by Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croo in a speech at the end of month.

It comes amid wider discontent with the implications of the climate agenda becoming a reality for businesses and consumers.

The EPP has positioned itself as the farmers’ party, arguing that rules to set aside land for biodiversity will impact farmers’ food security and livelihoods, something activists, businesses and the commission have contested .

Frans Timmermans, the European commissioner for the Green Deal and a Dutch centre-left politician, told a news conference on Wednesday that von der Leyen was “very supportive” of the work the commission is doing to try to pass its nature restoration law through the parliament.

The law was rejected by three parliamentary committees and will be returned to the committee if it is rejected in a full-parliament vote in July.
