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Surprising Ways Juneteenth Lunch and Learn Revolutionizes and Boosts Local Small Businesses!

Title: Supporting Minority-Owned Businesses in New Mexico: One Hope’s Lunch and Learn Event


In a bid to provide funding and support for businesspeople of color, Senator Martin Heinrich recently spearheaded the first Lunch and Learn event in New Mexico. This event, organized by One Hope Financial Institution, a group of black business owners in Albuquerque, aimed to empower minority-owned businesses and foster a sense of community among entrepreneurs. By offering technical assistance and networking opportunities, the Lunch and Learn event seeks to bridge existing gaps and equip small business owners with the tools they need to thrive in the competitive market. Let’s delve deeper into the significance of this event and explore the ways in which it can benefit the local community.

1. Empowering Business People of Color:

The Lunch and Learn event serves as an empowering platform for businesspeople of color, providing them with the necessary resources and support to succeed in their entrepreneurial endeavors. By targeting minority-owned businesses, One Hope Financial Institution aims to dismantle barriers, promote inclusivity, and amplify the voices of underrepresented groups in the business world. This initiative not only provides financial support but also offers guidance and mentorship opportunities to aspiring entrepreneurs.

2. Quarterly Lunch and Learn Events:

One of the distinguishing features of the Lunch and Learn event is its quarterly occurrence, ensuring that the benefits extend beyond a single gathering. By hosting similar events regularly, One Hope Financial Institution anticipates a sustainable impact on the local business community. These recurring events facilitate technical assistance sessions, educational workshops, and networking opportunities, enabling small business owners to connect, learn from each other’s experiences, and form meaningful professional relationships.

3. Building a Supportive Community:

Everette Hill, co-founder of One Hope Financial Institution, emphasizes the importance of building a supportive community among entrepreneurs. By facilitating collaborations and fostering mentorship relationships, this initiative promotes a culture of support and upliftment within the business ecosystem. As entrepreneurs thrive and pay it forward by mentoring others, the collective strength of the community grows, ultimately benefiting new and emerging businesses.

4. Creating Awareness and Overcoming Historical Obstacles:

In addition to providing financial and technical support, One Hope Financial Institution aims to educate the public about the historical obstacles faced by businesspeople of color. By shedding light on the challenges encountered in the past and present, this initiative strives to create awareness and inspire collective action. Through workshops, lectures, and panel discussions, the Lunch and Learn events serve as a catalyst for change, highlighting the need for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the business arena.

Additional Piece: Nurturing Diversity for Economic Growth

Diversity in the business world is not just a moral imperative; it is also a key driver of economic growth. When businesses are representative of the diverse communities they serve, they gain a competitive edge by being able to tap into a wider range of perspectives and ideas. Moreover, studies have shown that diverse businesses are more likely to outperform their homogeneous counterparts. Let’s explore why nurturing diversity should be a priority for communities and businesses alike:

1. Innovation and Creativity:

By embracing diversity, businesses unlock a wealth of innovative ideas and promote creativity within their teams. A diverse workforce brings together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. This diversity of thought leads to the generation of fresh ideas, solutions, and approaches, paving the way for continuous innovation and growth.

2. Enhanced Problem-Solving:

Diversity in the workplace promotes better problem-solving by providing an array of perspectives and insights. When faced with complex challenges, diverse teams are more likely to come up with comprehensive and effective solutions. By leveraging their diverse skill sets and experiences, employees can approach problems from various angles, leading to more well-rounded and robust outcomes.

3. Expanding Market Reach:

In an increasingly globalized world, businesses need to be able to connect with diverse markets and customer bases effectively. Having a diverse workforce that understands and represents these markets can prove to be a significant advantage. By nurturing diversity, businesses can tap into new consumer segments, understand their needs and preferences, and develop products and services that cater to a wider range of customers.

4. Mitigating Bias and Promoting Inclusion:

Diversity initiatives not only help overcome historical biases and challenges but also foster a culture of inclusion within organizations. By creating an environment where everyone feels valued and heard, businesses can attract top talent and retain employees. This inclusive culture results in higher employee satisfaction, increased productivity, and a stronger sense of belonging.


The Lunch and Learn event organized by One Hope Financial Institution in New Mexico serves as a crucial platform for empowering businesspeople of color and creating a supportive community. By targeting minority-owned businesses and offering technical assistance and networking opportunities, this initiative aims to bridge existing gaps and promote diversity in the business world. The quarterly events provide ongoing support and mentorship, fostering a culture of collaboration and growth. In addition to supporting local entrepreneurs, One Hope Financial Institution also aims to raise awareness about the historical obstacles faced by businesspeople of color. By shedding light on these challenges and promoting inclusivity, the events seek to inspire collective action and drive positive change. Nurturing diversity is not only a moral responsibility but also a strategic imperative for businesses, as it leads to innovation, enhanced problem-solving, expanded market reach, and a more inclusive work environment. In conclusion, supporting minority-owned businesses and embracing diversity are vital steps toward building thriving and inclusive communities.


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NEW MEXICO (KRQE) – Senator Martin Heinrich, along with other community leaders, held their first Lunch and Learn event. It was used to help get funding and support for business people of color.

The event was organized by One Hope Financial Institution, a group of black business owners in Albuquerque. They look to minority-owned businesses to help.

They expect the Lunch and Learn event to be repeated quarterly to provide technical assistance and networking opportunities for small business owners.

“Part of what we want to do is build a community of people who can support each other, who are entrepreneurs, and our sense of that is if we can start supporting people who want to become entrepreneurs, then they will have the ability to both they model and mentor other people,” said Everette Hill, co-founder of One Hope Financial Institution.

The group also hopes to educate the public about current and historical obstacles to business people of color.