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Taylor Swift, Rihanna And The Richest Self-Made Women Under 40 In America

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For most people, success is built over a few decades. But the youngest members on Forbes’ 2023 list of America’s Richest …


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15 thoughts on “Taylor Swift, Rihanna And The Richest Self-Made Women Under 40 In America”

  1. If women evade taxes, it's called Equality, If I evade taxes, it's called a crime; that's why there's no such thing as Equality👍👍👍👍

  2. how is kylie self made when she literally rode the coat tails of her famous sisters, lied about being a billionaire and had her mother making business moves for her at a young age lool please be serious forbes.

  3. Not a single woman on her is self made. They're all puppets of corporations to sell themselves and overpriced junk. Lol women used by men to be put on this list to make sad pitiful women feel better about being women who accomplish nothing but drying up and man hating lol

  4. Man or Woman
    Money won’t make you happy
    It is the root to all evil
    Biggie Smalls said it best
    Mo money mo problems
    I maybe poor
    I may not have it all figured out
    I thank God I have God
    It is my most prized possession my relationship with him
    I may lose everything but not him
    He will never forsake me or leave me
    He is always with me
    It is sad we all chase this money for what
    We can’t take it with us when we die
    You can’t buy your way into heaven
    Scripture says
    It’s easier for a camel to make it through an eye of a needle than a rich man to make it into heaven
    This life can be taken at any time
    No one is safe rich or poor
    Seems meaningless stacking up all this money just to be the richest on earth
    Jesus Christ said
    The King of this world has already been judged
    Cast out of heaven into the earth
    The devil is beneath your feet
    This word will be destroyed
    This is in Revelations 21
    A New Heaven
    And a New Earth
    Yet everyone is betting on this one
    It also says in my Bible
    God will come one day with wrath and furious anger to make this land a desolation and destroy the sinners in it
    My God is the best Warrior and Killer this world has ever seen
    God killed every man that left with Moses from Egypt look it up every Israeli died except for Joshua and Caleb
    All of them were Jews headed to the promised land as descendant’s of Abraham Isaac and Jacob
    God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and all in it except for Abraham nephew Lot and his 2 daughters
    God killed 6 million Jews in the Holocaust
    God could have stopped Hitler just like he stopped pharaoh army
    You can call me what you want even anti semitic but how? I am the biggest fan of Jews starting with Adam Abraham Isaac Jacob Noah Samson Jesus John the Baptist Isaiah Jeremiah David and Nathan Samual Mary Eve list goes on and on
    I end by wishing you good luck

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