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Teen Sugar Fiend #teen #parenting #sugar


18 thoughts on “Teen Sugar Fiend #teen #parenting #sugar”

  1. Ur kid is binge eating and u r posting a video online. Awesome man. I'm not a mom of a teenager but it doesn't seem too healthy to do that. I don't wanna judge you. It just seems like it's not the best thing for them to plaster their stuff online like that. We have all been gross from time to time

  2. You lucky lady! I found a moldy 3/4 eaten grilled cheese sandwich, equally moldy potato salad in a topless store container, every (glass) glass we had in the house with petrified milk in the bottom, a dozen half-pairs of men's socks matching the other half that was in my husband's sock drawer, and three nasty, board stiff pairs of boy's underpants. The last of which is why I'd made them responsible for doing their own laundry for the previous year! …Often wondered what raising daughters would have been like… I'm pushing 80 now but I doubt the stories have changed much! 😂😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤ being their Mom!❤❤❤❤

  3. I did the same in highschool, me and some buddies got stopped once by cops and he searched my bag, I had no school work no nothing just two things of icing 😂

  4. As a teen, yep I’ve done that. I also my frequent “candy runs” where I’ll go to the store and buy a lot of candy and take it home, I can (and will) eat $20 worth of candy in one week. Sugar is the only way I can focus, I wonder if your son could have a similar thing going on too since he’s also a teen with ADHD. I am 10x as productive while drinking soda or eating candy or just consuming something with a high sugar content so whenever I have to do school work outside of school (and in school depending on which class I’m in and if the teacher lets us eat in their class) I set myself up with a sprite and a bag of candy and it works lol

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