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Teenagers benefit from forest bathing, even in cities

The mental health of young people in urban environments is significantly better when more nature is incorporated into city design.

A new study by researchers at the University of Waterloo suggests that forest bathing, the simple method of being calm and quiet among the trees, observing nature around you while breathing deeply, can help young people de-stress and improve health and well-being.

The study was the first to collect real-time on-site survey data from adolescents about their emotional responses to various urban environments, such as a transit center, residential streets, trails, parks, and waterways. Natural urban spaces were consistently related to significantly higher scores on positive outcomes.

“While the findings may not surprise most people, what is significant is that, for the first time, we can say specifically to what extent anxiety is reduced when children are in a park rather than in the city centre.” “. said Leia Minaker, associate professor in the School of Planning and director of the Future Cities Initiative.

The Future Cities Initiative is the latest in the University of Waterloo's initiatives to address the need to create healthy and prosperous urban futures for all.

After standing and looking at an urban lake for just two to three minutes, the teens' scores on a validated anxiety scale decreased by nine percent. On the other hand, their anxiety scores were 13 percent higher when they stayed in a crowded downtown location for the same period of time. This is after adjusting for several other factors, including age, gender, ethnicity, mental health diagnosis and social status.

As urbanization accelerates rapidly, it is vital to better understand the impact of urban environments on young people. Especially considering that depression and anxiety are among the leading causes of illness among adolescents.

The study found that nature motifs or patterns on buildings, natural views in urban environments, such as lakes and public activity parks, and landscape elements, such as gardens and trees, enhance positive emotional experiences for young people. Although these urban characteristics are unique to adolescents, they could be interpreted differently than those of adults engaged in other activities. For example, adults are more likely to walk or run in green spaces, while young people are more likely to skateboard or hang out.

By designing cities with health and sustainability in mind for all age groups, these findings provide clear evidence that planners, city builders, and healthcare providers can use to advocate for specific features of natural urban design.

“Teenagers are often excluded from any kind of decisions about the cities they live in,” Minaker said. “It is important to know their opinions and quantify their experiences because childhood experiences influence many long-term health and disease outcomes.”

The researchers' next step will be to find a link between mental health data and long-term economic and social impacts. Future research will evaluate the physical and mental health of children living in high-rise apartment buildings, another little-known area of ​​research in North America.