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Temporary Worker Survey 2024: Work Plans and Preferences

  • For most temps, permanent work is the real goal. Nearly two-thirds of temporary workers say they would ideally prefer traditional ongoing employment, and more than half say they took a temporary job either as a means of finding permanent work or to supplement their income while seeking permanent work.
  • Healthcare temps are the most enthusiastic about temporary staffing. They are among the temporary workers most likely to prefer temporary employment, prefer working through a traditional staffing agency, and to take another temp assignment when their current one ends.
  • More than half of temporary workers – 60% – said they would be open to another temporary assignment. An additional 28% said they might be open to another assignment.
  • Over the next decade, temporary workers overwhelmingly plan to focus more on full-time work. The expectation to be doing more traditional full-time work and less contingent work is very robust, holding true across almost every temp wage and age category. However, degree of temporary worker expectations in performing selected types of labor varies notably by these demographic categories.

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