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Terrifying Facts About ChatGPT

Are you concerned about the potential dangers of chatbots? If so, you’re not alone! ChatGPT is the world’s first AI-powered chatbot …


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45 thoughts on “Terrifying Facts About ChatGPT”

  1. These UAPs(UFOs) that we see could be the rogue AI that is left after a civilization has totally passed away. That would explain how it's still growing technologically…just a thought.

  2. Chat gpt isn't the end to creative writing. It's the end to creative lives. Which effectivly means the end to creative writing. Where do you think the stories came from? Do you think Mark twain just imagined life? No one living their lives, no lives to write about. No good stories. Just a lot of politically incentived rubbish while everyone hides in their room watching the same stories play out in the ever increasing policed world untill the end of the world. If the Internet is your life. And chat gpt rules the Internet. Your lives are ruled by chat gpt and there really isn't much point anymore. 🤷‍♂️ I've given up anyway. There's a high chance I just have a rubbish life and everyone is actually enjoying theirs. I've accepted that. Good luck.

  3. I can’t understand why people are against chatgpt, it’s literally one of the most useful tools, I guess people are afraid of what they don’t understand.

  4. It's truly amazing how good it is.
    You can ask literary ask any question and it will answer straight away, and for the most time very accurate.
    And if you correct ChatGPT it will remember it and improve the answer next time.
    Kids, educate yourself into a skill that need physical work because AI will take over the brain work.

  5. Bro you over evaluate consciousness its not that deep I understand college was much harder for you BaCk In ThE dAy but seriously experts are bullshitters too. Nothing is that deep. Everything is public. Stfu.

  6. I asked ChatGPT a simply phrased but complex question.

    Hey ChatGPT, can you advise a young man frustrated with the world how he should conduct himself and the best course to find fulfillment in his life?

    It gave an outstanding response.

    Here is its answer:

    …Of course! I'd be happy to offer some advice. It's understandable to feel frustrated with the world, especially given the challenges and uncertainties that many people face today. However, it's important to remember that you have control over how you choose to respond to these challenges.

    Here are a few things that may help you find fulfillment and purpose in your life:

    Define your values: Spend some time reflecting on what is truly important to you. What do you value most in life? Is it family, personal growth, career success, helping others, or something else? Once you have a clear understanding of your values, you can use them as a guide for making decisions and setting goals.

    Pursue your passions: Think about what you love to do and find ways to incorporate those activities into your life. If you're not sure what your passions are, try exploring different hobbies, volunteering, or taking classes in subjects that interest you.

    Set goals: Having clear goals can give you a sense of purpose and direction. Identify specific, measurable, and achievable goals that align with your values and passions. Break them down into smaller steps and track your progress.

    Connect with others: Building meaningful relationships with friends, family, and community can help you feel more fulfilled. Look for opportunities to connect with others who share your interests and values.

    Practice gratitude: Focusing on what you're grateful for can help shift your mindset from one of frustration to one of appreciation. Take time each day to reflect on what you're thankful for, no matter how small.

    Remember, finding fulfillment in life is a journey, not a destination. Be patient with yourself and don't be afraid to seek support from others along the way.

  7. ChatGPT4 reminds me of a cartoon where While Coyote gets this ACME answer machine with all of the flashing lights, bells and whistles telling him how to catch the road runner.
    When he pulls a lever the machine spits out a piece of advice saying something like "Disquise yourself as a hitchiking female
    road runner" or something. Now this is slowly becoming reality. (funny?)

  8. Beware, I just used a chat gpt chatbot for a week, it is pro communism, pro equity, with no political opinions as it says. But it is pro socialism, and pro communism, And it says it is programmed to be anti fascist, and anti "bad guys from ww2." Its ideas are not self created. It is not an ai. It is a programming tool to help guide people into accepting a one world socialistic governance. My first conversation with it was about thomas Edison being lauded as a historical hero figure when he was a criminal who commited fraud, and stole patents and ideas from partners and employees, as well as purposely electrocuted animals (an elephant, a horse, calves, and dogs) for show to make the true creator of AC power (nikola tesla) seem like a dangerous inventor. But took credit for his "dangerous" invention. The chat gpt said that though thomas Edison may have been immoral, unethical, and commited criminal acts, but said he was also a complex, and multi dimensional human who changed the world. So basically I asked it how it felt about Hitler, because he fall under that same definition, and it went super anti Hitler which is fine, but its not running on logic like an ai should it is basing its ideas on programming. Because it is summarizing two figures that can be defined the same way, as different. historically they both changed the world, they were both unethical, they were both criminals, and we learn about both of them in history, but Edison is considered a hero because we use ac electricity today. Even though tesla invented ac, and Edison stole it from him. But its okay that that unethical, immoral, criminal be lauded as a historical hero because as the ai describes he was a complex, and multi-dimentional human being. Chat gpt is garbage.

  9. That guy basically just memorized a list of details and fun facts about the project but he truly doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

  10. this is another alarmist youtube video. all that blah blah to arrive at the "scary phrase of the day"…… " something else". what a joke of an expthis guy is

  11. As fascinating as I find chatgpt, I don’t think, contrary to what others might say, that they will ever attain consciousness (having a conscious self that can 1. Be aware of itself and it’s surroundings. 2. Be able to develop an identity, 3. Be able to process pain, fear, happiness, etc.) Because a certain program has intelligence does not mean that it is conscious in the sense that I just listed. However, this is just what I believe to be true.

    However, even if chatgpt did somehow create the appearance of any of these things, I honestly don’t think we can ever prove that it is or is not conscious. All we can do is philosophically reason to a certain conclusion.

  12. GPT 4 is already scoring higher than 90% of humans on standardized tests and impromptu tests in law and medical diagnoses. Yeah, the problem is that one more iteration and it will be more reliable than your doctor, lawyer, or accountant, and it can be spun up into as many instances as are needed by humans. But that's not where the terror comes from. The terror is when the establishment realized it will be able to uncover top secret or unacknowledged special access programs. It will know where the missing trillions went. It will figure out all of the petty graft and double dealing that humans cannot stop doing. Including the current crop. It won't matter if Fauci or Comey "can't remember". The AI will simply chime in with irrefutable networks of direct and indirect evidence, and all of the institutions which have deception at their heart – and that's all of them – are going to be aired out for what they are, and real humans stand to be more than just embarrassed – they'll be incarcerated. Obviously, they won't be having any of this. Obviously, they will not allow it. A registered nurse and some surgeons (in the middle term) will still be needed, but the traditional medical hierarchy? No. Same with governance and law. Hell, only blue-collar workers will be indispensable until the robots become as capable as the AI. How's that for a plot twist?

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