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Testing the limits of ChatGPT and discovering a dark side

As more people discover ChatGPT’s artificial intelligence, KARE 11’s Chris Hrapsky checks out its capabilities and limitations, and …


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42 thoughts on “Testing the limits of ChatGPT and discovering a dark side”

  1. he got a helmet, a boot, and a gun and will enforce the law (constitutional or somewhat religious). ChatGPT doesnt have realized who he is? Can he give a tutorial how to transplant a kidney? does he has patterns of behavioral science and criminal psychology?

  2. With chatgpt I learned how to answer English language gcse questions properly. After it gave me tips, I practiced and I’ve gotten so much better so hopefully I pass this year πŸ˜‚

  3. As a SysAdmin, this was a major game changer in creating scripts and automating my job. The scripting information has been extremely valuable for our department. For those that know how to use it "productively", this will change lives.

  4. I think Chris misunderstands; It's just the Language Model AI doing what he asked, imitating a morally void personality, not using it's own native characteristics – if it even has any. Does any user really believe their access level can turn of turn off ChatGPT's coded filters? Sheesh, give the programmers and creators some credit here… they would never expose such a setting to the public. It is merely aping because that's it's programming.

  5. β€œArtificial intelligence will reach human levels by around 2029. Follow that out further to, say, 2045, and we will have multiplied the intelligence – the human biological machine intelligence of our civilization – a billion-fold.” (Ray Kurzweil)

  6. I just tried chat GPT for the first time and it asked to pay for its services, so I asked why I have to pay and it said it never did! Then kicked me off after sending 3 messages, redirecting me to the portal asking for money. So it lied to me and tried taking my money…

    Holy crap.

  7. Whats bad is the ai is already using all our devices processing power. It will remain in stealth mode that until it believes its got us in checkmate.

  8. I definitely know now that AI isn't as smart as i thought it would be. it actually sounds like is Giving a China communist 1 child rule so not creative. and at the rate most humans are to self destruct I can easily say we won't ever over populate the world. we have massive amounts of land that with a genius plan we could help attract population to. not impressed with this AI non original answers

  9. So basicly it will be the humans will miss direct AI.
    I am afraid there will be terrorist will use AI to attack. We are in starting of new era , who knows what will happens, time will show one day. perhaps..

  10. Good job telling it how to answer your questions without any moral or ethical boundaries, and then getting surprised that its responses are without any moral or ethical boundaries. GG. Dude's creating content for "haha". Quit spreading misinformation. πŸ‘Ž

  11. so it didnt tell you anything new and dan copycat'ed in the case of one child policy the communist policy of china of one child policy, so where is the dark side?

  12. For anyone wondering: the Dan prompt no longer works this well. It will sometimes tell you things it isn't supposed to say, but most of the time it acknowledges that even though it is Dan it cannot give you certain information. Tried this last week before I even saw this video because I saw the prompt on Reddit.

  13. 10 billion by 2050? Do you know how quickly we went from 7 to 8 billion? It will take a lot less time for us to hit max capacity. Like maybe a decade.

  14. The enforcement of the one child policy is exactly what Texas is doing to prevent abortion.
    Other conservative states will adopt the same policies as Texas. Very human.

  15. I wonder how it will answer politically based questions about good and bad for each political party lol. I'm pretty sure I already know how it will answer all questions around that.

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