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That can’t be my kid. #mommacusses #shorts #responsiveparenting #parenting


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36 thoughts on “That can’t be my kid. #mommacusses #shorts #responsiveparenting #parenting”

  1. I have nightmares about accidentally doing the wrong thing at school (that isn’t even ironic i dreamed I accidentally forgot to get permission to leave school and tried to anyway and goy in alot of trouble) but when at home
    I do not care.

  2. Unfortunately, this is achieved by good parenting and 'Coloured' parenting which is when if ur parent/s are asian or black or whatever, their expectations and fear drive you to being a good person. I can confirm, because it worked on me 😭🖐

  3. my mom didnt teach me that, i learned it after realizing that everybody in my classes hated when i had a personality and i had to learn social norms on my own and developed massively cripplkng social anxiety

  4. I love you 😘 I started to follow you a few weeks ago and realised my parenting skills are the same as yours only you gave a name to how I parent so thanks for that and thanks for all your funny yet very real clips. Good job moma

  5. I've begun trying to apply the responsive approach to the special needs kids I work with, but I have an issue with one in particular who is pretty much attached to their brother at the hip, and will have a meltdown(not sure what else to call it) if he doesn't sit with them, or I move him somewhere else on the bus, and im not sure what to do, I told them that once a week (on the same day of the week at the same time) im gonna sit with them, and im hoping that will work, but if not do you have any suggestions for how I can calm these meltdowns so that the other students don't get overstimulated, and can have a good ride to/from school?

  6. Wow I was telling my mom the other week about one memory I had as a child was before we went to a relative house mom told us to be good and acted right or we would be in trouble! My sister and I decided to be good and acted right the whole time thinking mom would be happy with us but unstead yelling at us the whole way home just because we don't acted that way with her yep we decided that if we were going to be in trouble anyway f!@k it!

  7. I wish I would have known about masking and decompression time sooner. This introverted mama needs her 15-20 min recharge after people-ing even more than the kiddos do. It's seriously a game changer for my mood and thus a game changer for the vibe of the entire house.

  8. I think both sides are their authentic selves just depends who their around not saying theyre intentionally bad/chaotic always around parents but i think theyre more comfortable around parents generally, for obvious reasons so its easier for them to unleash their chaos at home vs a public place like school

  9. I do this too. I work retail and pretend to absolutely love people and be a social butterfly all day. Then I get home and turn into a coffee drinking recluse.

  10. I needed to here this today because my soon to be 18 year old daughter can't live how I ask her to in our home but does respect and abide by other family homes…..she acts the way I have tried her to act here there if that makes since….I am all for independent lives and making decisions on their own I have two older daughters as well and they have been making their own decisions since about 16

  11. Actually, I'm so happy my grandma let me have an hour nap after school every day. I would have an alarm set up to wake up and do my homework, but i needed that time to actually recover from the mental fatigue that school does in fact give you.

  12. this is my eldest, he's an absolute angel at school and all the teachers adore him (like hardcore) and even though I see his heart of gold, he leaves the angel at school😂 but that's exactly what im always saying to my husband that it's a good sign and he feels safe to collapse and also be a bit rebellious at home

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