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That’s DOCTOR ChatGPT to you!

Somewhere at OpenAI, there are two very proud parents…or legions of proud programmers. One of the two. ▻▻ LISTEN TO THE …

35 thoughts on “That’s DOCTOR ChatGPT to you!”

  1. As a programmer, I'm actually quite excited for the new ai tools well have. I'm not horribly worried about ai replacing me, I think it'll be put into things like GitHub copilot for a more seamless IDE

  2. ChatGBT uses sites available to public and reads through them. Its doing Google research. Still if you're a student dont immediately send your work until a site checked for plagiarism unless you want an F

  3. even if it passed the USMLE step 1 and 2 it still wouldn't be allowed to practice medicine. It would need to go through a residency, which would be impossible till we get androids.

  4. I think using chat GPT is not bad but students need to use this tool better,i used it in a essay about why something like gunpowder was important to the world so i left chat GPT do the essay I later read what that chat wrote and I found some…lies and things are not even a thing,the first half was usable but the other parts were not so i based everything else from that part and what I know and what I search

  5. This AI bullshit needs to be illegal, and I’m not remotely kidding. IBM nailed this down all the way back in the 70s: A computer can never be held accountable, therefore it can never be trusted to make a management decision. Would you trust an artificial intelligence with your life? I sure as fuck wouldn’t. If chat GPT is spearheading an operation, badge is the job, and kills you, who does your surviving family hit with a malpractice lawsuit?

    People are not machines, and machines are not people.

  6. No, I am not a licensed doctor or a medical professional. I do not have the qualifications, training, or expertise to practice medicine or provide medical advice. While I can provide general information on medical topics, it's crucial to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or physician for any specific medical concerns or advice. Medical decisions should always be made in consultation with a licensed healthcare provider who can consider your individual health and circumstances.

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