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The American myth of the TikTok spy

The Power Struggle in Surveillance Capitalism: Balancing Security and Privacy

Introduction: The Battle for Data Control

In the digital age, data has become the most valuable asset, and the battle for its control has intensified between global powers. The recent case of TikTok, the popular social media app owned by ByteDance, highlights the ongoing struggle between the United States and China over data sovereignty. In an attempt to continue operating in the US, TikTok has proposed storing US user data exclusively on US-based servers managed by Oracle. However, this move raises questions about data protection standards and who ultimately benefits from such arrangements.

Section 1: The Role of Oracle in the Data Economy

1.1 Oracle’s Project Texas

Oracle, a proudly American software giant, has been at the forefront of the data economy for years. The company’s Project Texas, named after the state in which it is headquartered, aims to store US user data from TikTok on US-based servers. This initiative not only aligns with US national interests but also enhances Oracle’s reputation and market position.

1.2 Clients and Controversies

Oracle boasts a diverse range of clients, including “all four branches of the US military” and local police. However, the company has also commercialized surveillance tools for the Chinese police, raising concerns about the potential misuse of data. The lack of universal data protection standards further complicates the issue, as it does little to mitigate risks and instead determines who has the right to exploit data and do harm.

1.3 The Role of Data Brokers

Oracle is one of the largest data brokers globally, facilitating the exchange of commercially available information. The US intelligence community admits that such information, which includes data about almost the entire world, rivals the scale and sophistication of targeted surveillance techniques. The loosely regulated private data market is open to all, including American spy agencies.

Section 2: The Reality of Mass Surveillance

2.1 Constant Surveillance

Comedian Bowen Yang’s statement on Saturday Night Live, “Everyone is constantly being watched, but it’s always ‘Shoot the balloon!’ and never ‘Disconnect Alexa’,” aptly summarizes the reality of mass surveillance. In an era where our every move is captured, turned into data, and traded as commerce, our very existence has become commodified.

2.2 Hypocrisy in Official Responses

Capitalism has commodified various aspects of life, including land, water, and healthcare. The latest site of extraction is life itself, encompassing our time, attention, movements, and presence. However, while this transaction benefits American business and aligns with Washington’s agenda, the response to surveillance hypocrisy remains inadequate.

Section 3: Changing Dynamics of Power: US and China

3.1 Shifting Calculus

The rise of China’s economy and its belligerence have forced a change in the calculus of global powers. As US authorities impose more restrictions on transnational exchanges in the name of security, the superpowers reflect their paranoia and increasingly adopt protectionist stances. Balancing economic interests and national security becomes a delicate task.

3.2 China’s Anti-Espionage Legislation

China recently enacted new anti-espionage legislation, expanding the definition of espionage, granting the state more inspection power, and limiting foreign access to domestic data. The Chinese government mobilizes society for counterespionage, while the FBI Director emphasizes the need for an “All society” approach to counter threats from China.

Section 4: Communal Care: Privacy as a Form of Resistance

4.1 Encroachment on Private Existence

In the age of surveillance capitalism, the richest and most powerful interests encroach upon our private existence. They dictate the terms of extraction and exploitation, leaving individuals with limited control over their own data. Privacy, therefore, becomes more than an individual right—it becomes a form of collective care.

4.2 Interrogating Boundaries

To reclaim our sovereignty and protect our identities, we must reimagine and interrogate the boundaries that define us, whether they are national, racial, gender-based, class-based, or related to property and the commons. By challenging predefined labels and refusing categorization, we can make ourselves unreadable to conventional systems and disrupt the flow of datafication.

Section 5: Looking Beyond Security Organs

5.1 Security Through Abolition

What if security isn’t achieved through violent state organs but rather through their abolition? A shift in perspective allows us to challenge the status quo and explore liberation. By rejecting binaries proposed by those in power, we can create spaces where intransigent presence is recovered, and alternative futures are tested.

Conclusion: Balancing Security and Privacy in the Age of Surveillance Capitalism

The battle for data control between global powers continues to shape the digital landscape. Oracle’s Project Texas and the proposed storage of TikTok’s user data on US-based servers reflect this struggle. However, the broader issue at hand is the tension between security and privacy in the era of surveillance capitalism. Balancing these two crucial aspects requires careful consideration of data protection standards, the role of data brokers, and the need for an inclusive approach that respects individual and collective rights. Only through such comprehensive measures can we navigate the complex terrain of the digital age while safeguarding our fundamental values.


In the ever-evolving digital landscape, the battle for data control intensifies between global powers. TikTok’s proposal to store US user data exclusively on US-based servers managed by Oracle reflects the struggle between the US and China over data sovereignty. Oracle, a major player in the data economy, has commercialized surveillance tools and is one of the largest data brokers globally. Mass surveillance has become a daily reality, and the response from authorities remains inadequate. China’s anti-espionage legislation and the US’s increasing restrictions on transnational exchanges highlight the shifting dynamics of power and the need for a balance between security and privacy. Privacy becomes a form of resistance and communal care, enabling us to protect our identities and challenge conventional systems. By looking beyond security organs and embracing alternative futures, we can navigate the age of surveillance capitalism while preserving our fundamental values.


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To continue operating in the US under ByteDance ownership, TikTok has proposed to store US user data exclusively on US-based servers managed by Oracle. He planProject Texas, is named after the state in which Oracle is headquartered. The proudly American software giant, boasts clients that include “all four branches of the US military. INCand the local police. Also has commercialized surveillance tools to the Chinese police. Without universal data protection standards, the mere imposition of a national border around data does little to mitigate risk or reduce harm; instead, the border only helps determine who has the right to exploit the data and do harm.

Oracle is one of the larger data brokers in the world. In a report published in June, the US intelligence community. admitted that commercially available information, which “includes information about almost the entire world,” has reached a scale and sophistication on a par with more intrusive, targeted surveillance techniques. The private data market is loosely regulated and open to all. American spy agencies are among its countless clients.

“Everyone is constantly being watched, but it’s always ‘Shoot the balloon!’ and never ‘Disconnect Alexa’”. This line, delivered by comedian Bowen Yang in Saturday night live, summarizes the daily reality of mass surveillance and the hypocrisy in official responses. After capitalism has commodified almost everything that supports life – land, water, health care, to name a few – its latest site of extraction is life itself: our time, attention, movements and presence. Everything can be captured, turned into data, and traded as commerce.

For years, this virtually unrestricted transaction has benefited American business and is aligned with Washington’s agenda. China’s economic rise, coupled with Beijing’s belligerence, has changed this calculus. As US authorities place more restrictions on the transnational exchange of money, goods, information and people in the name of security, sometimes in conflict with the demands of capital, the two superpowers are increasingly reflected in their paranoia and protectionist stance. . The Chinese government recently reviewed its anti-espionage legislation. The new law, which took effect on July 1, expands the definition of espionage, gives the state more power to inspect electronic facilities and devices, and further limits foreign access to domestic data. Citing the new legislation, China’s Ministry of State Security proclaimed in a social network mail that “counterespionage requires the mobilization of the whole of society,” while FBI Director Christopher Wray has repeatedly stated that a “All society” approach is necessary to fight threats from China. In Beijing propaganda materials alerting Chinese citizens to foreign intelligence activities, the spy is routinely represented like a white man.

The bodies we inhabit are never just ours. In the era of surveillance capitalism, the limits of our private existence are constantly encroached upon by the richest and most powerful interests, which also dictate the terms of extraction and exploitation. In this unequal battle, privacy is more than an individual right; it is a form of communal care. An encrypted message requires effort and trust from both the sender and the receiver. The decisions we make about seeing or not being seen also shape the spaces in which we move; they affect how others see and are seen. To reclaim our sovereign yet porous selves, we must reimagine space, both physical and digital, social and legal, and interrogate its multiple boundaries: around nation, race, gender, class, property, and the commons.

What if security is not achieved through violent state organs but through their abolition? What if we reject the bogus binaries proposed by the powers of the status quo and choose liberation? What if, instead of imprisoning our identities within predefined labels, we refuse to be categorized? What if we make ourselves unreadable to conventions, corrupt code, crash mainframe, and interrupt the relentless flow of datafication? A secret language opens paths to fugitive spaces, where an intransigent presence is recovered and alternative futures are tested.
