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The Astonishing Secret to Becoming a Remarkable Leader: Why Prioritizing Others is the Ultimate Game-Changer!

Title: Transforming Leadership: Putting Others First for Success

In today’s fast-paced business world, leaders must adapt their leadership style to effectively address challenges and foster growth within their teams. This article discusses the importance of adopting a “put others first” mindset as a leader, focusing on empathy, curiosity, and active listening. By embracing these qualities, leaders can create a supportive environment that inspires their team members to bring their best selves to the workplace.

I. The Need for a Shift in Leadership Approach
– Recognizing signs of ineffective leadership, such as underperforming equipment and lack of critical feedback.
– Encouraging leaders to reassess their leadership style to create a more successful and productive work environment.

II. Lessons from Personal Experiences
– Sharing a personal anecdote about the author’s childhood experience at a birthday party.
– Emphasizing the value of generosity and service to others, even in a leadership role.
– Highlighting the benefits of adopting a selfless approach in personal and professional situations.

III. Developing Empathy
– Exploring the concept of servant leadership, where a leader’s primary role is to support the growth and success of their employees.
– Stressing the importance of considering employees’ needs and experiences when making decisions.
– Discussing how empathy enhances communication and strengthens relationships between leaders and their teams.

IV. Embracing Curiosity and Humility
– Reinforcing the idea that leaders shouldn’t always rely on past strategies and must remain open to new perspectives and ideas.
– Encouraging leaders to seek input from employees and actively listen to their challenges and suggestions.
– Sharing insights on how curiosity drives business agility and innovation.

V. The Power of Active Listening
– Encouraging leaders to prioritize active listening over constantly speaking or asserting dominance.
– Suggesting a technique for leaders to practice active listening by participating in meetings primarily through asking questions.
– Explaining how active listening can foster inclusivity, build trust, and generate valuable insights within teams.

VI. Prioritizing Others for Success
– Arguing that prioritizing employees’ growth and happiness ultimately leads to better business outcomes.
– Highlighting the correlation between a positive work culture, productivity, and employee loyalty.
– Emphasizing the rarity and value of selfless leaders and their impact on setting a positive example for others.

Additional Piece: Fostering a Selfless Leadership Culture for Sustainable Success
In today’s ever-evolving business landscape, adopting a selfless leadership approach is essential for sustainable success. This additional piece expands on the topic by delving deeper into practical strategies and insights for developing a selfless leadership culture.

I. Building Trust and Encouraging Collaboration
– Discussing the role of trust in selfless leadership and how it fosters collaboration, innovation, and cohesive teams.
– Offering examples of trust-building activities, such as team-building exercises and open forums for sharing ideas and feedback.

II. Providing Growth Opportunities
– Exploring the importance of providing growth opportunities for employees to thrive and contribute effectively.
– Sharing strategies for leaders to facilitate employee growth, such as mentorship programs, training initiatives, and career advancement opportunities.

III. Recognizing and Celebrating Achievements
– Highlighting the significance of recognizing and celebrating the achievements of individual team members and the entire team.
– Discussing the positive impact of appreciation and recognition on employee motivation, engagement, and loyalty.

IV. Communicating Transparently and Honestly
– Stressing the importance of clear and transparent communication to build trust and foster a supportive work environment.
– Offering guidance on effectively delivering difficult messages while maintaining empathy and compassion.

V. Leading by Example
– Exploring the impact of leaders’ behavior on shaping the organizational culture.
– Discussing the importance of self-awareness and modeling selfless behaviors to inspire and motivate employees.

In today’s business world, selfless leadership has become increasingly crucial for success. By prioritizing the needs of their teams, leaders can create a supportive and inclusive work environment that fosters growth, innovation, and productivity. Embracing empathy, curiosity, and active listening allows leaders to unleash the full potential of their teams, creating a culture of success and fulfillment.


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Have you found yourself searching for the root cause of underperforming equipment without a clear indication of the problem? Do team members seem to give you only positive information and withhold any critical feedback? Are people too cautious when it comes to speaking up in meetings?

These may be signs of reassessing your leadership style and adopting a put others first mindset. If you can adjust your perspective, trust yourself and your team to take smart risks, listen, and most importantly, put yourself in a position to support your teams, you can become the kind of humble, curious, and focused leader who inspires people to bring their best selves to the workplace.

Much has been said about the growth of narcissism in the business world. I don’t know if it’s the ‘watch me’ aspect of social media or the inflated expectations of years of self-esteem programs. But I know it won’t help us do our best work. If we really want our teams to succeed, we need to take an approach I call “unself yourself.”

Related: If you want to be more successful than your competition, you need this mindset to win.

I first realized this point at the age of 10. I had a big birthday party about to hit double digits, but my friends had more fun playing keep away with a beach ball while I felt left out. In my self-centered 10-year-old point of view, this was a problem in my special day. So, I took the beach ball and hid it in the bathroom.

My father was not happy. He was an entrepreneur who had founded one of the first organization and time management companies, eventually purchased by the organization better known as Franklin Covey. That day he told me that he was being rude and selfish. He explained that the party was not about me, even though it was my birthday, but as the host of the party, my role was to serve my guests first, telling me, “I’m asking you to be alone for a while because it’s important that you know that the selfish people end up alone.”

The lesson stuck with me. In today’s world, the way CEOs view their impact on the growth and success of their teams is changing, making it even more critical that leaders develop their leadership philosophy and learn how to grow and evolve it. . Empathy, humility, and keeping an open mind are skills few executives learned in business school, but these are the ones that have brought me the most success.


This principle revolves around the idea that a leader’s primary role is to think about what their employees need and how they can support their growth and success. You can see this called “servant leadership”, the “Ted Lasso” show has shown this approach. But you need to think about what your employees are experiencing and how a particular decision may affect them.

Helping others has a much more powerful impact than focusing solely on taxes and requires treating people as you would like to be treated. When you read stories about CEOs failing on layoff announcements or similar bad news, it’s probably because they didn’t put themselves in their employees’ shoes before hitting send. But thinking about how a message will get through will make your communications more effective.

Related: Why empathic leadership is more important than ever


You can also call this ‘humility’: the idea that the strategies you’ve used all your life may not work anymore. Or there is a critical factor that you had not even considered. Part of revealing yourself is accepting that you may not be the smartest person in the room (and if you’ve hired well, you’re not!).

I spend about 30% of my time in employee engagement because happy employees are essential to our success. It’s also very helpful to hear directly from line employees what challenges they have and ideas they have for improving the company.

Related: Curiosity didn’t kill the cat! How curious leaders keep their business agile.


Too many leaders only focus on what they have to say or what they will say next instead of focusing on active listening. If you’re the only one talking, convey to everyone else that you don’t care what they have to say (‘the smartest person’ again). At your next team meeting, try to participate by only asking questions. It will be a struggle at first, but it will change how you think about your team and how they think about you. You can still have the ‘last word’ at the end of the meeting, but one of the first questions to ask is, “How can I help?”

As a leader, you can reach your full potential by focusing on benefiting others. You’ll get the best impact from your team when you prioritize their growth and happiness – business results will follow. Successful companies have a culture of happy and productive employees. Not wearing too much “Ted Lasso” again, but you’ll be happier when you see everyone else happy at work.

As a CEO, I have seen how this unique value sets the best apart from the average. Leaders with an “others first” mentality will always generate more loyalty than a CEO who only focuses on his personal scorecard of power, compensation, or results.

selfless leaders they are rare, and committing to this approach is not easy. But this is one area of ​​leadership that will enhance your leadership skills and set a great example for any employee who grew up focusing on your success. It can be hard to go from ‘having all the answers’ to ‘asking all the questions’, but your team will notice the shift and help you discover that good leadership starts with remembering, “It’s not about you.”