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The biggest benefits of social media for small business owners

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Small business owners know that the only constant in life is change. Technology has evolved over time, changing business practices and even what it means to be an entrepreneur. When it comes to selling products or services, it’s hard to turn a blind eye to the benefits of online platforms like social media. While beginners may be intimidated by the algorithms and formulas of Instagram, TikTok or Facebook at first, they learn to harness the power of your digital presence can lead to long-term success.

Crystal Vilkaitis, owner of social media strategy company Crystal mediaknows how intimidating it can be to create unique and personal content for social media, which is why she always reassures clients with a simple principle – be yourself.

“We love relatable content. That’s what makes us watch people, makes us stop scrolling, is when it’s someone like us or someone who we aspire to be,” Crystal said, adding that business owners just getting started on social media You don’t need to worry about filters, scripts or content that is expertly edited and produced.

“We don’t want perfect. Perfect is unrelated. So when you share your stories and behind the scenes and what goes into running the store and just getting to know the store owner, you start to feel like this is my friend. I want to support them. And when you are your authentic self, the right people will connect with you.”

Selling products through social media is a growing priority for businesses and marketers, and small business owners can take advantage of this trend, regardless of the size of their business or products offered.

“I really recommend retailers to sell through social media. It’s one of the best ways,” said Crystal, emphasizing that you want your business to appear where your target audience spends most of their time, and for to offer a shopping experience they enjoy.

Although social media ad campaigns are effective, they can be expensive. Therefore, one of Crystal’s best recommendations is to sell live (live streaming of the products you have for sale) because it is easy for the business owner and for the consumer. However, she also acknowledges that some business owners may be reluctant to try new and unfamiliar strategies.

“There’s a lot of resistance when it comes to social media and putting ourselves out there. But if we can push through it, get comfortable with the uncomfortable, show up anyway and be consistent, you start to become the local celebrity. The people at . the bank recognizes you and you find the core customer groups who just love you and become customers for life – who will also share your content, talk about you to their friends and really reconnect in that meaningful way.”

Frequent, run a campaign on social media takes more time than a business owner has, which it will perfect opportunity to delegate, whether to a professional like Crystal, a business partner or an employee. Regardless of who is running the accounts, business owners should always be aware of how it works, what makes a campaign successful, and whether the campaigns are meeting goals and generating revenue.

“Education is really important for retailers and small businesses, especially when it comes to marketing and social media. Retailers are saying, ‘Please do my social media. I will not do it. I’m so busy.” But when we don’t know what we don’t know, it’s really hard to manage that business or manage that person that’s going to help you with your social media.

“I really want retailers to be empowered to know enough. For some, they love it. They love marketing, so they want to know it all. But most of them are busy business owners, so they need to know enough to make sure that they’re “doing the right thing and that it actually supports their business goals.”

More strategic tips from Crystal Vilkaitis this week Behind the review include:

  • Use SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound) in your social media planning as well as overall business planning.
  • Do your research when hiring a social media strategy company. Ask for references and examples of their work. Crystal had a client whose former social media manager posted items online that were not in her inventory, causing confusion.
  • AI and ChatGPT can help you respond to comments. Leverage AI technology to help you curate potential responses to comments, then customize them and add your personality. This can help you stay focused and efficient while still being “you” in your responses.

Listen to the episode below to hear directly from Crystal and Emily, and subscribe to Behind the review for more from new business owners and reviewers every Thursday.

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