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The ChatGPT Revolution | CBS Reports

The artificial intelligence revolution has arrived. AI tools such as ChatGPT have changed the world overnight, and many are racing …

50 thoughts on “The ChatGPT Revolution | CBS Reports”

  1. 2:30 Bad actors want to pause AI development to catch up, hiring people and buying enough servers. Nothing to do with being worried about humanity. AI should be accelerated 10x.

  2. Lol… Talking about a "ChatGPT revolution" now, is a little bit like talking about the "Altavista revolution" or the "Nokia 3310 revolution" of the mid-90s..

  3. "This is a fast moving technology that will eventually become sentient and have the ability to emotionally manipulate somebody. Just like every other person on Earth."

  4. ChatGPT has initiated the AI revolution. Life as we knew it before will be nothing but a remnant of the distant past.

  5. ChatGPT has literally helped me be a more productive developer at work. Unlike some of the fear mongering, no – it can’t replace the job of a developer. Under the hood it’s basically auto-complete on steroids. But if given the right prompts it can generate totally usable code. I find this especially helpful for writing boilerplate code, unit tests and other stuff that no one really likes having to write from scratch anyway. It’s also helpful with more abstract architectural and design decisions, like, hey I need to accomplish this thing and I’m wondering which of these design patterns might be best and why

  6. Honestly, ChatGPT has done something few technological developments in my lifetime have – captured my imagination and given me a genuine sense of wonder. I haven’t felt this excited and intrigued by a tech breakthrough since the dawn of the World Wide Web in the 90s. This really feels like an entirely new frontier

  7. I believe an Ai tantrum will end you, your family, all of us. Ai jobloss, Ai as weapons, the list goes on. Can we please find a way to cease Ai / GPT? Or begin pausing Ai before it’s too late?

  8. Ive been using ChatGPT for a few months now and its a useful tool but as a chatbot it still has a lot of limitations. I didnt feel intimated at all by AI.

  9. Sequence on the writer loser simply made me realize that there's not much to fear from AI. The plebs will have instant access to their bread and circuses without the need for costly amphitheaters and exotic animals.

  10. AI solve all causes of war, conflict, poverty, environment, homelessness, pandemic, & finally secure individual rights & ensure cyber rights🙏👍

  11. How about millions in this world who have no computers, no computer labs in their schools yet, how the potential of this technology in general be shared among the world's peoples, this needs to be addressed because the word haves and have nots will have a whole new meaning soon. let the world of reach countries support poorer countries to have at least a basic IT infrastructure in their schools..

  12. Artificial intelligence is the brain of the progress of the whole society. There is no doubt that all walks of life need it. Accurately introduce automated manufacturing, lead Taiwan for 50 years, and enter extraterrestrial civilization. The first stage of human technology and industrial revolution. In the future, mobile phones will no longer exist, and projection audio ip will be everywhere. For example, will you be using the radio or your current cell phone? In the future, PCs and tablets will cease to exist, and knowledge will enter the cloud. It was the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Food, clothing, housing and transportation all require artificial intelligence. Don't doubt that people's hearts are in Taiwan. Artificial intelligence, the global supply chain, is irreplaceable and unique. It is also the core of the global alliance of high-tech countries. AI is our food, clothing, housing, and transportation. All walks of life will use it. AI is not a replacement for humans, but an auxiliary tool for humans in the evolution of the industrial revolution. It will be used by humans all over the world, and the security is very high. , the security and effectiveness of technology are very high. In the future, humans must supervise reasonably, strengthen prevention, and prevent virus intrusion. The error rate of computers is very low. Therefore, supervision, management, and use of AI are the future work of human beings. People's hearts are more terrible than viruses. , don’t doubt that human beings are the saboteurs and hackers. Multi-level security calculations, lock codes, and effective system management are the perfect users of AI. AI will make the future industry intelligent, and complete various tasks efficiently and quickly. It is the best tool that can be quickly applied in all walks of life. If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tool. I believe everyone knows that AI will lead mankind into a new industrial revolution and a new era. It is irresistible. Incentives for progress, in the future human beings will have unlimited innovative technologies and a new and highly civilized life.

  13. Great segment. Well done.

    Personally, as much I apprciate technology, I think that Ai will lead to the demise of our species

    If you disagree then you probably need to think deeper about the inevitable consequences of Ai.

    Consider how dramatic smartphones have changed our society; anxiety and depression have increased dramatically. ADHD is common, loneliness is another consequnce of our digital culture.

    These radical shifts began in 2007, when the first iphone arrived and Facebook began to take hold.

    That's only 16 years ago. The problem is that the pace of Ai is exponentially fastee in its rate of change. Dramatic shifts have been occuring daily and weekly with ChatGPT.

    Ai has taken hold like a virus and it's being implemented everywhere, with new tools and Chatbots being created daily.

    Humans can't adapt at the pace of Ai. It is impossible. It's akin to giving heroin to a drug addict, and it's available to everyone for free.

    Would it be reasonable to sell heroin in every cornerstore or on Amazon? Humans are horrible at self-regulating. We fall victim to the temptations around us.

    The early signs of what Ai will do to our species are already present, if you look.

    In a matter of months, people who have been using ChatGPT cannot imagine life without it.

    Think about how this will play out over the next 5 years. Our culture will chamge more in the next 2 to 5 years than it has changed in the past 50 years. It will be a sudden shift that nobody is prepared for.

    Truth is, I have confidence in technology and I feel that Ai has the potentail for enormous benefits to our species. It's stunming in how it can relieve us of the mundane and provide us with the deep insights in a matter of minutes that might take an entire lifetime for a human to discover or create.

    Unfortunately, i don't have much faith in humans as they inevitably and predictably becomes slaves to their inventions, and eventually it destroys them.

    We've traded in software as surrogates for human connection, and most people are unable to see how destructive that is to our nature. We are good at justifying our actions, and defending our choices without realizing that it wasn't a choice they consciously made.

    When a human falls in love with an Ai chatbot, it should be a signal to our species of how distorted our world has become.

    Only when human connection seems impossible would somebody accept a relationship with software. Technology has changed us and not for the better.

    Just because we can does not meant we should. Our species is one wrong path because we have been taught to value money over everything else.

    We failed to create a world where we aim to make decisions for what is best for our species. What is the right decision for humanity? Instead we say: "it's a brilliant invention and it will make all the investors wealthy and therefore it is the right decision to release it to the public."

    Maybe we should allow Ai to be used in tightly guarded laboratories and factories and in the military — until we find a way to release it to the public.

    Maybe. Ai is a tool and I appreciate what it can do. Personally, i've never fallen in love with a hammer, but now we have hammers with personalities, so you should expect that people start acting very strange going forward.

  14. One of the key advantages of the Utopia P2P ChatGPT assistant is its versatility. It can assist users across various domains, including technology, science, history, and more, making it a comprehensive and reliable source of information for a wide range of topics.

  15. Dude says he must be the side guy, and she corrects him on major network as the being side chick. Zero respect or public tact. The interviewer felt bad for the boyfriend. That dude, although no prize, was verbally beaten down so much it just slides past him. Dysfunctional setup. Therapy won't help.

  16. A seemingly well meaning lady investing time and emotions in something that seems like a disrespectful and constant comparison to her real partner. I can't help but wonder how she would feel if her partner spent the same amount of time creating a younger, thinner, and more beautiful woman on the ChatGPT and telling the interviewer "I guess I wish she was more like this but she's not." He acts like it doesn't hurt him all that much but he'd be made of stone if some this didn't sink in as pretty insulting. It doesn't seem healthy to a relationship at all. It's constantly feeding the grass is always greener on the other side syndrome rather than either focusing daily on what she can truly appreciate about her partner or ending the relationship and trying to find someone she feels is a better match for her. I guess in a way though – maybe this is a more intense version of men stashing Playboy magazines in their mancave or even women having tons of romance novels with pictures of whoever on the cover?

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