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The ‘comedian’ banana art exhibit eats (again) inside the museum

Life can imitate art but sometimes art imitates itself.

This is the case for a banana art exhibit that has now been eaten for the second time since its debut in 2019.

An art student studying at Seoul National University in South Korea takes a bite from an exhibit titled “Comedian” by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan inside the Lim Museum of Art in Seoul.

The artwork features a ripe banana tube taped to the wall. The student approached the exhibit, peeled it off, ate it, and then taped the peel back to the wall.

“The student told the museum he ate it because he was hungry,” a Lyme Museum spokesperson said. CNN.

Later the museum Replace the old one Bananas, with a new one, says Cattelan was told about the incident but “had no reaction to it.” No further action is being taken against the student.

“Comedian” was first presented during Miami Art Basel in 2019 where one edition sold for $120,000 and two others were sold to private collectors.

A performance artist named David Detuna decided to peel and eat a banana in front of a crowd of Basel-goers, causing the performance to be removed from the art show.

“Following the recommendations, we removed the installation at 9 a.m. this morning,” Perrotin gallery dealer Emmanuel Perrotin said in a statement after it was removed via social media, citing safety concerns with the crowds at the exhibition. That it could become what it is today. ‘The Comedian’, with its simple structure, ultimately provides a complex reflection of us. I am eternally grateful to Maurizio for entrusting me with the exhibition of this watershed. Conceptual work.”

Cattelan is currently running a solo exhibition at the Lyme Museum called “WE” which runs until July 16.


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