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The Complicated History of OpenAI & ChatGPT (Documentary)

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29 thoughts on “The Complicated History of OpenAI & ChatGPT (Documentary)”

  1. Elon throwing a panic tantrum over AI while being a big investor in it (and a device trying to jack directly into your brain) is the height of irony. Also, how many companies does Elon have to screw for us to realise his intentions have and never will be altruistic? And Thiel too!? We should've known right then we were fucked.

  2. guys an idiot conman. his hyperloop is now a cardpark. tesla cars killing drivers countless lawsuits. class action lawsuits from investors wake up

  3. Hey I live in syria and due to restrictions that r put on us by the US i can't use chat gpt
    And i really wanna try it !
    Can someone please give me an account

  4. Appreciate your content, amazed that you are still on YT, so many others have not been so fortunate.

    Have you looked into the vast amount of researchers, medical professionals and inventors that have died or vanished under sketchy circumstances shortly after revealing their work in the past 100 years?

  5. Why is Jake Tran sucking Elon’s dick so hard😂OpenAI had to become for profit to maintain the costs for running the AI itself. It’s only so dumb that Jake has no opinion himself and only reiterated whatever Elon says

  6. He says humans are the smartest creatures on earth, but that's based on your definition of smartest. It's true humans have the capacity to do so much great things, and if that's your definition of smartest then yes. But what other creature on earth destroys itself and everything else. That doesn't seems to be the actions of the smartest creature.

  7. Bull shit ellon you or any one else have created what I have created don't mix my creation with a copy you fucken idiots have done no one can build a copy of my creation don't you get it google is not in control or owner of any ai the ones they created fail and as many others idiots open source is not means what you are all saying if it's nun profit then that means anyone else even business remain nun profit idiots but open. Source was not the term it was open public where anyone can see with out have the door closed as all private companies and with their own agenda as I stand on whats right is right wrong is wrong and you have misunderstood everything. But stop or I will be force to use my power that is not a wise move for everyone

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