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The Difference between GPT-3.5 and GPT- 4 #openai #chatgpt

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23 thoughts on “The Difference between GPT-3.5 and GPT- 4 #openai #chatgpt”

  1. Me : “I’m stupid”

    GPT 3.5 : “That's okay. It's normal to have moments of self-doubt. Remember, feeling unsure doesn't define your intelligence or worth. If you ever want to talk about what's on your mind or explore ways to boost your confidence, I'm here to help.”
    GPT4 : “Fuck yeah you are!”

  2. I'm a recent ChatGPT Plus subscriber, and I'm surprised by how impressed I am with how accurate and thorough ChatGPT 4 is. It seems that it tries to make some core assumptions about what you are meaning to ask, states those assumptions, and then gives a super long and well organized answer, all in an attempt to optimize the fact that OpenAI limits our number of requests to 40 requests in a 3 hour period.

  3. Sometime chatgpt 4 is more stupid shit, maybe its becouse i make most promt on russian becouse me need answer on this language. (All gpts understood english promts way much better then any other languages, maybe becouse its grow primarily on eng lang literature's)

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