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The Essence of Terrible Parenting | Stephanie Davies-Arai | EP 316

Dr Jordan B Peterson and Stephanie Davies-Arai discuss parenting and the pitfalls of compassion when linked to trans ideology.

Stephanie Davies-Arai is the founder and director of Transgender Trend, the leading UK organization calling for evidence-based healthcare for gender dysphoric children and young people and fact-based teaching in schools. She is the author of Communicating with Kids with a background in teacher training and parent support. She was shortlisted for the John Maddox Prize 2018 for the schools guide Supporting gender diverse and trans-identified students in schools. In 2020 Stephanie was an intervener in the High Court in support of Keira Bell and Mrs A, who brought a landmark case against the Tavistock Gender Identity Development Service in a claim that under-18s are not old enough to consent to treatment with puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. In 2022 Stephanie was awarded the British Empire Medal as founder of Transgender Trend for services to children in the Queen’s Jubilee Birthday Honours list.

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For Stephanie Davies-Arai:

Communicating With Kids (Book):

Stephanie’s Website:

Transgender Trend Website:

School Resources:

My Body is Me:

An Introductory Guide to Sex and Gender:

– Chapters –

(0:00) Coming up
(1:27) Intro
(2:40) When we dislike our own kids
(4:00) The importance of duality in parenting
(6:40) Optimal family dynamics
(10:35) Post-Freudian world, the dismay in peace
(19:43) Camps of discipline
(24:55) Parenting books, lack of scrutiny
(27:24) The terror in total freedom
(31:50) Sam Brinton, subjective truth
(40:00) Gender identity is the new counter culture
(47:45) Creativity and negative flux
(53:12) Twenge, self confidence, affirmation
(58:52) The folly of self consciousness
(1:05:11) Depression spirals
(1:08:30) Demi-Boys and unstable categories
(1:15:57) Anxiety, women, and social contagion
(1:21:00) Objectification and over correction
(1:27:55) The job of your therapist
(1:35:08) Compassion and the lie of self harm
(1:39:00) Facing the narcissism of compassion


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// BOOKS //
Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life:
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos:
Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief:

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48 thoughts on “The Essence of Terrible Parenting | Stephanie Davies-Arai | EP 316”

  1. Jordan b peterson sir's podcast >>>>> ❣️❣️…

    Thank you sir, I've been watching your lectures and podcasts and things are way way better than they were used to be 💯

  2. Growing up, my parents fought in front of me a lot. Sometimes really terrible fights. I don’t think I ever once saw them reconcile. They had their fight, they went their separate ways to cool off, and then they never talked about it again. Now as an adult, especially being married, I don’t understand that when you have a fight with someone that the relationship can be repaired. I just assume that there will always be resentment in the relationship or that the relationship is over. In my head I know that relationships can be repaired, but emotionally I can’t comprehend how. My husband and I have been together nearly 4 years and have never gotten close to a fight, we don’t even really argue. We disagree, absolutely, but I’m so fearful of fighting and not being able to reconcile that I steer clear, and my husband is really good at helping me talk through our disagreements.

  3. 21:20 My wife and I do often have discussions in front of the kids. Not always of course. But we will make the arguments and a decision. i.e. I will propose something adventurous and my wife will say it's too dangerous, and I will counter with a safety measure, and then we agree that we can do it provided we do it in a safe and responsible manner. The kids will happily oblige to the rules because 1) they know the alternative is not going 2) they understand the rationale behind the rules. Perhaps a spin on the "good cop bad cop" thing without villifying the other.

  4. Me thinketh interesting to get the prim and propa., stiff upper lip……..perspective!@!?😝😜🤪😎
    P.S. They cannot.., reproduce so they…….recruit!@!?😝😜🤪

  5. I love how he describes "the idiot teachers" and their contribution to the "psychogenic epidemic"…such honesty is rare because everyone is afraid to speak these days! My daughter is entering adolescence and it's scary that our influence may start to wane at this point…goodness, what the lady was saying about teens feeling that they have to identify as non binary abd trans etc in order to appear non conformist/rebellious…this is so worrying!

  6. Also, I always was the neurotic, over sensitive type…and had negative feelings about myself…my mum always used to praise me a lot, but I learnt not to believe this was genuine so it actually annoyed me because it lost its meaning. I needed to achieve something myself and have concrete evidence that I did well at something to feel better about myself. Makes sense.

  7. I am often following Mr. Peterson's presentations but now I am also interested in what Ms. Davies-Arai has to say. She seems to be a very interesting person! I would like that Mr. Peterson allows his guests to talk and interrupt them as little as possible. I'm already familiar with much of what Mr. Peterson have to say so when a guest is invited, please let the guest speak!

  8. Black rifle coffee company is a far left, American hating, gun banning commie organization. As a veteran, get better sponsors.

  9. Omg! I am so very happy I was born in 60's raised in 70's came an adult in 80's….
    A 💯% Tom Boy!
    If it would have been avaliable for me to make my father happy by being the boy he wanted….I might have been caught up in these traps…
    There was 💯 % No way I was going to have children!…..ofcourse that changed but if taking away that option would have been avaliable….To keep me from being put in the position of being hurt…I would have probally taken those outs!
    Where All I needed was to grow out of all the childhood Traumas that were put on me!!!
    Gawd Protect our innocent children!

  10. Listening to Jordan Peterson's description of the changes experienced during a girl's adolescence brought tears to my 57 year old self. I can't imagine navigating this in today's society when it seems that transitioning to male seems to be the answer. We need to teach our girls that this too shall pass – as difficult as it is, it is a passage of life. Keep up the good work. Dr. Peterson.

  11. Sadly, this is also happening in the workplace. The kids who were raised with feelings as the focus, cannot take any criticisms of their work in the workplace. One is not even allowed to point out the mistakes made, as no one is supposed to point their fingers at anyone, regardless of how a catastrophy that incompetent staff has done.

  12. Hey Jordan, love your content. Followed you for a while now. Quick criticism: is fine and all talking about how liberals are failing their youth and all. But id like to hear more on how we can actually help ourselves and family without bringing up too many political views in the conversation.

  13. I'm only 44 minutes into this video so far and I LOVE it. I want to offer a thought I have constantly and it's rare that people talk about it. I think social media is feeding into this idea that we have to pick the best thing about our identity and be able to market it. For instance, gender. People make their gender their entire identity. They use it to base their decisions off of down to the most minute detail. "I'm a girl, so I have to focus on painting my nails". It's like, no. You paint your nails because you want to paint them. Your gender is PART of your identity, not the basis for everything. When you make your gender your priority in expressing yourself, you lose so many other things that make you who you are. Same thing goes for dudes who make working on cars their entire personality I said what I said.

  14. That last comment about what if the negative male and female traits came together, made me think of the Tower of Babel. Unity to achieve something so pointless and impossible under the guise of reaching for enlightenment “innate truth”. Where language is again being used to connect delusional people. Severing their ties would be the solution. But what would “confusing tongues” look like now

  15. The brain and all the organism of the child lives in a both female and male horomone soup. The results are even notable in pets. A male in a pack changes everything and makes females less anxious.

  16. Lots of great information here. I would disagree with the statement that your child is born with self-esteem, your child is born with a fallen nature that is selfish at the core. The fact that they seek boundaries is because they and all of us humans, need to fight that fallen nature and seek Spiritual renewal through repentance and following Jesus Christ. A miracle happens in your heart and Spirit when you do this as you are reconciled to your true Father.

    Stop reading parenting books, most of it nowadays are absolute rubbish that will hurt your family rather than help. Read the Words of God, King James preferred and if you're not sure you understand, go and read the original Greek or Hebrew, Pray and ask God to give you knowledge and understanding and surround yourself with people who seek the Truth daily!

  17. "Thinking and acting are what mature people replace feeling with!" I need to put this on a tshirt and post it on social media for all the groups in the world who only "feel" and don't think before opening their mouths.

  18. A child needs 2 parents because a mother will have a natural predisposition to be overly loving to the child and the father will have a natural predisposition to be overly rules based towards the child. The child needs both aspects to work simultaneously. We see the consequence of not having this in the crisis of single mother parenting. Kids who turn out to be uncontrollable criminals, gang members, and abusers.

  19. I can detail what creates the "positive reinforcement merely by saying positive words merely produces narcissists" effect:
    If you tell someone that they're great but that doesn't work out in real life, the logical conclusion is that you're a liar. That, again, creates children who trust nobody, as they've not shown themselves to be, and who try to make it through life on their own. That's not a simple task when we live in such a complex world, so further bitterness is added on top.
    There's an old saying about trying to lift yourself up by your bootstrap, commenting how impossible it is to take hold of the loops at the back of your boots and lifting yourself up in the air by help of that, and it's a comment on how difficult it is to make a career entirely on your own. Your really need to stand on the shoulders of giants in order to get anywhere high.

  20. 1:18:50 I have, and will continue to maintain that bad parenting can make people exhibit the characteristics of say, ADHD, or autism, or transgenderism. This isn't to say these conditions don't exist, only that I could make a kid appear as though they had a condition through my action or inaction. I've had kids as young as kindergarten express to me that they are unable to control themselves because of their condition. That immediately resolves them of any responsibility. What kind of monsters do that to a child?

  21. Fantastic conversation. I agree 100% that the negative side of both men and women has taken control of the power and we are in deep trouble because of it.

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