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The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence | Bettina Arndt

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In this clip, John and Bettina Arndt discuss the data that suggests women contribute significantly to family voilence, neglect of …


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25 thoughts on “The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence | Bettina Arndt”

  1. I believe that there has been a consistent effort on the part of feminists to demonize men. I'm sort of of okay with that actually.  

    In my marriage, my wife would hit me when she lost her temper. I didn't hit back. She didn't have the physical strength to hit me hard enough to hurt me so I never felt the need to defend myself. I also know that if the police come to a domestic violence situation they're always going to blame the man. You can't blame them. Normally, there may be exceptions, the man is far more likely to injure the woman than the woman is to injure the man.

  2. There is no way this is a popular opinion. I happen to have been assaulted by a girlfriend years ago; she slapped me across the face during an argument (more than once). I didn't hit her back because I did not want to escalate the fight or harm her, but I remember thinking that it really says something about a person who resorts to violence like that. I won't say she had no right to be angry with me, but I will say her assault was disproportionate to the situation: she was in no physical danger, she simply disagreed with my point of view (strongly).

    I'm willing to bet if I went public with this assault, I would have received comments like "you probably deserved it" and not "how dare someone slap you". The people I did confide in were supportive and understanding and IMO correctly condemned the slaps for what they were – acts of domestic violence. I hope I'm the last person she ever hit.

  3. It's interesting to look behind the curtain. No one likes domestic violence, but if there's money behind the movement, then it almost betrays the movement. We shouldn't be creating an empire behind false notions of domestic violence. If it's important to us as a society to do something about it, why not address root causes (like conflict resolution) instead of creating jobs around it that do not necessarily help solve the issue?

  4. I am not a violent man. I have never been in a fight. I have never hit anyone. Two of my previous girlfriends / cohabitants have hit me in the face and not at all felt ashamed for doing so — "it was my fault". My gender / sexuality is toxic, I'm repeatedly told. I, that want to protect women and children? OK. You are on your own now. Good luck.

  5. You don't need a Uni degree to see the abuse across Australia..
    And the Voice is not going to do anything in the community's

  6. I've seen my mother and both grandmothers constantly verbally assault their husbands. Each them also escalated this to throwing things and physically hitting their husbands. The men just took it in stride and rarely ever even raised their voices. Stoic to the end.

  7. Bettina really hits the nail on the head here, revealing the corrupt sewer that is the domestic violence industry. This sector is choc full of well dressed low level grifters who pay themselves six figure salaries for attending a few lunches a year 'raising awareness' and pushing false and bigoted narratives.

    The men of this nation should be in absolute outrage at they way they are portrayed and vilified by these weasels.

  8. My brother is married to a psycho bully wife , who for 20 years has berated him , hit him , locked him out of the house , made him sleep on garage floors , swore repeatedly at him ,most of it in front of their kids . And she walks free and unrepentant courtesy of a system that allows her this behaviour , while stripping a man of EVERYTHING for the same actions .

  9. What makes it worse is that the Duluth model for domestic violence which automatically assumes the male as the perpetrator is used by all of our first responder and family law agencies. Guilty unless proven innocent. I know many families that have been destroyed by this.

  10. At last. As a male “recipient” of physical violence from a female partner, it’s about time this problem was made public. Bettina is an absolute CHAMP! Please keep speaking the truth. 👍👍

  11. Any woman I’ve ever been with has been told that if they dream of laying a finger on me it will be the last thing I do, I open admit to anyone. Man or woman you will get hurt if you think you can take me on 😁

  12. I know a man who was abused by the mother of his child for several years. When he died she ended up in control of all his extensive estate. He would turn in his grave.

  13. The ways DV policy is enacted in most countries creates misogynistic attitudes so the causality is in the opposite direction to what the feminists would have you believe.

  14. I had good parents. I had no idea people could be truly evil. in my mid 30's my eyes were partially opened by a handful of cases that I reluctantly handled. I found them sickening. I wonder now looking back, if our world is clearly even more evil now than it was in the 80's due to the gradual diminishment of faith and worship.

  15. im currently undertaking a 20 week mens behaviour change course for sending 15 texts to someone who i thought was a friend. the course is being taught by two women who believe firmly in the gender pay gap oppression, discrimination, male privilege patriarchy etc. its a disgrace. the courts told me to get my headchecked and get a psch assessment. ive never been so offended in my life and i had more confidence in our justice system, vic

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