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The History Of 100 Years Of Women’s Health Care At Planned Parenthood | NowThis

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The History Of 100 Years Of Women’s Health Care At Planned Parenthood – This is the little-known history behind America’s most …


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25 thoughts on “The History Of 100 Years Of Women’s Health Care At Planned Parenthood | NowThis”

  1. Planned parenthood is pure evil genius, you know how rare it is to get a tender aged fetus to do experiments on and these minorities are giving them away for free. I wonder if they record every act they do to them lol

  2. I'm sorry, but WHAT did these women "sacrifice"? Besides sacrificing their children and disrupting/damaging the normal, natural function of what their bodies do, what did they really accomplish? No really, what did they do? What did they give to the world?
    This story is another evil chapter in the book of human history.

  3. I love how they praise a piece of garbage that wanted Americans to get a license before having children. Her plan would only allow one child. A eugenics fanatic and a depopulationist to boot and yet they make her out to be a hero to push infanticide. Don’t forget her views on “racial hygiene”

  4. It's good to see you're holding a racist up as if they are a hero. Just ignore how she started planned Parenthood to Target blacks and other minorities to make sure they did not grow.

  5. The amount of whitewashing history in this… Margert was a racist, the real kind of racist not the version that's supposedly exists everywhere you look in 2021. And to my absolute disgust but her credit I suppose, Planed Parenthood has done exactly what she set it out to do, and it's a horror show for anyone that understands the purpose. In fact, it's almost as if the Left in general from it's history of tangible racism like clansman and democratic senator Robert Byrd has just continued to morph it's message to point the finger of projection at the right throughout it's years.

  6. planned parenthood was started by Margaret Sanger. She was a eugenicist with demented quotes like all our problems are the result of over breeding in the working class. Adolf Hitler was even quoted admiring Margaret Sanger for her eugenics work. Let's also not forget she targeted specific neighborhoods in minority areas to encourage sterilization in population reduction.It's time to wake up🐑🐑

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